Move everything to logger, but for real
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ class Settings {
if(currentBrowser.firefox) {
|||| (changes, area) => {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.debugStorage) {
console.log("[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
console.log("[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
if(changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
@ -42,17 +40,15 @@ class Settings {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
} else if ( {
|||| (changes, area) => {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.debugStorage) {
console.log("[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
console.log("[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
if(changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
@ -62,7 +58,7 @@ class Settings {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings',"[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
@ -133,13 +129,13 @@ class Settings {
const currentVersion = this.getExtensionVersion();
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("[Settings::init] Configuration fetched from storage:", settings,
"\nlast saved with:", settings.version,
"\ncurrent version:", currentVersion
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::init] Configuration fetched from storage:", settings,
"\nlast saved with:", settings.version,
"\ncurrent version:", currentVersion
if (Debug.flushStoredSettings) {
console.log("%c[Settings::init] Debug.flushStoredSettings is true. Using default settings", "background: #d00; color: #ffd");
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "%c[Settings::init] Debug.flushStoredSettings is true. Using default settings", "background: #d00; color: #ffd");
Debug.flushStoredSettings = false; // don't do it again this session
|||| = this.getDefaultSettings();
|||| = currentVersion;
@ -175,18 +171,14 @@ class Settings {
if (oldVersion == currentVersion) {
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("[Settings::init] extension was saved with current version of ultrawidify. Returning object as-is.");
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::init] extension was saved with current version of ultrawidify. Returning object as-is.");
// if extension has been updated, update existing settings with any options added in the
// new version. In addition to that, we remove old keys that are no longer used.
const patched = ObjectCopy.addNew(settings, this.default);
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("[Settings.init] Results from ObjectCopy.addNew()?", patched, "\n\nSettings from storage", settings, "\ndefault?", this.default,);
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings.init] Results from ObjectCopy.addNew()?", patched, "\n\nSettings from storage", settings, "\ndefault?", this.default);
|||| = patched;
@ -221,13 +213,7 @@ class Settings {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.debugStorage) {
try {
console.log("[Settings::get] Got settings:", JSON.parse(ret.uwSettings));
} catch (e) {
console.log("[Settings::get] No settings.")
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', 'Got settings:', ret && ret.uwSettings && JSON.parse(ret.uwSettings));
try {
return JSON.parse(ret.uwSettings);
@ -237,9 +223,7 @@ class Settings {
async set(extensionConf) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.debugStorage) {
console.log("[Settings::set] setting new settings:", extensionConf)
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::set] setting new settings:", extensionConf)
if (currentBrowser.firefox || currentBrowser.edge) {
extensionConf.version = this.version;
@ -315,10 +299,7 @@ class Settings {
site = window.location.hostname;
if (!site) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined:", window.location.hostname)
console.log("active settings:",
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', `[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined: ${window.location.hostname} \nactive settings:`,;
return ExtensionMode.Disabled;
@ -340,9 +321,8 @@ class Settings {
} catch(e){
console.log("[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\n\nerror:", e, "\n\nSettings object:", this)
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\n\nerror:", e, "\n\nSettings object:", this)
return ExtensionMode.Disabled;
@ -353,8 +333,7 @@ class Settings {
site = window.location.hostname;
if (!site) {
console.log("[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined:", window.location.hostname)
console.log("active settings:",
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', `[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined: ${window.location.hostname} \nactive settings:`,;
return false;
@ -380,10 +359,8 @@ class Settings {
} else {
return false;
} catch(e){
console.log("[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\nSettings object:", this)
} catch(e) {
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\nSettings object:", this);
return false;
@ -405,9 +382,7 @@ class Settings {
return[site].keyboardShortcutsEnabled === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} catch (e) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.error("[Settings.js::keyboardDisabled] something went wrong:", e);
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings.js::keyboardDisabled] something went wrong:", e);
return false;
@ -438,12 +413,12 @@ class Settings {
const csar = this.canStartAutoAr(site);
Debug.debug = true;
console.log("[Settings::canStartAutoAr] ----------------\nCAN WE START AUTOAR ON SITE", site,
"?\n\[site]=",[site], "[@global]=",['@global'],
"\nAutoar mode (global)?",['@global'].autoar,
`\nAutoar mode (${site})`,[site] ?[site].autoar : '<not defined>',
"\nCan autoar be started?", csar
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::canStartAutoAr] ----------------\nCAN WE START AUTOAR ON SITE", site,
"?\n\[site]=",[site], "[@global]=",['@global'],
"\nAutoar mode (global)?",['@global'].autoar,
`\nAutoar mode (${site})`,[site] ?[site].autoar : '<not defined>',
"\nCan autoar be started?", csar
// if site is not defined, we use default mode:
@ -454,10 +429,10 @@ class Settings {
if (['@global'].autoar === ExtensionMode.Enabled) {
return[site].autoar !== ExtensionMode.Disabled;
} else if (['@global'].autoar === ExtensionMode.Whitelist) {
console.log("canStartAutoAr — can(not) start csar because extension is in whitelist mode, and this site is (not) equal to", ExtensionMode.Enabled)
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "canStartAutoAr — can(not) start csar because extension is in whitelist mode, and this site is (not) equal to", ExtensionMode.Enabled)
return[site].autoar === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} else {
console.log("canStartAutoAr — cannot start csar because extension is globally disabled")
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "canStartAutoAr — cannot start csar because extension is globally disabled")
return false;
@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ import BrowserDetect from '../../conf/BrowserDetect';
class CommsServer {
constructor(server) {
this.server = server;
this.logger = server.logger;
this.settings = server.settings;
this.ports = [];
var ths = this;
// console.log("[CommsServer::ctor] INIT! are we in ff?", BrowserDetect.firefox, "BrowserDetect says ...", BrowserDetect)
if (BrowserDetect.firefox) {
browser.runtime.onConnect.addListener(p => ths.onConnect(p));
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((m, sender) => ths.processReceivedMessage_nonpersistent(m, sender));
@ -20,20 +19,8 @@ class CommsServer {
async toObject(obj) {
// console.log("(not actually) CLONING OBJECT", obj);
// try {
// const r = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
// return r;
// } catch (e) {
// console.log("ERROR WHILE CLONING", obj);
return obj;
// }
async getCurrentTabHostname() {
const activeTab = await this._getActiveTab();
const url = activeTab[0].url;
var hostname;
@ -52,7 +39,6 @@ class CommsServer {
message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)); // vue quirk. We should really use vue store instead
for(var p of this.ports){
for(var frame in p){
@ -74,10 +60,7 @@ class CommsServer {
async sendToFrame(message, tab, frame) {
// message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)); // vue quirk. We should really use vue store instead
if(Debug.debug && Debug.comms){
console.log(`%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] attempting to send message to tab ${tab}, frame ${frame}`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', `%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] attempting to send message to tab ${tab}, frame ${frame}`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
if (isNaN(tab)) {
if (tab === '__playing') {
@ -91,33 +74,23 @@ class CommsServer {
[tab, frame] = tab.split('-')
if(Debug.debug && Debug.comms){
console.log(`%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] attempting to send message to tab ${tab}, frame ${frame}`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', `%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] attempting to send message to tab ${tab}, frame ${frame}`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
try {
} catch (e) {
if(Debug.debug && Debug.comms){
console.log(`%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] Sending message failed. Reason:`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", e);
this.logger.log('error', 'CommsServer', `%c[CommsServer::sendToFrame] Sending message failed. Reason:`, "background: #dda; color: #11D", e);
async sendToActive(message) {
message = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)); // vue quirk. We should really use vue store instead
if(Debug.debug && Debug.comms){
console.log("%c[CommsServer::sendToActive] trying to send a message to active tab. Message:", "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "%c[CommsServer::sendToActive] trying to send a message to active tab. Message:", "background: #dda; color: #11D", message);
var tabs = await this._getActiveTab();
if(Debug.debug && Debug.comms){
console.log("[CommsServer::_sendToActive] currently active tab(s)?", tabs);
for (var key in this.ports[tabs[0].id]) {
console.log("key?", key, this.ports[tabs[0].id]);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer::_sendToActive] currently active tab(s)?", tabs);
for (var key in this.ports[tabs[0].id]) {
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "key?", key, this.ports[tabs[0].id]);
for (var key in this.ports[tabs[0].id]) {
@ -151,27 +124,19 @@ class CommsServer {
async processReceivedMessage(message, port){
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Received message from popup/content script!", message, "port", port, "\nsettings and server:", this.settings,this.server);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Received message from popup/content script!", message, "port", port, "\nsettings and server:", this.settings,this.server);
if (message.forwardToContentScript) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to content script' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to content script' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
this.sendToFrame(message, message.targetTab, message.targetFrame);
if (message.forwardToAll) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to all' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to all' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
if (message.forwardToActive) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to active' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processReceivedMessage] Message has 'forward to active' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
@ -198,9 +163,7 @@ class CommsServer {
if (message.cmd === 'get-config') {
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("CommsServer: received get-config. Active settings?",, "\n(settings:", this.settings, ")")
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "CommsServer: received get-config. Active settings?",, "\n(settings:", this.settings, ")");
{cmd: "set-config", conf:, site: this.server.currentSite}
@ -212,9 +175,7 @@ class CommsServer {
processReceivedMessage_nonpersistent(message, sender, sendResponse){
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("%c[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Received message from background script!", "background-color: #11D; color: #aad", message, sender);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "%c[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Received message from background script!", "background-color: #11D; color: #aad", message, sender);
if (message.cmd === 'inject-css') {
this.server.injectCss(message.cssString, sender);
@ -229,10 +190,8 @@ class CommsServer {
if (message.forwardToContentScript) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Message has 'forward to content script' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
console.log("[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] (btw we probably shouldn't be seeing this. This should prolly happen in persistent connection?");
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Message has 'forward to content script' flag set. Forwarding message as is. Message:", message);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] (btw we probably shouldn't be seeing this. This should prolly happen in persistent connection?");
this.sendToFrame(message, message.targetFrame);
@ -240,9 +199,7 @@ class CommsServer {
if (message.cmd === 'get-config') {
if (BrowserDetect.firefox) {
var ret = {extensionConf: JSON.stringify(};
if (Debug.debug && Debug.comms) {
console.log("%c[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Returning this:", "background-color: #11D; color: #aad", ret);
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "%c[CommsServer.js::processMessage_nonpersistent] Returning this:", "background-color: #11D; color: #aad", ret);
} else {
sendResponse({extensionConf: JSON.stringify(});
@ -252,9 +209,7 @@ class CommsServer {
||||['@global'].autoar = "blacklist";
this.sendToAll({cmd: "reload-settings", sender: "uwbg"})
console.log("[uw-bg] autoar set to enabled (blacklist). evidenz:",;
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[uw-bg] autoar set to enabled (blacklist). evidenz:",;
} else if (message.cmd === "autoar-disable") {
||||['@global'].autoar = "disabled";
@ -264,13 +219,10 @@ class CommsServer {
this.sendToAll({cmd: 'reload-settings', newConf:});
console.log("[uw-bg] autoar set to disabled. evidenz:",;
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', "[uw-bg] autoar set to disabled. evidenz:",;
} else if (message.cmd === "autoar-set-interval") {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("[uw-bg] trying to set new interval for autoAr. New interval is",message.timeout,"ms");
this.logger.log('info', 'CommsServer', `[uw-bg] trying to set new interval for autoAr. New interval is, ${message.timeout} ms`);
// set fairly liberal limit
var timeout = message.timeout < 4 ? 4 : message.timeout;
|||| = timeout;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user