
440 lines
14 KiB
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console.log("Loading: Resizer.js");
// restore watchdog. While true, _res_applyCss() tries to re-apply new css until this value becomes false again
// value becomes false when width and height of <video> tag match with what we want to set. Only necessary when
// calling _res_restore() for some weird reason.
var _res_restore_wd = false;
var _res_manual_autoar = function(siteProps){
if(! siteProps.autoar_imdb.enabled)
var ntitle = document.querySelector("."+ siteProps.autoar_imdb.title); // NOTE: needs to be tested
var ntitle = document.querySelector("#"+ siteProps.autoar_imdb.title); // NOTE: needs to be tested
//querySelector lahko vrne null, zato moramo preveriti, kaj smo dobili — drugače se .textContent pritožuje.
//querySelector can return null, in which case .textContent will complain.
var title = ntitle.textContent;
char_got_ar = false;
last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do:"autoar"};
var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
type: "gibAspectRatio",
title: title
// sending.then( function(){}, function(err1, err2){console.log("uw::periodic: there was an error while sending a message", err1, err2)} );
var _res_char = function(newAr, video, player){
// Kot vhodni argument dobimo razmerje stranic. Problem je, ker pri nekaterih ločljivostih lahko razmerje stranic
// videa/našega zaslona minimalno odstopa od idealnega razmerja — npr 2560x1080 ni natanko 21:9, 1920x1080 ni
// natanko 16:9. Zato ob podanem razmerju stranic izračunamo dejansko razmerje stranic.
// The aspect ratio we get as an argument is an ideal aspect ratio. Some (most) resolutions' aspect ratios differ
// from that ideal aspect ratio (by a minimal amount) — e.g. 2560x1080 isn't exactly 21:9, 1920x1080 isn't exactly
// 16:9. What is more, both 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 are considered "21:9", but their aspect ratios are slightly
// different. This has the potential to result in annoying black bars, so we correct the aspect ratio we're given
// to something that's slightly more correct.
var ar;
var res_219 = [ [2560,1080], [3440,1440] ];
var res_169 = [ [1920,1080], [1280,720], [1366,768] ];
if(newAr == (21/9)){
for (var i = 0; i < res_219.length; i++){
if( player.height == res_219[i][1]){
ar = res_219[i][0]/res_219[i][1];
set_video_ar( ar, video, player);
else if(new_ar == (16/9)){
for (var i = 0; i < res_169.length; i++){
if( player.height == res_169[i][1]){
ar = res_169[i][0]/res_169[i][1];
setVideoAr( ar, video, player);
_res_setVideoAr(new_ar, video, player);
/* Tukaj povemo, kakšno razmerje stranic ima video.
/ Kaj to pomeni:
// Mi rečemo, da ima video razmerje stranic 16:9. Dejanski video
// ima razmerje 4:3. To pomeni, da ima video zgoraj in spodaj črno
// obrobo, ki je nočemo, zato video povečamo toliko, da se ta obroba odreže.
// With this function, we specify the aspect ratio of the video.
// What does this mean?
// If we specify that the aspect ratio of a video is 16:9 when video is
// actually 4:3, that means the video has black bars above and below.
// We zoom the video just enough for the black lines to disappear.
// WE DO NOT ADD ANY BLACK BORDERS. If we get to a scenario when we'd have to add
// black borders, we do nothing instead.
var setVideoAr = function(aspect_ratio, video, player){
var video_ar = video.width / video.height;
var display_ar = player.width / player.height;
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | aspect ratio: " + aspect_ratio + "; video_ar: " + video_ar + "; display_ar: " + display_ar);
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | player dimensions: " + player.width + "x" + player.height + "; video dimensions: " + video.width + "x" + video.height);
if( aspect_ratio*1.1 > video_ar && video_ar > aspect_ratio*0.9 ){
// Ta hack nas reši problema, ki ga predstavlja spodnji if stavek — če se legit 21:9 videu na 16:9 monitorju
// obreže na 16:9, potem ga s klicem te funkcije ne moremo spremeniti nazaj na 21:9. Vendar pa bi za tak primer
// radi imeli izjemo.
// This hack solves the problem that the bottom if statement presents. If we crop a 21:9 video on a 16:9 monitor,
// we can't change it back to 21:9 in this function, even though we kinda want that to happen — so we add an
// exception.
if( debugmsg)
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | ar matches our display ar. resetting");
resetCSS(video, player);
// Širina, višina, top, left za nov video
// Width, height, top and left for the new video
var nv = { "w":0, "h":0, "top":0, "left":0 };
* // Video hočemo pretvoriti v video z drugačnim razmerjem stranic.
* // To storimo tako, da širino videa nastavimo relativno na višino prikazovalnika, torej:
* //
* // širina = višina_prikazovalnika * razmerje_stranic
* // višina = širina / video_ar
* //
* //
* //
* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* //
* // In this case, the video is narrower than we want (think 4:3, which we want to make into 16:9)
* // We achieve this by setting video width relative to the display width, so:
* //
* // width = display_height * aspect_ratio
* // height = width / video_ar
* //
if( video_ar <= aspect_ratio ){
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is taller than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio );
nv.w = player.height * aspect_ratio;
nv.h = nv.w / video_ar;
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is wider than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio );
nv.h = player.width / aspect_ratio;
nv.w = nv.h * video_ar;
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
if(nv.w > (player.width * 1.1) && nv.h > (player.height * 1.1))
var _res_reset = function(force){
dimensions = {top: "", left: "", width: "100%", height: "100%"};
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
GlobalVars.video.css({"position": "relative", "width": dimensions.width,"height": dimensions.height,"top": dimensions.top, "left": dimensions.left});
console.log("[Resizer::_res_reset] css applied. Dimensions/pos: w:",dimensions.width,"; h:",dimensions.height,"; top:",dimensions.top,"; left:",dimensions.left);
// if(force)
// this._currentAr = -1;
// Skrbi za "stare" možnosti, kot na primer "na širino zaslona", "na višino zaslona" in "ponastavi". Približevanje opuščeno.
// handles "legacy" options, such as 'fit to widht', 'fit to height' and 'reset'. No zoom tho
var _res_legacyAr = function(action){
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
var vid = GlobalVars.video;
var ar = screen.width / screen.height;
var fileAr = vid.videoWidth / vid.videoHeight;
if(action == "fitw"){
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
_res_setAr( ar > fileAr ? ar : fileAr);
if(action == "fith"){
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
_res_setAr( ar < fileAr ? ar : fileAr);
if(action == "reset"){
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
if(action == "autoar"){
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
var _res_setAr = function(ar, playerDimensions){
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setAr] trying to set ar. args are: ar->",ar,"; playerDimensions->",playerDimensions);
this._currentAr = ar;
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
var vid = GlobalVars.video;
// Dejansko razmerje stranic datoteke/<video> značke
// Actual aspect ratio of the file/<video> tag
var fileAr = vid.videoWidth / vid.videoHeight;
if(ar == "default")
ar = fileAr;
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setAr] ar is " ,ar, ", playerDimensions are ", playerDimensions);
var videoDimensions = {
width: 0,
height: 0
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
if(playerDimensions === undefined){
playerDimensions = PlayerDetect.getPlayerDimensions(vid);
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setAr] playerDimensions are undefined, trying to determine new ones ... new dimensions:",playerDimensions);
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setAr] Player dimensions?",playerDimensions);
if( fileAr < ar ){
// imamo letterbox zgoraj in spodaj -> spremenimo velikost videa (ampak nikoli na več, kot je širina zaslona)
// letterbox -> change video size (but never to wider than monitor width)
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
videoDimensions.width = Math.min(playerDimensions.height * ar, playerDimensions.width);
videoDimensions.height = videoDimensions.width * (1/fileAr);
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
videoDimensions.height = Math.min(playerDimensions.width * (1/ar), playerDimensions.height);
videoDimensions.width = videoDimensions.height * fileAr;
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setArFs] Video dimensions: ",videoDimensions, "playerDimensions:",playerDimensions);
var cssValues = _res_computeOffsets(videoDimensions, playerDimensions);
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setArFs] Offsets for css are: ",cssValues);
var _res_computeOffsets = function(vidDim, playerDim){
console.log("[Resizer::_res_computeOffsets] video will be aligned to ", Settings.miscFullscreenSettings.videoFloat);
var offsets = {
width: vidDim.width,
height: vidDim.height,
left: 0,
top: ((playerDim.height - vidDim.height) / 2)
if( Settings.miscFullscreenSettings.videoFloat == "center" ){
offsets.left = (playerDim.width - vidDim.width ) / 2;
else if( Settings.miscFullscreenSettings.videoFloat == "right" ){
offsets.left = (playerDim.width - vidDim.width);
return offsets;
var _res_align = function(float){
if(! float)
float = Settings.miscFullscreenSettings.videoFloat;
var dimensions = {left: 0};
if(float == "left"){
if(float == "center"){
// dimensions.left =
// _res_applyCss(
var _res_setStyleString_maxRetries = 3;
var _res_setStyleString = function(vid, styleString, count){
vid.setAttribute("style", styleString);
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
var vid2 = GlobalVars.video;
styleString.indexOf("width: " + vid2.style.width) == -1 ||
styleString.indexOf("height: " + vid2.style.height) == -1) {
// css ni nastavljen?
// css not set?
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setStyleString] Style string not set ???");
if(count++ < _res_setStyleString_maxRetries){
setTimeout( _res_setStyleString, 200, count);
else if(Debug.debug){
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setStyleString] we give up. css string won't be set");
_res_restore_wd = false;
console.log("[Resizer::_res_setStyleString] css applied. Style string:", styleString);
function _res_applyCss(dimensions){
console.log("[Resizer::_res_applyCss] Starting to apply css. this is what we're getting in:", dimensions);
if(dimensions.top !== undefined)
dimensions.top = "top: " + Math.round(dimensions.top) + "px !important";
if(dimensions.left !== undefined)
dimensions.left = "left: " + Math.round(dimensions.left) + "px !important";
if(dimensions.width !== undefined)
dimensions.width = "width: " + Math.round(dimensions.width) + "px !important";
if(dimensions.height !== undefined)
dimensions.height = "height: " + Math.round(dimensions.height) + "px !important";
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
// misc.
dimensions.position = "position: absolute !important";
2018-01-12 22:53:07 +01:00
dimensions.margin = "margin: 0px !important";
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
var vid = GlobalVars.video;
console.log("[Resizer::_res_applyCss] trying to apply css. Css strings: ", dimensions, "video tag: ", vid);
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
var styleArrayStr = vid.getAttribute('style');
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
if (styleArrayStr !== null && styleArrayStr !== undefined){
var styleArray = styleArrayStr.split(";");
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
for(var i in styleArray){
styleArray[i] = styleArray[i].trim();
if (styleArray[i].startsWith("top:")){
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
styleArray[i] = dimensions.top;
delete dimensions.top;
else if(styleArray[i].startsWith("left:")){
styleArray[i] = dimensions.left;
delete dimensions.left;
else if(styleArray[i].startsWith("width:")){
styleArray[i] = dimensions.width;
delete dimensions.width;
else if(styleArray[i].startsWith("height:")){
styleArray[i] = dimensions.height;
delete dimensions.height;
else if(styleArray[i].startsWith("position:")){
styleArray[i] = dimensions.position;
2018-01-20 22:59:31 +01:00
delete dimensions.position;
else if(styleArray[i].startsWith("margin:")){
styleArray[i] = dimensions.margin;
delete dimensions.margin;
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
2017-12-02 21:09:08 +01:00
var styleArray = [];
// add remaining elements
for(var key in dimensions)
styleArray.push( dimensions[key] );
// build style string back
var styleString = "";
for(var i in styleArray)
if(styleArray[i] !== undefined && styleArray[i] !== "")
styleString += styleArray[i] + "; ";
_res_setStyleString(vid, styleString);
var _res_restore = function(){
console.log("[Resizer::_res_restore] attempting to restore aspect ratio. this & settings:", {'this': this, "settings": Settings} );
// this is true until we verify that css has actually been applied
_res_restore_wd = true;
if(this._currentAr > 0)
// else
// _res_setAr_kbd("default");
var Resizer = {
_currentAr: -1,
align: _res_align,
setAr: _res_setAr,
legacyAr: _res_legacyAr,
reset: _res_reset,
restore: _res_restore