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2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
// functions here. load from storage happens later down the line
var _sc_nonfsAutoar = function() {
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
if( _sc_SITES[hostname] === undefined)
return _sc_SITES["DEFAULT"].autoAr.nonfs;
return _sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.nonfs;
var _sc_getPlayerTag = function(){
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
if( _sc_SITES[hostname] === undefined)
return undefined;
if( _sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.playerIdentificationType === undefined)
return undefined;
if( _sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.playerIdentificationType == "id")
return document.getElementById(_sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.playerIdentificationString);
if( _sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.playerIdentificationType == "className")
return document.getElementsByClassName(_sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.playerIdentificationString)[0];
return undefined;
// popravi vse, kar je narobe z ne-celozaslonskim predvajalnikom (če je funkcija definirana)
// fix everything that's wrong with the non-fs player, if the function is defined
var _sc_prepareNonfsPlayer = function(){
var hostname = window.location.hostname;
if( _sc_SITES[hostname] === undefined)
if( _sc_SITES[hostname].autoAr.nonfsPlayerMod === undefined )
// Privzete nastavitve. Kasneje jih zamenjamo s tistimi v localStorage (če obstajajo)
// this is the default config. We replace it with the ones in localStorage (if they exist)
/* Konfiguracija za posamezno stran:
* Config for a given page
* <location.hostname>: {
* enabled: bool, // ali to stran omogočimo? Legacy, se bo odstranilo | do we do stuff on this page?
* type: string,
* autoAr: { // konfiguracija za samodejno zaznavanje razmerja stranic | conf for aspect ratio autodetection
* active: bool // aktivno zaznavanje — zaznavamo letterbox na sliki | active detection: scan the image
* passive: bool // pasivno zaznavanje — za ar vprašamo imdb in ostale | passive detection: query imdb for aspect ratio
* nonfs: bool // zaznavanje razmerja stranic izven celozaslonskega načina | detect ar if not in fullscreen?
* playerIdentificationString: string
* playerIdentificationType: string // "className" | "id"
* nonfsExtra: function // non-fs hacks are generally site-specific, which means we need to write site-specific code
* }
* }
var _sc_SITES = {
enabled: true,
type: "nonofficial",
autoAr: {
active: true,
passive: false,
nonfs: false
"www.youtube.com" : {
enabled: true,
type: "official",
autoAr: {
active: true,
passive: false,
nonfs: false,
"vimeo.com" : {
enabled: true,
type: "official",
autoAr: {
active: true,
passive: false,
nonfs: true,
playerIdentificationString: "player_area-wrapper js-player_area-wrapper",
playerIdentificationType: "className",
nonfsPlayerMod: function(){
// hack player to take all the width
$("head").append('<style type="text/css">.uw_forceFullWidth {width: 100% !important} .uw_forceCenter{text-align: center;}</style>');
var e = document.getElementsByClassName("player_outro_area")[0];
e = document.getElementsByClassName("player_container")[0];
$("video")[0].style.display = "inline-block";
var UW_SITES = {
youtube: {
enabled: true,
type: "official",
urlRules: ["youtu"],
player: {
name: "movie_player",
isClass: false,
iframe: {
name: "player",
isClass: false
ui: {
uiMode: "native",
uiconf: {
sampleButton: {
class: "ytp-button ytp-settings-button",
index: 0,
buttonSizeBase: "x",
uiParent: {
name: "ytp-right-controls",
isClass: true,
insertStrat: "prepend",
uiOffset: {
offsetBy: "10vh",
offsetType: "css"
enabled: false
netflix: {
enabled: true,
type: "official",
urlRules: ["netflix"],
player: {
name: "placeholder",
isClass: true,
ui: {
uiMode: "native",
uiconf: {
sampleButton: {
class: "ytp-button ytp-settings-button",
index: 0,
buttonSizeBase: "x",
uiParent: {
name: "player-controls-wrapper",
isClass: true,
insertStrat: "append"
uiOffset: {
offsetBy: "0px",
offsetType: "css"
enabled: true,
title: "player-status-main-title",
isClass: true
dummy: {
type: "add new site",
urlRules: [""],
player: {
name: "",
isClass: false,
sampleButton: {
class: "ytp-button ytp-settings-button",
index: 0,
buttonSizeBase: "x",
uiParent: {
name: "",
isClass: false,
insertStrat: "prepend",
enabled: false
var SitesConf = {
nonfsArDetectEnabled: _sc_nonfsAutoar,
getPlayerTag: _sc_getPlayerTag,
prepareNonfsPlayer: _sc_prepareNonfsPlayer