If you own an ultrawide monitor, you have probably noticed that sometimes videos aren't encoded properly — they feature black bars on all four sides. This could happen because someone was incompetent (note: as far as youtube is concerned, improperly rendered videos might be due to youtube's implementation of certain new features). The extension kinda fixes that by doing this:
Works (tested!) on Youtube and Netflix, but you can try your luck with other sites as well. Available for [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/ultrawidify/) and [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ultrawidify/dndehlekllfkaijdlokmmicgnlanfjbi). Should support theater mode on youtube, iframes only supported on fullscreen.
Working on this extension takes time, coffee and motivation. If you want to buy me a beer or something, you can [use this link to send me motivation](https://www.paypal.me/tamius). **Any donations are well appreciated.**
The technology has been here for a while, but plenty of people don't know how to properly encode a video (despite the fact [youtube has an article that explains aspect ratios](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6375112)). Plenty of people surprisingly includes major Holywood studios, such as [Marvel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1Y3P9D0Bc), [Disney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCOPJi0Urq4), [Dreamworks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKiYuIsPxYk), [Warner Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYZ3U1inHA4), [Sony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BWWWQzTpNU), et cetera. You'd think that this is the one thing Holywood studios and people who make [music videos for a living](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Mx2mxpaCY) would know how to do right, but they don't. This extension is here to fix that.
Aspect ratio autodetection is achieved by performing some black magic every 30-something milliseconds. This currently can't be turned off by default. If this extension makes video sites lag too much, open an issue and include your hardware and OS — **this is important for me to know in order to better optimize autodetection.**.
Manually triggering aspect ratio change will suspend automatic aspect ratio detection for until the page is refreshed, although it'll maybe unsuspend itself when video is changed. I don't know for certain.
* Netflix autodetection not working in Chrome, wontfix as issue is fundamentally unfixable. (Although a different kind of workaround could probably be put in place, but don't count on it)
~~1. Handle porting of extension settings between versions. (Some people had some issues where extension broke until reinstalled, and corrupted settings seemed to be the problem.)~~ seems to work for me?
4. figure the best way to do GUI (injecting buttons into the player bar is not a good way. Been there, done that, each site has its own way and some appear to be impossible). Might get bumped to be released alongside #2
5. Stretch mode, because some people are very salty and toxic about the fact that this extension is here to solve a problem that's different than the one they want. More salty than me rn.