
190 lines
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class PlayerPickerHelper {
constructor (settings, callbacks) {
this.settings = settings;
this.videos = document.selectElementsByTagName('video');
this.selectedParentIndex = this.findPlayerForVideos(settings, this.videos)[0];
this.savedCss = [];
* Internal functions
saveBorder(element) {
if (this.savedCss.findIndex(x => x.element === element) !== -1) {
this.savedCss.push({element: element, border: element.style.border});
restoreBorders() {
for (const e of this.savedCss) {
e.element.style.border = e.border;
findPlayerForVideos(settings, videos) {
const playerIndexes = [];
for (const v of videos) {
playerIndexes.push(this.findPlayerForVideo(settings, v));
return playerIndexes;
findPlayerForVideo(settings, video) {
const host = window.location.hostname;
let element = video.parentNode;
if (this.settings.active.sites[host]
&& this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM
&& this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player
&& this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.manual) {
if (this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.useRelativeAncestor
&& this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.videoAncestor) {
return this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.videoAncestor;
} else if (this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.querySelectors) {
const allSelectors = document.querySelectorAll(this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.querySelectors);
let elementIndex = 1;
while (element && !this.collectionHas(allSelectors, element)) {
element = element.parentNode;
return elementIndex;
let elementIndex = 0;
var trustCandidateAfterGrows = 2; // if candidate_width or candidate_height increases in either dimensions this many
// times, we say we found our player. (This number ignores weird elements)
// in case our <video> is bigger than player in one dimension but smaller in the other
// if site is coded properly, player can't be wider than that
var candidate_width = Math.max(element.offsetWidth, window.innerWidth);
var candidate_height = Math.max(element.offsetHeight, window.innerHeight);
var playerCandidateNode = element;
// if we haven't found element using fancy methods, we resort to the good old fashioned way
var grows = trustCandidateAfterGrows;
while(element != undefined){
// odstranimo čudne elemente, ti bi pokvarili zadeve
// remove weird elements, those would break our stuff
if ( element.offsetWidth == 0 || element.offsetHeight == 0){
element = element.parentNode;
if ( element.offsetHeight <= candidate_height &&
element.offsetWidth <= candidate_width ){
// if we're in fullscreen, we only consider elements that are exactly as big as the monitor.
if( ! isFullScreen ||
(element.offsetWidth == window.innerWidth && element.offsetHeight == window.innerHeight) ){
playerCandidateNode = element;
candidate_width = element.offsetWidth;
candidate_height = element.offsetHeight;
grows = trustCandidateAfterGrows;
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "Found new candidate for player. Dimensions: w:", candidate_width, "h:",candidate_height, "node:", playerCandidateNode);
else if(grows --<= 0){
this.logger.log('info', 'playerDetect', "Current element grew in comparrison to the child. We probably found the player. breaking loop, returning current result");
element = element.parentNode;
return elementIndex;
markVideos() {
for (const v of this.videos) {
markVideo(video) {
video.style.border = "1px solid #00f";
for (const v of this.videos) {
this.markIndex(index, v);
markIndex(index, video) {
el = video.parentNode;
while (index --> 1) {
el = el.parentNode;
el.style.border = "1px solid #88f";
markInitialQuerySelectors() {
try {
if (this.settings.active.sites[host].DOM.player.querySelectors.trim()) {
} catch (e) {
// nothing to see here. something in that if spaghett is undefined, which causes
// everything to fail. Since this means we've got zero query string matches to mark,
// we just ignore the failure
markQuerySelectorMatches(qsString) {
const allSelectors = document.querySelectorAll(qsString);
for (e of allSelectors) {
e.style.border = "1px dashed fd2";
markQsPlayerDetection(qsString, index, video) {
let element = video.parentNode;
let elementIndex = 1;
const allSelectors = document.querySelectorAll(qsString);
while (element && !this.collectionHas(allSelectors, element)) {
element = element.parentNode;
if (elementIndex > index) {
element.style.border = "2px solid #f00"
} else if (elementIndex === index) {
element.style.border = "2px solid #027a5c"
* Function that actually interface with playerpicker and do stuff
setQuerySelectors(querySelectorString) {
export default PlayerPickerHelper