It appears that auto-aspect-ratio thingy on Netflix approximately works.

This commit is contained in:
Tamius Han 2017-01-17 22:35:04 +01:00
parent f64993a0d1
commit 39d8139e0c
2 changed files with 92 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -43,11 +43,17 @@ function getAspectRatio(title, sender_tab){
console.log("uw-bg::getAspectRatio | omdbapi gave us this: ", response);
var info = JSON.parse(response);
if(!info || !info.Title)
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_imdb){
console.log("uw-bg::getAspectRatio | movie title: »»", info.Title, "«« | imdb ID:", info.imdbID,"\nTrying to get technical specs off IMDB");
httpGET("" + info.imdbID + "/technical",
function(response, sender_tab){
var lines = response.split('\n');
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_imdb){
console.log("uw-bg::getAspectRatio | we just got something off IMDB, it's",lines.length,"long. Here's what we got:\n",response);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var debugmsg = false;
var debugmsg_click = false;
var debugmsg_message = true;
debugmsg_autoar = true;
var debugmsg_periodic = false;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click || debugmsg_message){
console.log(". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ");
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ var cssmod = "";
var zoomStep = 0.05;
var whatdo_persistence = true;
var last_whatdo = {type: "reset", what_do:"reset"};
var last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do:"reset"};
var page_url = window.location.toString();
@ -43,6 +44,9 @@ var sample_button_index = 0; // index of a sample button
var button_size_base = "x"; // Determines if size of extension buttons is defined by width or height of sample button
var char_strat = "contain";
var char_got_ar = false;
var char_arx;
var char_ary;
var video_wrap;
@ -295,7 +299,12 @@ browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message, sender, stuff ) {
if(message.type && message.type == "arInfo"){
char_imdb(message.arx, message.ary);
char_got_ar = true;
char_arx = message.arx;
char_ary = message.ary;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::onMessage | got aspect ratio (",char_arx,"/",char_ary,"), launching autochar");
@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ function periodic() {
winsize.h = h;
// We don't do that if we zoomed or unzoomed
if(last_whatdo.what_do != "zoom" && last_whatdo.what_do != "unzoom"){
if(last_whatdo.what_do != "zoom" && last_whatdo.what_do != "unzoom" && last_whatdo.type != "autoar"){
changeCSS(last_whatdo.type, last_whatdo.what_do);
@ -364,10 +373,15 @@ function periodic() {
//querySelector can return null, in which case .textContent will complain.
ntitle = qntitle.textContent;
char_got_ar = false;
if(ntitle && ntitle != title){
if(qntitle && ntitle && ntitle != title){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message)
console.log("uw::periodic | title changed. New title:",ntitle,"Old title:",title);
char_got_ar = false;
title = ntitle;
var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
type: "gibAspectRatio",
@ -986,6 +1000,11 @@ function changeCSS(type, what_do){
// Handling actions happens below this line
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (type == "autoar"){
if (type == "char"){
@ -1063,39 +1082,20 @@ function char(new_ar, video, player){
set_video_ar(new_ar, video, player);
function char_imdb(arx, ary){
var ar = arx / ary;
function autochar(){
var nplayer = { width: player.clientWidth, height: player.clientHeight };
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::autochar | starting. Did we get ar?",char_got_ar,"What about arx and ary?",char_arx,char_ary);
var calc_width = nplayer.height * ar;
var calc_height = nplayer.width / ar;
var nv = {w: "", h: ""};
if(!char_arx || !char_ary)
var evideo = $("video")[0];
var video = {width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight};
var vidar = video.width / video.height;
// V tem primeru zapolnimo po višini
// In this case, we calculate new dimension based on player height
// NOTE: Everything below this line (in this function) is TODO/FIXME
// if(calc_width > player.width){
nv.w = nplayer.width;
nv.h = nplayer.height * (ar / vidar);
// }
// else{
// nv.h = player.width * (vidar / a
// } = (nplayer.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (nplayer.width - nv.w)/2;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message)
console.log("uw::char_imdb | nv:",nv);
var ar = char_arx / char_ary;
/* Tukaj povemo, kakšno razmerje stranic ima video.
@ -1190,6 +1190,54 @@ function set_video_ar(aspect_ratio, video, player){
// Ta funkcija ugotovi, kako se kvadrat s podanim razmerjem stranic najbolj prilega ekranu
// Predpostavimo, da so ćrne obrobe vselej zgoraj in spodaj, nikoli levo in desno.
// This function determines how a rectangle with a given aspect ratio best fits the monitor
// We assume letterbox is always letterbox, never pillarbox.
function set_best_fit(ar){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | got ar:",ar);
var player = {width: this.player.clientWidth, height: this.player.clientHeight};
var evideo = $("video")[0];
var video = {width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight};
var video_ar = video.width / video.height;
// Ob predpostavki, da je argument 'ar' pravilen, naračunamo dimenzije videa glede na širino in višino predvajalnika
// Kot rezultat laho dobimo dve možnosti:
// A: naračunana širina je širša, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo širino (letterbox zgoraj/spodaj,
// levo/desno pa ne)
// B: naračunana širina je ožja, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo višino (letterbox levo/desno,
// zgoraj/spodaj pa ne)
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | here's all we got. ar:",ar,"player:",player,"video:",video);
var tru_width = player.height * ar;
var tru_height = player.width / ar;
var nv = {w: "", h: "", top: "", left: ""};
if(tru_width <= player.width){
nv.w = player.width;
nv.h = player.height * (ar / video_ar);
nv.w = player.width * (video_ar / ar);
nv.h = player.height;
} = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | tru width:",tru_width,"(player width:",player.width,"); new video size:",nv);
console.log("css applied");
function resetCSS(video, player){
console.log("uw::resetCSS | resetting video size");
@ -1355,11 +1403,11 @@ function changeCSS_nofs(what_do, video, player){
function applyCSS(dimensions){ += "px";
dimensions.left += "px";
dimensions.w += "px";
dimensions.h += "px";
function applyCSS(dimensions){ = Math.round( + "px";
dimensions.left = Math.round(dimensions.left) + "px";
dimensions.w = Math.round(dimensions.w) + "px";
dimensions.h = Math.round(dimensions.h) + "px";
$("video").css({"width": dimensions.w,"height": dimensions.h,"top":, "left": dimensions.left});