
1064 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

class ArDetector {
this.videoData = videoData;
this.video = videoData.video;
this.setupTimer = null;
this.timer = null;
// todo: dynamically detect the following two
this.canFallback = true;
this.fallbackMode = false;
this.guardLine = new GuardLine(this);
this.edgeDetector = new EdgeDetect(this);
this.debugCanvas = new DebugCanvas(this);
setup(ExtensionConf.arDetect.hSamples, ExtensionConf.arDetect.vSamples);
setup(cwidth, cheight){
2018-05-09 00:03:22 +02:00
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_setup] Starting automatic aspect ratio detection", _ard_console_start);
this._halted = false;
2018-05-09 00:03:22 +02:00
this.detectionTimeoutEventCount = 0;
// vstavimo začetne stolpce v _ard_sampleCols.
// let's insert initial columns to _ard_sampleCols
this.sampleCols = [];
var samplingIntervalPx = parseInt(cheight / ExtensionConf.arDetect.samplingInterval)
for(var i = 1; i < ExtensionConf.arDetect.samplingInterval; i++){
_ard_sampleCols.push(i * samplingIntervalPx);
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_setup] existing canvas found. REMOVING KEBAB removing kebab\n\n\n\n(im hungry and you're not authorized to have it)");
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_setup] canvas removed");
// imamo video, pa tudi problem. Ta problem bo verjetno kmalu popravljen, zato setup začnemo hitreje kot prej
// we have a video, but also a problem. This problem will prolly be fixed very soon, so setup is called with
// less delay than before
if(this.video.videoWidth === 0 || this.video.videoHeight === 0 ){
if(! this.timer)
this.setupTimer = setTimeout(_arSetup, 100);
// things to note: we'll be keeping canvas in memory only.
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.canvas.width = cwidth;
this.canvas.height = cheight;
this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
// do setup once
// tho we could do it for every frame
this.canvasScaleFactor = cheight / vid.videoHeight;
// determine where to sample
var ncol = ExtensionConf.arDetect.staticSampleCols;
var nrow = ExtensionConf.arDetect.staticSampleRows;
var colSpacing = this.cwidth / ncol;
var rowSpacing = (this.cheight << 2) / nrow;
this.sampleLines = [];
this.sampleCols = [];
for(var i = 0; i < ncol; i++){
if(i < ncol - 1)
this.sampleCols.push(Math.round(colSpacing * i));
this.sampleCols.push(Math.round(colSpacing * i) - 1);
for(var i = 0; i < nrow; i++){
if(i < ncol - 5)
this.sampleLines.push(Math.round(rowSpacing * i));
this.sampleLines.push(Math.round(rowSpacing * i) - 4);
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_arSetup] something went terribly wrong when calcuating sample colums.", ExtensionConf.colors.criticalFail);
console.log("settings object:", Settings);
console.log("error:", ex);
// we're also gonna reset this
this.guardLine.top = null;
this.guardLine.bottom = null;
this._forcehalt = false;
// if we're restarting ArDetect, we need to do this in order to force-recalculate aspect ratio
videoData.setLastAr({type: "auto", ar: null});
2018-05-09 00:03:22 +02:00
this.canvasImageDataRowLength = cwidth << 2;
this.noLetterboxCanvasReset = false;
DebugCanvas.init({width: cwidth, height: cheight});
// DebugCanvas.draw("test marker","test","rect", {x:5, y:5}, {width: 5, height: 5});
this.scheduleFrameCheck(0, true);
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_stop] Stopping automatic aspect ratio detection", _ard_console_stop);
this._forcehalt = true;
this._halted = true;
scheduleFrameCheck(timeout, force_reset){
// don't allow more than 1 instance
this.timer = setTimeout(function(){
this.timer = null;
//#region helper functions (general)
// todo: place canvas on top of the video instead of random location
canvas.style.position = "absolute";
canvas.style.left = "200px";
canvas.style.top = "1200px";
canvas.style.zIndex = 10000;
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_canvasReadyForDrawWindow] (?)", "color: #44f", this.canvas.height == window.innerHeight, "(ard_height:", this.canvas.height, "| window height:", window.innerHeight, ")");
return this.canvas.height == window.innerHeight
getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime){
var execTime = (performance.now() - startTime);
if( execTime > ExtensionConf.arDetect.autoDisable.maxExecutionTime ){
console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Exec time exceeded maximum allowed execution time. This has now happened" + this.detectionTimeoutEventCount + "times in a row.");
if( this.detectionTimeoutEventCount >= ExtensionConf.arDetect.autoDisable.consecutiveTimeoutCount ){
if (Debug.debug){
console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Maximum execution time was exceeded too many times. Automatic aspect ratio detection has been disabled.");
Comms.sendToBackgroundScript({cmd: 'disable-autoar', reason: 'Automatic aspect ratio detection was taking too much time and has been automatically disabled in order to avoid lag.'});
return 999999;
} else {
this.detectionTimeoutEventCount = 0;
// return baseTimeout > ExtensionConf.arDetect.minimumTimeout ? baseTimeout : ExtensionConf.arDetect.minimumTimeout;
return baseTimeout;
processAr = function(edges){
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_processAr] processing ar. sample width:", this.canvas.width, "; sample height:", this.canvas.height, "; edge top:", edges.top);
// if we don't specify these things, they'll have some default values.
if(edges.top === undefined){
edges.top = 0;
edges.bottom = 0;
edge.left = 0;
edges.right = 0;
var letterbox = edges.top + edges.bottom;
var trueHeight = this.canvas.height - letterbox;
if(edge.top > 1 && edge.top <= ExtensionConf.arDetect.fallbackMode.noTriggerZonePx )
// varnostno območje, ki naj ostane črno (da lahko v fallback načinu odkrijemo ožanje razmerja stranic).
// x2, ker je safetyBorderPx definiran za eno stran.
// safety border so we can detect aspect ratio narrowing (21:9 -> 16:9).
// x2 because safetyBorderPx is for one side.
trueHeight += (ExtensionConf.arDetect.fallbackMode.safetyBorderPx << 1);
var trueAr = width / trueHeight;
this.detectedAr = trueAr;
// poglejmo, če se je razmerje stranic spremenilo
// check if aspect ratio is changed:
var lastAr = this.videoData.getLastAr();
if( lastAr.type == "auto" && lastAr.ar != null){
// spremembo lahko zavrnemo samo, če uporabljamo avtomatski način delovanja in če smo razmerje stranic
// že nastavili.
// we can only deny aspect ratio changes if we use automatic mode and if aspect ratio was set from here.
var arDiff = trueAr - lastAr.ar;
if (arDiff < 0)
arDiff = -arDiff;
var arDiff_percent = arDiff / trueAr;
// ali je sprememba v mejah dovoljenega? Če da -> fertik
// is ar variance within acceptable levels? If yes -> we done
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect)
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_processAr] new aspect ratio varies from the old one by this much:\n","color: #aaf","old Ar", lastAr.ar, "current ar", trueAr, "arDiff (absolute):",arDiff,"ar diff (relative to new ar)", arDiff_percent);
if (arDiff < trueAr * ExtensionConf.arDetect.allowedArVariance){
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect)
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_processAr] aspect ratio change denied — diff %:", "background: #740; color: #fa2", arDiff_percent)
else if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_processAr] aspect ratio change accepted — diff %:", "background: #153; color: #4f9", arDiff_percent)
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_processAr] attempting to fix aspect ratio. New aspect ratio: ", trueAr);
// POMEMBNO: GlobalVars.lastAr je potrebno nastaviti šele po tem, ko kličemo _res_setAr(). _res_setAr() predvideva,
// da želimo nastaviti statično (type: 'static') razmerje stranic — tudi, če funkcijo kličemo tu oz. v ArDetect.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: GlobalVars.lastAr needs to be set after _res_setAr() is called, as _res_setAr() assumes we're
// setting a static aspect ratio (even if the function is called from here or ArDetect).
this.videoData.resizer.setAr(trueAr, {type: "auto", ar: trueAr});
if(! this.video){
if(Debug.debug || Debug.warnings_critical)
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] Video went missing. Stopping current instance of automatic detection.")
var fallbackMode = false;
var startTime = performance.now();
var baseTimeout = ExtensionConf.arDetect.timer_playing;
var triggerTimeout;
var guardLineResult = true; // true if success, false if fail. true by default
var imageDetectResult = false; // true if we detect image along the way. false by default
// todo - can be done faster, probably. Use array.splice (i think)
var sampleCols = [];
for(var i in this.sampleCols){
sampleCols[i] = this.sampleCols[i];
var how_far_treshold = 8; // how much can the edge pixel vary (*4)
if(this.video == null || this.video.ended ){
// we slow down if ended or null. Detecting is pointless.
return false;
// če je video pavziran, še vedno skušamo zaznati razmerje stranic - ampak bolj poredko.
// if the video is paused, we still do autodetection. We just do it less often.
baseTimeout = ExtensionConf.arDetect.timer_paused;
this.context.drawImage(this.video, 0,0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] can't draw image on canvas. Trying canvas.drawWindow instead", "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", ex);
if(! ExtensionConf.arDetect.fallbackMode.enabled)
throw "fallbackMode is disabled.";
this.canvas.context.drawWindow(window, this.canvasDrawWindowHOffset, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, "rgba(0,0,0,0)");
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] canvas.drawImage seems to have worked", "color:#000; backgroud:#2f5;");
this.fallbackMode = true;
// canvas needs to be resized, so let's change setup
var newCanvasWidth = window.innerHeight * (GlobalVars.video.videoWidth / GlobalVars.video.videoHeight);
var newCanvasHeight = window.innerHeight;
if(ExtensionConf.miscFullscreenSettings.videoFloat == "center")
this.canvasDrawWindowHOffset = Math.round((window.innerWidth - newCanvasWidth) * 0.5);
else if(ExtensionConf.miscFullscreenSettings.videFloat == "left")
this.canvasDrawWindowHOffset = 0;
this.canvasDrawWindowHOffset = window.innerWidth - newCanvasWidth;
this.setup(newCanvasWidth, newCanvasHeight);
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] okay this didnt work either", "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", ex);
this.scheduleFrameCheck( ExtensionConf.arDetect.timer_error );
if (! this.blackLevel) {
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] black level undefined, resetting");
// we get the entire frame so there's less references for garbage collection to catch
var image = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height).data;
//#region black level detection
// fast test to see if aspect ratio is correct. If we detect anything darker than blackLevel, we modify
// blackLevel to the new lowest value
var isLetter=true;
var currentMaxVal = 0;
var currentMax_a;
var currentMinVal = 48; // not 255 cos safety, even this is prolly too high
var currentMin_a;
var rowOffset = 0;
var colOffset_r, colOffset_g, colOffset_b;
// detect black level. if currentMax and currentMin vary too much, we automatically know that
// black level is bogus and that we aren't letterboxed. We still save the darkest value as black level,
// though — as black bars will never be brighter than that.
for(var i = 0; i < sampleCols.length; ++i){
colOffset_r = sampleCols[i] << 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset_r + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset_r + 2;
currentMax_a = image[colOffset_r] > image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMax_a = currentMax_a > image[colOffset_b] ? currentMax_a : image[colOffset_b];
currentMaxVal = currentMaxVal > currentMax_a ? currentMaxVal : currentMax_a;
currentMin_a = image[colOffset_r] < image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMin_a = currentMin_a < image[colOffset_b] ? currentMin_a : image[colOffset_b];
currentMinVal = currentMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
// we'll shift the sum. math says we can do this
rowOffset = this.canvas.width * (this.canvas.height - 1);
for(var i = 0; i < sampleCols.length; ++i){
colOffset_r = (rowOffset + sampleCols[i]) << 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset_r + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset_r + 2;
currentMax_a = image[colOffset_r] > image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMax_a = currentMax_a > image[colOffset_b] ? currentMax_a : image[colOffset_b];
currentMaxVal = currentMaxVal > currentMax_a ? currentMaxVal : currentMax_a;
currentMin_a = image[colOffset_r] < image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMin_a = currentMin_a < image[colOffset_b] ? currentMin_a : image[colOffset_b];
if(currentMinVal == undefined && currenMinVal != undefined)
currentMinVal = currentMin_a;
else if(currentMin_a != undefined)
currentMinVal = currentMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
// save black level only if defined
this.blackLevel = this.blackLevel < currentMinVal ? this.blackLevel : currentMinVal;
2017-12-31 18:26:59 +01:00
// this means we don't have letterbox
if ( currentMaxVal > (this.blackLevel + ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold) || (currentMaxVal - currentMinVal) > ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold ){
// Če ne zaznamo letterboxa, kličemo reset. Lahko, da je bilo razmerje stranic popravljeno na roke. Možno je tudi,
// da je letterbox izginil.
// If we don't detect letterbox, we reset aspect ratio to aspect ratio of the video file. The aspect ratio could
// have been corrected manually. It's also possible that letterbox (that was there before) disappeared.
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] no edge detected. canvas has no edge.", "color: #aaf");
// Pogledamo, ali smo že kdaj ponastavili CSS. Če še nismo, potem to storimo. Če smo že, potem ne.
// Ponastavimo tudi guardline (na null).
// let's chec if we ever reset CSS. If we haven't, then we do so. If we did, then we don't.
// while resetting the CSS, we also reset guardline top and bottom back to null.
if(! GlobalVars.arDetect.noLetterboxCanvasReset){
this.videoData.resizer.reset({type: "auto", ar: null});
this.guardLine.top = null;
this.guardLine.bottom = null;
this.noLetterboxCanvasReset = true;
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
this.scheduleFrameCheck(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
2017-12-31 18:26:59 +01:00
2017-12-31 18:26:59 +01:00
// Če preverjamo naprej, potem moramo postaviti to vrednost nazaj na 'false'. V nasprotnem primeru se bo
// css resetiral enkrat na video/pageload namesto vsakič, ko so za nekaj časa obrobe odstranejene
// if we look further we need to reset this value back to false. Otherwise we'll only get CSS reset once
// per video/pageload instead of every time letterbox goes away (this can happen more than once per vid)
GlobalVars.arDetect.noLetterboxCanvasReset = false;
// let's do a quick test to see if we're on a black frame
// TODO: reimplement but with less bullshit
// poglejmo, če obrežemo preveč.
// let's check if we're cropping too much (or whatever)
var guardLineOut;
guardLineOut = GuardLine.check(image, fallbackMode);
if (guardLineOut.blackbarFail) { // add new ssamples to our sample columns
for(var col of guardLineOut.offenders){
// če ni padla nobena izmed funkcij, potem se razmerje stranic ni spremenilo
// if both succeed, then aspect ratio hasn't changed.
// if we're in fallback mode and blackbar test failed, we restore CSS
if (fallbackMode && guardLineOut.blackbarFail) {
this.videoData.resizer.reset({type: "auto", ar: null});
this.arDetect.noLetterboxCanvasReset = true;
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
if (!guardLineOut.imageFail && !guardLineOut.blackbarFail) {
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
this.scheduleFrameCheck(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
// će se razmerje stranic spreminja iz ožjega na širšega, potem najprej poglejmo za prisotnostjo navpičnih črnih obrob.
// če so prisotne navpične obrobe tudi na levi in desni strani, potlej obstaja možnost, da gre za logo na črnem ozadju.
// v tem primeru obstaja nevarnost, da porežemo preveč. Ker obstaja dovolj velika možnost, da bi porezali preveč, rajši
// ne naredimo ničesar.
// če je pillarbox zaznan v primeru spremembe iz ožjega na širše razmerje stranice, razmerje povrnemo na privzeto vrednost.
// If aspect ratio changes from narrower to wider, we first check for presence of pillarbox. Presence of pillarbox indicates
// a chance of a logo on black background. We could cut easily cut too much. Because there's a somewhat significant chance
// that we will cut too much, we rather avoid doing anything at all. There's gonna be a next chance.
if(guardLineOut.blackbarFail || guardLineOut.imageFail){
if(Debug.debug && guardLineOut.blackbarFail){
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] Detected blackbar violation and pillarbox. Resetting to default aspect ratio.");
if(! guardLineResult){
this.videoData.resizer.reset({type: "auto", ar: null});
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
// pa poglejmo, kje se končajo črne letvice na vrhu in na dnu videa.
// let's see where black bars end.
GlobalVars.sampleCols_current = sampleCols.length;
// blackSamples -> {res_top, res_bottom}
var blackbarSamples = _ard_findBlackbarLimits(image, sampleCols, guardLineResult, imageDetectResult);
var edgeCandidates = _ard_edgeDetect(image, blackbarSamples);
var edgePost = _ard_edgePostprocess(edgeCandidates, this.canvas.height);
// console.log("SAMPLES:", blackbarSamples, "candidates:", edgeCandidates, "post:", edgePost,"\n\nblack level:",GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel, "tresh:", this.blackLevel + ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold);
if(edgePost.status == "ar_known"){
// zaznali smo rob — vendar pa moramo pred obdelavo še preveriti, ali ni "rob" slučajno besedilo. Če smo kot rob pofočkali
// besedilo, potem to ni veljaven rob. Razmerja stranic se zato ne bomo pipali.
// we detected an edge — but before we process it, we need to check if the "edge" isn't actually some text. If the detected
// edge is actually some text on black background, we shouldn't touch the aspect ratio. Whatever we detected is invalid.
var textEdge = false;;
if(edgePost.guardLineTop != null){
var row = edgePost.guardLineTop + ~~(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.textLineTest.testRowOffset);
textEdge |= textLineTest(image, row);
if(edgePost.guardLineTop != null){
var row = edgePost.guardLineTop - ~~(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.textLineTest.testRowOffset);
textEdge |= textLineTest(image, row);
_ard_processAr(GlobalVars.video, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, edgePost.blackbarWidth, null, fallbackMode);
// we also know edges for guardline, so set them
GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.top = edgePost.guardLineTop;
GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.bottom = edgePost.guardLineBottom;
console.log("detected text on edges, dooing nothing")
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
//#region frameCheck helper functions
//#region guard line helper functions
console.log("Loading: ArDetect");
var _ard_console_stop = "background: #000; color: #f41";
var _ard_console_start = "background: #000; color: #00c399";
var pillarTest = function(image){
// preverimo, če na sliki obstajajo navpične črne obrobe. Vrne 'true' če so zaznane (in če so približno enako debele), 'false' sicer.
// true vrne tudi, če zaznamo preveč črnine.
// <==XX(::::}----{::::)XX==>
// checks the image for presence of vertical pillars. Less accurate than 'find blackbar limits'. If we find a non-black object that's
// roughly centered, we return true. Otherwise we return false.
// we also return true if we detect too much black
var blackbarTreshold, upper, lower;
blackbarTreshold = this.blackLevel + ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
var middleRowStart = (this.canvas.height >> 1) * this.canvas.width;
var middleRowEnd = middleRowStart + this.canvas.width - 1;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
var rowStart = middleRowStart << 2;
var midpoint = (middleRowStart + (this.canvas.width >> 1)) << 2
var rowEnd = middleRowEnd << 2;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
var edge_left = -1; edge_right = -1;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// preverimo na levi strani
// let's check for edge on the left side
for(var i = rowStart; i < midpoint; i+=4){
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
edge_left = (i - rowStart) >> 2;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// preverimo na desni strani
// check on the right
for(var i = rowEnd; i > midpoint; i-= 4){
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
edge_right = this.canvas.width - ((i - rowStart) >> 2);
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// če je katerikoli -1, potem imamo preveč črnine
// we probably have too much black if either of those two is -1
if(edge_left == -1 || edge_right == -1){
return true;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// če sta oba robova v mejah merske napake, potem vrnemo 'false'
// if both edges resemble rounding error, we retunr 'false'
if(edge_left < ExtensionConf.arDetect.pillarTest.ignoreThinPillarsPx && edge_right < ExtensionConf.arDetect.pillarTest.ignoreThinPillarsPx){
return false;
var edgeError = ExtensionConf.arDetect.pillarTest.allowMisaligned;
var error_low = 1 - edgeError;
var error_hi = 1 + edgeError;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// če sta 'edge_left' in 'edge_right' podobna/v mejah merske napake, potem vrnemo true — lahko da smo našli logo na sredini zaslona
// if 'edge_left' and 'edge_right' are similar enough to each other, we return true. If we found a logo in a black frame, we could
// crop too eagerly
if( (edge_left * error_low) < edge_right &&
(edge_left * error_hi) > edge_right ){
return true;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// če se ne zgodi nič od neštetega, potem nismo našli problemov
// if none of the above, we haven't found a problem
return false;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
var textLineTest = function(image, row){
// preverimo, če vrstica vsebuje besedilo na črnem ozadju. Če ob pregledu vrstice naletimo na veliko sprememb
// iz črnega v ne-črno, potem obstaja možnost, da gledamo besedilo. Prisotnost take vrstice je lahko znak, da
// zaznano razmerje stranic ni veljavno
// vrne 'true' če zazna text, 'false' drugače.
// check if line contains any text. If line scan reveals a lot of changes from black to non-black there's a
// chance we're looking at text on a black background. If we detect text near what we think is an edge of the
// video, there's a good chance we're about to incorrectly adjust the aspect ratio.
// returns 'true' if text is detected, 'false' otherwise
var blackbarTreshold = this.blackLevel + ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
var nontextTreshold = this.canvas.width * ExtensionConf.arDetect.textLineTest.nonTextPulse;
var rowStart = (row * this.canvas.width) << 2;
var rowEnd = rowStart + (this.canvas.width << 2);
var pulse = false;
var currentPulseLength = 0, pulseCount = 0;
var pulses = [];
var longestBlack = 0;
// preglejmo vrstico
// analyse the row
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+= 4){
if(image[i] < blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] < blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] < blackbarTreshold){
// pulses.push(currentPulseLength);
pulse = false;
currentPulseLength = 0;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// če najdemo dovolj dolgo zaporedje ne-črnih točk, potem vrnemo 'false' — dobili smo legitimen rob
// if we find long enough uninterrupted line of non-black point, we fail the test. We found a legit edge.
if(currentPulseLength > nontextTreshold){
return false;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(currentPulseLength > longestBlack){
longestBlack = currentPulseLength;
pulse = true;
currentPulseLength = 0;
2018-04-10 21:35:34 +02:00
// pulses.push(currentPulseLength);
// pregledamo rezultate:
// analyse the results
2018-05-02 17:52:25 +02:00
// console.log("pulse test:\n\npulses:", pulseCount, "longest black:", longestBlack);
// če smo zaznali dovolj pulzov, potem vrnemo res
// if we detected enough pulses, we return true
if(pulseCount > ExtensionConf.arDetect.textLineTest.pulsesToConfirm){
return true;
// če je najdaljša neprekinjena črta črnih pikslov širša od polovice širine je merilo za zaznavanje
// besedila rahlo milejše
// if the longest uninterrupted line of black pixels is wider than half the width, we use a more
// forgiving standard for determining if we found text
if( longestBlack > (this.canvas.width >> 1) &&
pulseCount > ExtensionConf.arDetect.textLineTest.pulsesToConfirmIfHalfBlack ){
return true;
// če pridemo do sem, potem besedilo ni bilo zaznano
// if we're here, no text was detected
return false;
var _ard_findBlackbarLimits = function(image, cols, guardLineResult, imageDetectResult){
var upper_top, upper_bottom, lower_top, lower_bottom;
var blackbarTreshold;
var cols_a = cols;
var cols_b = []
for(var i in cols){
cols_b[i] = cols_a[i] + 0;
var res_top = [];
var res_bottom = [];
var colsTreshold = cols.length * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.minColsForSearch;
if(colsTreshold == 0)
colsTreshold = 1;
blackbarTreshold = this.blackLevel + ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
// if guardline didn't fail and imageDetect did, we don't have to check the upper few pixels
// but only if upper and lower edge are defined. If they're not, we need to check full height
// if(GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.top != null || GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.bottom != null){
// if(guardLineResult && !imageDetectResult){
// upper_top = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.top;
// upper_bottom = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) - parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
// lower_top = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) + parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
// lower_bottom = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.bottom;
// }
// else if(!guardLineResult && imageDetectResult){
// upper_top = 0;
// upper_bottom = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.top;
// lower_top = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.bottom;
// lower_bottom = this.canvas.height;
// }
// else{
// // if they're both false or true (?? they shouldn't be, but let's handle it anyway because dark frames
// // could get confusing enough for that to happen), we go for default
// upper_top = 0;
// upper_bottom = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) - parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
// lower_top = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) + parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
// lower_bottom = this.canvas.height;
// }
// }
// else{
upper_top = 0;
upper_bottom = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) /*- parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);*/
lower_top = (this.canvas.height * 0.5) /*+ parseInt(this.canvas.height * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);*/
lower_bottom = this.canvas.height - 1;
// }
var upper_top_corrected = upper_top * this.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var upper_bottom_corrected = upper_bottom * this.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var lower_top_corrected = lower_top * this.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var lower_bottom_corrected = lower_bottom * this.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var tmpI;
for(var i = upper_top_corrected; i < upper_bottom_corrected; i+= this.canvas.imageDataRowLength){
for(var col of cols_a){
tmpI = i + (col << 2);
if( image[tmpI] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 2] > blackbarTreshold ){
col: col,
top: (i / this.canvas.imageDataRowLength) - 1
cols_a.splice(cols_a.indexOf(col), 1);
if(cols_a.length < colsTreshold)
for(var i = lower_bottom_corrected - this.canvas.imageDataRowLength; i >= lower_top_corrected; i-= this.canvas.imageDataRowLength){
for(var col of cols_b){
tmpI = i + (col << 2);
if( image[tmpI] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 2] > blackbarTreshold ){
var bottom = (i / this.canvas.imageDataRowLength) + 1;
col: col,
bottom: bottom,
bottomRelative: this.canvas.height - bottom
cols_b.splice(cols_a.indexOf(col), 1);
if(cols_b.length < colsTreshold)
return {res_top: res_top, res_bottom: res_bottom};
var _ard_edgePostprocess = function(edges, canvasHeight){
var edgesTop = [];
var edgesBottom = [];
var alignMargin = canvasHeight * ExtensionConf.arDetect.allowedMisaligned;
var missingEdge = edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount == 0 || edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount == 0;
2018-02-15 00:17:58 +01:00
// pretvorimo objekt v tabelo
// convert objects to array
if( edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount > 0){
for(var e in edges.edgeCandidatesTop){
var edge = edges.edgeCandidatesTop[e];
edgesTop.push({distance: edge.top, count: edge.count});
if( edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount > 0){
for(var e in edges.edgeCandidatesBottom){
var edge = edges.edgeCandidatesBottom[e];
edgesBottom.push({distance: edge.bottomRelative, absolute: edge.bottom, count: edge.count});
// console.log("count top:",edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount, "edges:", edges, "edgesTop[]", edgesTop);
// če za vsako stran (zgoraj in spodaj) poznamo vsaj enega kandidata, potem lahko preverimo nekaj
// stvari
if(! missingEdge ){
// predvidevamo, da je logo zgoraj ali spodaj, nikakor pa ne na obeh straneh hkrati.
// če kanal logotipa/watermarka ni vključil v video, potem si bosta razdaliji (edge.distance) prvih ključev
// zgornjega in spodnjega roba približno enaki
// we'll assume that no youtube channel is rude enough to put channel logo/watermark both on top and the bottom
// of the video. If logo's not included in the video, distances (edge.distance) of the first two keys should be
// roughly equal. Let's check for that.
if( edgesTop[0].distance >= edgesBottom[0].distance - alignMargin &&
edgesTop[0].distance <= edgesBottom[0].distance + alignMargin ){
var blackbarWidth = edgesTop[0].distance > edgesBottom[0].distance ?
edgesTop[0].distance : edgesBottom[0].distance;
return {status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[0].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute };
// torej, lahko da je na sliki watermark. Lahko, da je slika samo ornh črna. Najprej preverimo za watermark
// it could be watermark. It could be a dark frame. Let's check for watermark first.
if( edgesTop[0].distance < edgesBottom[0].distance &&
edgesTop[0].count < edgesBottom[0].count &&
edgesTop[0].count < GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.logoTreshold){
// možno, da je watermark zgoraj. Preverimo, če se kateri od drugih potencialnih robov na zgornjem robu
// ujema s prvim spodnjim (+/- variance). Če je temu tako, potem bo verjetno watermark. Logo mora imeti
// manj vzorcev kot navaden rob.
if(edgesTop[0].length > 1){
var lowMargin = edgesBottom[0].distance - alignMargin;
var highMargin = edgesBottom[0].distance + alignMargin;
for(var i = 1; i < edgesTop.length; i++){
if(edgesTop[i].distance >= lowMargin && edgesTop[i].distance <= highMargin){
// dobili smo dejanski rob. vrnimo ga
// we found the actual edge. let's return that.
var blackbarWidth = edgesTop[i].distance > edgesBottom[0].distance ?
edgesTop[i].distance : edgesBottom[0].distance;
return {status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[i].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute};
if( edgesBottom[0].distance < edgesTop[0].distance &&
edgesBottom[0].count < edgesTop[0].count &&
edgesBottom[0].count < GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.logoTreshold){
if(edgesBottom[0].length > 1){
var lowMargin = edgesTop[0].distance - alignMargin;
var highMargin = edgesTop[0].distance + alignMargin;
for(var i = 1; i < edgesBottom.length; i++){
if(edgesBottom[i].distance >= lowMargin && edgesTop[i].distance <= highMargin){
// dobili smo dejanski rob. vrnimo ga
// we found the actual edge. let's return that.
var blackbarWidth = edgesBottom[i].distance > edgesTop[0].distance ?
edgesBottom[i].distance : edgesTop[0].distance;
return {status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[0].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute};
// zgornjega ali spodnjega roba nismo zaznali. Imamo še en trik, s katerim lahko poskusimo
// določiti razmerje stranic
// either the top or the bottom edge remains undetected, but we have one more trick that we
// can try. It also tries to work around logos.
var edgeDetectionTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols * ExtensionConf.arDetect.edgeDetection.singleSideConfirmationTreshold;
if(edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount == 0 && edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount != 0){
for(var edge of edgesBottom){
if(edge.count >= edgeDetectionTreshold)
return {status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: edge.distance, guardLineTop: null, guardLineBottom: edge.bottom}
if(edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount != 0 && edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount == 0){
for(var edge of edgesTop){
if(edge.count >= edgeDetectionTreshold)
return {status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: edge.distance, guardLineTop: edge.top, guardLineBottom: null}
// če pridemo do sem, nam ni uspelo nič. Razmerje stranic ni znano
// if we reach this bit, we have failed in determining aspect ratio. It remains unknown.
return {status: "ar_unknown"}
2018-02-15 00:17:58 +01:00
var _ard_stop = function(){
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_stop] Stopping automatic aspect ratio detection", _ard_console_stop);
this._forcehalt = true;
2017-12-30 18:36:08 +01:00
this._halted = true;
var _ard_resetBlackLevel = function(){
this.blackLevel = ExtensionConf.arDetect.blackLevel_default;
2017-12-30 18:36:08 +01:00
var _ard_isRunning = function(){
return ! this._halted;
function this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime){
var execTime = (performance.now() - startTime);
if( execTime > ExtensionConf.arDetect.autoDisable.maxExecutionTime ){
console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Exec time exceeded maximum allowed execution time. This has now happened" + this.detectionTimeoutEventCount + "times in a row.");
if( this.detectionTimeoutEventCount >= ExtensionConf.arDetect.autoDisable.consecutiveTimeoutCount ){
if (Debug.debug){
console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Maximum execution time was exceeded too many times. Automatic aspect ratio detection has been disabled.");
Comms.sendToBackgroundScript({cmd: 'disable-autoar', reason: 'Automatic aspect ratio detection was taking too much time and has been automatically disabled in order to avoid lag.'});
return 999999;
} else {
this.detectionTimeoutEventCount = 0;
// return baseTimeout > ExtensionConf.arDetect.minimumTimeout ? baseTimeout : ExtensionConf.arDetect.minimumTimeout;
return baseTimeout;
var ArDetect = {
_forcehalt: false,
2017-12-30 18:36:08 +01:00
_halted: false,
arSetup: _arSetup,
init: _arSetup,
vdraw: _ard_vdraw,
2017-10-02 00:27:01 +02:00
detectedAr: 1,
arChangedCallback: function() {},
stop: _ard_stop,
isRunning: _ard_isRunning,
resetBlackLevel: _ard_resetBlackLevel