The more I try to fix ArDetect, the more broken it is :/
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,9 +109,14 @@ var Settings = {
// to confirm an edge in case there's no edges on top or bottom (other
// than logo, of course)
logoTreshold: 0.15, // if edge candidate sits with count greater than this*all_samples, it can't be logo
// or watermarl.
edgeTolerancePx: 2, // we check for black edge violation this far from detection point
edgeTolerancePercent: null // we check for black edge detection this % of height from detection point. unused
// or watermark.
edgeTolerancePx: 2, // we check for black edge violation this far from detection point
edgeTolerancePercent: null, // we check for black edge detection this % of height from detection point. unused
middleIgnoredArea: 0.2, // we ignore this % of canvas height towards edges while detecting aspect ratios
minColsForSearch: 0.5, // if we hit the edge of blackbars for all but this many columns (%-wise), we don't
// continue with search. It's pointless, because black edge is higher/lower than we
// are now. (NOTE: keep this less than 1 in case we implement logo detection)
edgeTolerancePx: 1, // tests for edge detection are performed this far away from detected row
arChange: {
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ var _arSetup = function(cwidth, cheight){
GlobalVars.canvas.context = context;
GlobalVars.canvas.width = canvasWidth;
GlobalVars.canvas.height = canvasHeight;
GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength = canvasWidth << 2;
@ -251,9 +252,9 @@ var _ard_vdraw = function (timeout){
var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
// thanks dude:
var fallbackMode = false;
@ -339,8 +340,8 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < sampleCols.length; ++i){
colOffset_r = sampleCols[i] << 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset + 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset_r + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset_r + 2;
currentMax_a = image[colOffset_r] > image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMax_a = currentMax_a > image[colOffset_b] ? currentMax_a : image[colOffset_b];
@ -350,16 +351,16 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
currentMin_a = image[colOffset_r] < image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMin_a = currentMin_a < image[colOffset_b] ? currentMin_a : image[colOffset_b];
currentMinVal = currenMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
currentMinVal = currentMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
// we'll shift the sum. math says we can do this
rowOffset = GlobalData.canvas.width * (GlobalData.canvas.height - 1);
rowOffset = GlobalVars.canvas.width * (GlobalVars.canvas.height - 1);
for(var i = 0; i < sampleCols.length; ++i){
colOffset_r = (rowOffset + sampleCols[i]) << 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset + 2;
colOffset_g = colOffset_r + 1;
colOffset_b = colOffset_r + 2;
currentMax_a = image[colOffset_r] > image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMax_a = currentMax_a > image[colOffset_b] ? currentMax_a : image[colOffset_b];
@ -369,14 +370,14 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
currentMin_a = image[colOffset_r] < image[colOffset_g] ? image[colOffset_r] : image[colOffset_g];
currentMin_a = currentMin_a < image[colOffset_b] ? currentMin_a : image[colOffset_b];
currentMinVal = currenMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
currentMinVal = currentMinVal < currentMin_a ? currentMinVal : currentMin_a;
// save black level
GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel < currentMinVal ? GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel : currentMinVal;
// this means we don't have letterbox
if ( currentMinVal > (GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold) || (currentMaxVal - currentMinVal) > blackbarTreshold ){
if ( currentMaxVal > (GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold) || (currentMaxVal - currentMinVal) > Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold ){
// Če ne zaznamo letterboxa, kličemo reset. Lahko, da je bilo razmerje stranic popravljeno na roke. Možno je tudi,
// da je letterbox izginil.
@ -421,6 +422,7 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
// if both succeed, then aspect ratio hasn't changed.
if(imageDetectResult && guardLineResult){
console.log("imageDetect detected no changes.");
delete image;
triggerTimeout = _ard_getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
@ -430,8 +432,11 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
// pa poglejmo, kje se končajo črne letvice na vrhu in na dnu videa.
// let's see where black bars end.
GlobalVars.sampleCols_current = sampleCols.length;
var blackbarSamples = _ard_findBlackbarLimits(GlobalVars.canvas.context, sampleCols);
var edgeCandidates = _ard_edgeDetect(GlobalVars.canvas.context, blackbarSamples);
// blackSamples -> {res_top, res_bottom}
var blackbarSamples = _ard_findBlackbarLimits(image, sampleCols);
var edgeCandidates = _ard_edgeDetect(image, blackbarSamples);
var edgePost = _ard_edgePostprocess(edgeCandidates, GlobalVars.canvas.height);
if(edgePost.status == "ar_known"){
@ -441,23 +446,19 @@ var _ard_vdraw_but_for_reals = function() {
|||| = edgePost.guardLineTop;
GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.bottom = edgePost.guardLineBottom;
delete image;
triggerTimeout = _ard_getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
delete image;
triggerTimeout = _ard_getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
_ard_vdraw(triggerTimeout); //no letterbox, no problem
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_vdraw] vdraw has crashed for some reason ???. Error here:", "color: #000; background: #f80", e);
delete image;
function _ard_guardLineCheck(image){
@ -476,7 +477,8 @@ function _ard_guardLineCheck(image){
var blackbarTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
var edges = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine;
var checkWidth = GlobalVars.canvas.width - (start << 1);
var offset = parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.width * Settings.arDetect.guardLine.ignoreEdgeMargin) << 2;
var offenders = [];
var firstOffender = -1;
@ -488,43 +490,69 @@ function _ard_guardLineCheck(image){
// preglejmo obe vrstici
// check both rows
var edge_upper = - ytolerance;
var edge_upper = - Settings.arDetect.guardLine.edgeTolerancePx;
if(edge_upper < 0)
return {success: true}; // if we go out of bounds here, the black bars are negligible
var edge_lower = edges.bottom + ytolerance;
var edge_lower = edges.bottom + Settings.arDetect.guardLine.edgeTolerancePx;
if(edge_lower > GlobalVars.canvas.height - 1)
return {success: true}; // if we go out of bounds here, the black bars are negligible
var rowStart, rowEnd;
rowStart = (edge_upper * GlobalVars.canvas.width) << 2;
rowEnd = rowStart + (checkWidth << 2);
for(var row of rows){
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+=4){
// <<<=======| checking upper row |========>>>
// we track sections that go over what's supposed to be a black line, so we can suggest more
// columns to sample
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(firstOffender < 0){
firstOffender = (i >> 2) - rowStart;
offenders.push({x: firstOffender, width: 1})
rowStart = ((edge_upper * GlobalVars.canvas.width) << 2) + offset;
rowEnd = rowStart + ( GlobalVars.canvas.width << 2 ) - (offset << 1);
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+=4){
// we track sections that go over what's supposed to be a black line, so we can suggest more
// columns to sample
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(firstOffender < 0){
firstOffender = (i >> 2) - rowStart;
offenders.push({x: firstOffender, width: 1})
// is that a black pixel again? Let's reset the 'first offender'
firstOffender = -1;
// is that a black pixel again? Let's reset the 'first offender'
firstOffender = -1;
// <<<=======| checking lower row |========>>>
rowStart = ((edge_lower * GlobalVars.canvas.width) << 2) + offset;
rowEnd = rowStart + ( GlobalVars.canvas.width << 2 ) - (offset << 1);
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+=4){
// we track sections that go over what's supposed to be a black line, so we can suggest more
// columns to sample
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(firstOffender < 0){
firstOffender = (i >> 2) - rowStart;
offenders.push({x: firstOffender, width: 1})
// is that a black pixel again? Let's reset the 'first offender'
firstOffender = -1;
// če nismo našli nobenih prekrškarjev, vrnemo uspeh. Drugače vrnemo seznam prekrškarjev
// vrnemo tabelo, ki vsebuje sredinsko točko vsakega prekrškarja (x + width*0.5)
@ -546,105 +574,190 @@ function _ard_guardLineCheck(image){
return {success: false, offenders: ret};
function _ard_guardLineImageDetect(context){
if( == null)
function _ard_guardLineImageDetect(image){
if( == null || GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.bottom == null)
return { success: false };
var blackbarTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
var edges = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine;
var start = parseInt(_ard_canvasWidth * Settings.arDetect.guardLine.ignoreEdgeMargin);
var width = _ard_canvasWidth - (start << 1);
var offset = parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.width * Settings.arDetect.guardLine.ignoreEdgeMargin) << 2;
var offenders = [];
var firstOffender = -1;
var offenderCount = -1; // doing it this way means first offender has offenderCount==0. Ez index.
// TODO: implement logo check.
// preglejmo obe vrstici
// check both rows
// preglejmo obe vrstici - tukaj po pravilih ne bi smeli iti prek mej platna. ne rabimo preverjati
// check both rows - by the rules and definitions, we shouldn't go out of bounds here. no need to check, then
var complyingCount = 0;
var complyingTreshold = (context.canvas.width * Settings.arDetect.guardLine.imageTestTreshold) << 1;
var edge_upper = + Settings.arDetect.guardLine.edgeTolerancePx;
var edge_lower = edges.bottom - Settings.arDetect.guardLine.edgeTolerancePx;
for(var edge of [, edges.bottom ]){
var row = context.getImageData(start,, width, 1).data;
for(var i = 0; i < row.length; i+=4){
// koliko pikslov rabimo zaznati, da je ta funkcija uspe. Tu dovoljujemo tudi, da so vsi piksli na enem
// robu (eden izmed robov je lahko v celoti črn)
// how many non-black pixels we need to consider this check a success. We only need to detect enough pixels
// on one edge (one of the edges can be black as long as both aren't)
var successTreshold = parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.width * Settings.arDetect.guardLine.imageTestTreshold);
var rowStart, rowEnd;
// we track sections that go over what's supposed to be a black line, so we can suggest more
// columns to sample
if(row[i] > blackbarTreshold || row[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || row[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(complyingCount > complyingTreshold){
return {success: true}
// <<<=======| checking upper row |========>>>
rowStart = ((edge_upper * GlobalVars.canvas.width) << 2) + offset;
rowEnd = rowStart + ( GlobalVars.canvas.width << 2 ) - (offset << 1);
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+=4){
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(successTreshold --<= 0){
return {success: true}
// <<<=======| checking lower row |========>>>
rowStart = ((edge_lower * GlobalVars.canvas.width) << 2) + offset;
rowEnd = rowStart + ( GlobalVars.canvas.width << 2 ) - (offset << 1);
for(var i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i+=4){
if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
if(successTreshold --<= 0){
return {success: true}
return {success: false};
function _ard_findBlackbarLimits(context, cols){
var data = [];
var middle, bottomStart, blackbarTreshold, top, bottom;
var res = [];
function _ard_findBlackbarLimits(image, cols, guardLineResult, imageDetectResult){
middle = context.canvas.height << 1 // x2 = middle of data column
bottomStart = (context.canvas.height - 1) << 2; // (height - 1) x 4 = bottom pixel
blackbarTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
var upper_top, upper_bottom, lower_top, lower_bottom;
var blackbarTreshold;
var found;
var cols_a = cols;
var cols_b = []
for(var col of cols){
found = false;
data = context.getImageData(col, 0, 1, context.canvas.height).data;
for(var i = 0; i < middle; i+=4){
if(data[i] > blackbarTreshold || data[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || data[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
top = (i >> 2) - 1;
found = true;
top = -1; // universal "not found" mark. We don't break because the bottom side can still give good info
found = false; // reset
for(var i = bottomStart; i > middle; i-=4){
if(data[i] > blackbarTreshold || data[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || data[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){
bottom = (i >> 2) + 1;
found = true;
bottom = -1;
res.push({col: col, bottom: bottom, top: top, bottomRelative: context.canvas.height - bottom});
for(var i in cols){
cols_b[i] = cols_a[i];
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect)
console.log("[ArDetect::_ard_findBlackbarLimits] found some candidates for black bar limits", res);
var res_top = [];
var res_bottom = [];
return res;
var colsTreshold = cols.length * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.minColsForSearch;
if(colsTreshold == 0)
colsTreshold = 1;
blackbarTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
// if guardline didn't fail and imageDetect did, we don't have to check the upper few pixels
// but only if upper and lower edge are defined. If they're not, we need to check full height
if( != null || GlobalVars.arDetect.guardLine.bottom != null){
if(guardLineResult && !imageDetectResult){
upper_top =;
upper_bottom = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) - parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_top = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) + parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_bottom = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.bottom;
else if(!guardLineResult && imageDetectResult){
upper_top = 0;
upper_bottom =;
lower_top = GlobalVars.arDetect.guardline.bottom;
lower_bottom = GlobalVars.canvas.height;
// if they're both false or true (?? they shouldn't be, but let's handle it anyway because dark frames
// could get confusing enough for that to happen), we go for default
upper_top = 0;
upper_bottom = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) - parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_top = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) + parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_bottom = GlobalVars.canvas.height;
upper_top = 0;
upper_bottom = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) - parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_top = (GlobalVars.canvas.height >> 1) + parseInt(GlobalVars.canvas.height * Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.middleIgnoredArea);
lower_bottom = GlobalVars.canvas.height;
var upper_top_corrected = upper_top * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var upper_bottom_corrected = upper_bottom * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var lower_top_corrected = lower_top * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var lower_bottom_corrected = lower_bottom * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
var tmpI;
for(var i = upper_top_corrected; i < upper_bottom_corrected; i+= GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength){
for(var col of cols_a){
tmpI = i + (col << 2);
if( image[tmpI] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 2] > blackbarTreshold ){
col: col,
top: (i / GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength) - 1
cols_a.splice(cols_a.indexOf(col), 1);
if(cols_a.length < colsTreshold)
for(var i = lower_bottom_corrected - GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength; i >= lower_bottom_corrected; i-= GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength){
for(var col of cols_b){
tmpI = i + (col << 2);
if( image[tmpI] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[tmpI + 2] > blackbarTreshold ){
var bottom = (i / GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength) + 1;
col: col,
bottom: bottom,
bottom_relative: GlobalVars.canvas.height - bottom
cols_b.splice(cols_a.indexOf(col), 1);
if(cols_b.length < colsTreshold)
return {res_top: res_top, res_bottom: res_bottom};
function _ard_edgeDetect(context, samples){
function _ard_edgeDetect(image, samples){
var edgeCandidatesTop = {};
var edgeCandidatesBottom = {};
var sampleWidthBase = Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.sampleWidth;
var sampleWidthBase = Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.sampleWidth << 2; // corrected so we can work on imagedata
var halfSample = sampleWidthBase >> 1;
var detections;
var detectionTreshold = Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.detectionTreshold;
var canvasWidth = context.canvas.width;
var canvasHeight = context.canvas.height;
var canvasWidth = GlobalVars.canvas.width;
var canvasHeight = GlobalVars.canvas.height;
var sampleStart, sampleWidth;
var sampleStart, sampleEnd, loopEnd;
var sampleRow_black, sampleRow_color;
var imageData = [];
var blackEdgeViolation = false;
var blackbarTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.blackLevel + Settings.arDetect.blackbarTreshold;
@ -652,104 +765,107 @@ function _ard_edgeDetect(context, samples){
var bottomEdgeCount = 0;
for(sample of samples){
// determine size of the square
for(sample of samples.res_top){
blackEdgeViolation = false; // reset this
sampleStart = sample.col - halfSample;
// determine our bounds. Note that sample.col is _not_ corrected for imageData, but halfSample is
sampleStart = (sample.col << 2) - halfSample;
if(sampleStart < 0)
sampleStart = 0;
sampleWidth = (sample.col + halfSample >= canvasWidth) ?
(sample.col - canvasWidth + sampleWidthBase) : sampleWidthBase;
sampleEnd = sampleStart + sampleWidthBase;
if(sampleEnd > GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength)
sampleEnd = GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
// - 1 -> should be black (we assume a bit of margin in case of rough edges)
// + 2 -> should be color
// we must also check for negative values, which mean something went wrong.
if( > 1){
// check whether black edge gets any non-black values. non-black -> insta fail
imageData = context.getImageData(sampleStart, - 1, sampleWidth, 1).data;
// calculate row offsets for imageData array
sampleRow_black = ( - Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.edgeTolerancePx) * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
sampleRow_color = ( + 1 + Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.edgeTolerancePx) * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
for(var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i+= 4){
if (imageData[i] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
blackEdgeViolation = true;
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect && Debug.arDetect.edgeDetect)
console.log(("[ArDetect::_ard_edgeDetect] detected black edge violation at i="+i+";" + "\n--")/*, imageData, context.getImageData(sampleStart, - 2, sampleWidth, 1)*/);
// if black edge isn't black, we don't check the image part either
imageData = context.getImageData(sampleStart, + 2, sampleWidth, 1).data;
detections = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i+= 4){
if (imageData[i] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
// console.log("detections:",detections, imageData, context.getImageData(sampleStart, - 2, sampleWidth, 1));
if(detections >= detectionTreshold){
// console.log("detection!");
if(edgeCandidatesTop[] != undefined)
topEdgeCount++; // only count distinct
edgeCandidatesTop[] = {top:, count: 1};
// že ena kršitev črnega roba pomeni, da kandidat ni primeren
// even a single black edge violation means the candidate is not an edge
loopEnd = sampleRow_black + sampleEnd;
for(var i = sampleRow_black + sampleStart; i < loopEnd; i += 4){
if( image[i ] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
blackEdgeViolation = true;
// sample.bottom -> should be black
// sample.bottom-2 -> should be non-black
if(sample.bottom > 0){
imageData = context.getImageData(sampleStart, sample.bottom, sampleWidth, 1).data;
// če je bila črna črta skrunjena, preverimo naslednjega kandidata
// if we failed, we continue our search with the next candidate
for(var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i+= 4){
if (imageData[i] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
blackEdgeViolation = true;
// console.log(("[ArDetect::_ard_edgeDetect] detected black edge violation at i="+i+";" + "\n--")/*, imageData, context.getImageData(sampleStart, - 2, sampleWidth, 1)*/);
loopEnd = sampleRow_color + sampleEnd;
for(var i = sampleRow_color + sampleStart; i < loopEnd; i += 4){
if( image[i ] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
// if black edge isn't black, we don't check the image part either
imageData = context.getImageData(sampleStart, sample.bottom - 2, sampleWidth, 1).data;
detections = 0;
if(detections >= detectionTreshold){
if(edgeCandidatesTop[] != undefined)
topEdgeCount++; // only count distinct
edgeCandidatesTop[] = {top:, count: 1};
for(var i = 0; i < imageData.length; i+= 4){
if (imageData[i] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
imageData[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
for(sample of samples.res_bottom){
blackEdgeViolation = false; // reset this
// determine our bounds. Note that sample.col is _not_ corrected for imageData, but halfSample is
sampleStart = (sample.col << 2) - halfSample;
if(sampleStart < 0)
sampleStart = 0;
sampleEnd = sampleStart + sampleWidthBase;
if(sampleEnd > GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength)
sampleEnd = GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
// calculate row offsets for imageData array
sampleRow_black = (sample.bottom - Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.edgeTolerancePx) * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
sampleRow_color = (sample.bottom - 1 - Settings.arDetect.edgeDetection.edgeTolerancePx) * GlobalVars.canvas.imageDataRowLength;
// že ena kršitev črnega roba pomeni, da kandidat ni primeren
// even a single black edge violation means the candidate is not an edge
loopEnd = sampleRow_black + sampleEnd;
for(var i = sampleRow_black + sampleStart; i < loopEnd; i += 4){
if( image[i ] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
blackEdgeViolation = true;
if(detections >= detectionTreshold){
// use bottomRelative for ez sort
// če je bila črna črta skrunjena, preverimo naslednjega kandidata
// if we failed, we continue our search with the next candidate
// console.log("detection!");
if(edgeCandidatesBottom[sample.bottomRelative] != undefined)
bottomEdgeCount++; // only count distinct edges
edgeCandidatesBottom[sample.bottomRelative] = {bottom: sample.bottom, bottomRelative: sample.bottomRelative, count: 1};
loopEnd = sampleRow_color + sampleEnd;
for(var i = sampleRow_color + sampleStart; i < loopEnd; i += 4){
if( image[i ] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold ||
image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold ){
if(detections >= detectionTreshold){
if(edgeCandidatesBottom[sample.bottom] != undefined)
bottomEdgeCount++; // only count distinct
edgeCandidatesBottom[sample.bottom] = {bottom: sample.bottom, bottomRelative: sample.bottomRelative, count: 1};
@ -772,8 +888,6 @@ function _ard_edgePostprocess(edges, canvasHeight){
// pretvorimo objekt v tabelo
// convert objects to array
if( edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount > 0){
for(var e in edges.edgeCandidatesTop){
var edge = edges.edgeCandidatesTop[e];
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ var GlobalVars = {
canvas: {
context: null,
width: null,
height: null
height: null,
imageDataRowLength: null
arDetect: {
canvas: null,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user