Replaced console.logs with logger in ArDetect. Other places still need changing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,10 +39,26 @@ class Logger {
return logfileStr;
canLog(component) {
if (component.length) {
for (const c in component) {
if (this.conf.fileOptions[component]) {
return this.conf.fileOptions[component];
return this.conf.fileOptions[component];
// level is unused as of now, but this may change in the future
// levels: 'info', 'warn', 'error'
log(level, component, ...message) {
if (!this.conf) {
if (this.conf.logToFile) {
if (this.conf.fileOptions[component]) {
if (this.canLog(component)) {
let ts =;
if (ts <= this.history[this.history.length - 1]) {
ts = this.history[this.history.length - 1] + 0.00001;
@ -55,7 +71,7 @@ class Logger {
if (this.conf.logToConsole) {
if (this.conf.consoleOptions[component]) {
if (this.canLog(component)) {
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import AspectRatio from '../../../common/enums/aspect-ratio.enum';
class ArDetector {
constructor(videoData, logger){
this.logger = logger;
this.conf = videoData;
|||| =;
this.settings = videoData.settings;
@ -35,9 +36,7 @@ class ArDetector {
this._nextTick = false;
this.canDoFallbackMode = false;
if (Debug.init) {
console.log("[ArDetector::ctor] creating new ArDetector. arid:", this.arid);
this.logger.log('info', 'init', `[ArDetector::ctor] creating new ArDetector. arid: ${this.arid}`);
setManualTick(manualTick) {
@ -49,9 +48,7 @@ class ArDetector {
if (Debug.debug || Debug.init) {
console.log("[ArDetect::init] Initializing autodetection. arid:", this.arid);
this.logger.log('info', 'init', `[ArDetect::init] <@${this.arid}> Initializing autodetection.`);
try {
if (this.settings.canStartAutoAr()) {
@ -60,36 +57,27 @@ class ArDetector {
throw "Settings prevent autoar from starting"
} catch (e) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::init] INITIALIZATION FAILED!\n", _ard_console_stop, e);
this.logger.log('error', 'init', `%c[ArDetect::init] <@${this.arid}> Initialization failed.`, _ard_console_stop, e);
if(Debug.debug || Debug.init) {
console.log(`[ArDetect::destroy] <arid:${this.arid}>`)
this.logger.log('info', 'init', `%c[ArDetect::destroy] <@${this.arid}> Destroying aard.`, _ard_console_stop, e);
// this.debugCanvas.destroy();
setup(cwidth, cheight){
if(Debug.debug || Debug.init) {
console.log("[ArDetect::setup] Starting autodetection setup. arid:", this.arid);
this.logger.log('info', 'init', `[ArDetect::setup] <@${this.arid}> Starting autodetection setup.`);
// [-1] check for zero-width and zero-height videos. If we detect this, we kick the proverbial
// can some distance down the road. This problem will prolly fix itself soon. We'll also
// not do any other setup until this issue is fixed
if( === 0 || === 0 ){
console.log("[ArDetector::setup] video has no width or height!",,"×",
this.logger.log('warn', 'debug', `[ArDetect::setup] <@${this.arid}> This video has zero width or zero height. Dimensions: ${} × ${}`);
@ -169,9 +157,7 @@ class ArDetector {
if (this.fallbackMode) {
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::setup] WARNING: CANVAS RESET DETECTED - recalculating guardLine", "background: #000; color: #ff2" )
this.logger.log('warn', 'debug', `[ArDetect::setup] <@${this.arid}> WARNING: CANVAS RESET DETECTED/we're in fallback mode - recalculating guardLine`, "background: #000; color: #ff2");
// blackbar, imagebar
@ -213,9 +199,8 @@ class ArDetector {
start() {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::setup] Starting automatic aspect ratio detection.", _ard_console_start);
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `"%c[ArDetect::start] <@${this.arid}> Starting automatic aspect ratio detection`, _ard_console_start);
if (this.conf.resizer.lastAr.type === AspectRatio.Automatic) {
// ensure first autodetection will run in any case
this.conf.resizer.setLastAr({type: AspectRatio.Automatic, ratio: this.getDefaultAr()});
@ -225,7 +210,6 @@ class ArDetector {
this._halted = false;
this._paused = false;
unpause() {
@ -243,9 +227,7 @@ class ArDetector {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_stop] Stopping automatic aspect ratio detection", _ard_console_stop);
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `"%c[ArDetect::stop] <@${this.arid}> Stopping automatic aspect ratio detection`, _ard_console_stop);
this._halted = true;
// this.conf.resizer.setArLastAr();
@ -263,21 +245,15 @@ class ArDetector {
let exitedRetries = 10;
while (!this._exited && exitedRetries --> 0) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("[ArDetector::main] We are trying to start another instance of autodetection on current video, but the previous instance hasn't exited yet. Waiting for old instance to exit ...")
this.logger.log('warn', 'debug', `[ArDetect::main] <@${this.arid}> We are trying to start another instance of autodetection on current video, but the previous instance hasn't exited yet. Waiting for old instance to exit ...`);
await this.sleep(;
if (!this._exited) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("[ArDetector::main] Previous instance didn't exit in time. Not starting a new one.")
this.logger.log('error', 'debug', `[ArDetect::main] <@${this.arid}> Previous instance didn't exit in time. Not starting a new one.`);
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::main] Main autodetection loop started.", _ard_console_start);
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::main] <@${this.arid}> Previous instance didn't exit in time. Not starting a new one.`);
// we need to unhalt:
this._halted = false;
@ -304,9 +280,7 @@ class ArDetector {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetector::main] Frame check failed:", "color: #000, background: #f00", e);
this.logger.log('error', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::main] <@${this.arid}> Frame check failed:`, "color: #000, background: #f00", e);
if (Debug.performanceMetrics) {
@ -320,9 +294,7 @@ class ArDetector {
await this.sleep(;
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::main] Main autodetection loop exited. Halted? ${this._halted}`, _ard_console_stop);
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::main] <@${this.arid}> Main autodetection loop exited. Halted? ${this._halted}`, _ard_console_stop);
this._exited = true;
@ -367,8 +339,10 @@ class ArDetector {
this.setupTimer = setTimeout(function(){
ths.setupTimer = null;
}catch(e){console.log("[ArDetector::scheduleInitRestart] Failed to start init(). Error:",e)}
} catch(e) {
this.logger('error', 'debug', `[ArDetector::scheduleInitRestart] <@${this.arid}> Failed to start main(). Error:`,e);
ths = null;
@ -393,9 +367,8 @@ class ArDetector {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::_ard_canvasReadyForDrawWindow] (?)", "color: #44f", this.canvas.height == window.innerHeight, "(ard_height:", this.canvas.height, "| window height:", window.innerHeight, ")");
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::canvasReadyForDrawWindow] <@${this.arid}> canvas is ${this.canvas.height === window.innerHeight ? '' : 'NOT '}ready for drawWindow(). Canvas height: ${this.canvas.height}px; window inner height: ${window.innerHeight}px.`)
return this.canvas.height == window.innerHeight
@ -405,9 +378,9 @@ class ArDetector {
if( execTime > ){
// this.detectionTimeoutEventCount++;
console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Exec time exceeded maximum allowed execution time. This has now happened " + this.detectionTimeoutEventCount + " times in a row.");
// if(Debug.debug){
// console.log("[ArDetect::getTimeout] Exec time exceeded maximum allowed execution time. This has now happened " + this.detectionTimeoutEventCount + " times in a row.");
// }
// if( this.detectionTimeoutEventCount >= ){
// if (Debug.debug){
@ -482,9 +455,7 @@ class ArDetector {
var trueHeight = this.canvas.height * zoomFactor - letterbox;
if( > 1 && <= ){
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect) {
console.log("Edge is in the no-trigger zone. Aspect ratio change is not triggered.")
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::calculateArFromEdges] <@${this.arid}> Edge is in the no-trigger zone. Aspect ratio change is not triggered.`)
@ -499,7 +470,6 @@ class ArDetector {
let actualHeight = 0; // purely for fallback mode
this.detectedAr = trueAr;
// poglejmo, če se je razmerje stranic spremenilo
@ -520,33 +490,22 @@ class ArDetector {
// ali je sprememba v mejah dovoljenega? Če da -> fertik
// is ar variance within acceptable levels? If yes -> we done
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect)
console.log("%c[ArDetect::processAr] new aspect ratio varies from the old one by this much:\n","color: #aaf","old Ar",, "current ar", trueAr, "arDiff (absolute):",arDiff,"ar diff (relative to new ar)", arDiff_percent);
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::processAr] <@${this.arid}> New aspect ratio varies from the old one by this much:\n`,"color: #aaf","old Ar",, "current ar", trueAr, "arDiff (absolute):",arDiff,"ar diff (relative to new ar)", arDiff_percent);
if (arDiff < trueAr *{
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect)
console.log("%c[ArDetect::processAr] aspect ratio change denied — diff %:", "background: #740; color: #fa2", arDiff_percent)
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::processAr] <@${this.arid}> Aspect ratio change denied — diff %: ${arDiff_percent}`, "background: #740; color: #fa2");
else if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log("%c[ArDetect::processAr] aspect ratio change accepted — diff %:", "background: #153; color: #4f9", arDiff_percent)
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::processAr] Triggering aspect ratio change. New aspect ratio: ", _ard_console_change, trueAr);
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::processAr] <@${this.arid}> aspect ratio change accepted — diff %: ${arDiff_percent}`, "background: #153; color: #4f9");
this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::processAr] <@${this.arid}> Triggering aspect ratio change. New aspect ratio: ${trueAr}`, _ard_console_change);
this.conf.resizer.setAr({type: AspectRatio.Automatic, ratio: trueAr}, {type: AspectRatio.Automatic, ratio: trueAr});
if(Debug.debug || Debug.warnings_critical) {
console.log("[ArDetect::frameCheck] Video went missing. Destroying current instance of videoData.")
this.logger.log('error', 'debug', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] <@${this.arid}> Video went missing. Destroying current instance of videoData.`);
@ -565,9 +524,8 @@ class ArDetector {
this.blackframeContext.drawImage(, 0, 0, this.blackframeCanvas.width, this.blackframeCanvas.height);
this.fallbackMode = false;
} catch (e) {
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect) {
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] can't draw image on canvas. ${this.canDoFallbackMode ? 'Trying canvas.drawWindow instead' : 'Doing nothing as browser doesn\'t support fallback mode.'}`, "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", e);
this.logger.log('error', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] <@${this.arid}> %c[ArDetect::frameCheck] can't draw image on canvas. ${this.canDoFallbackMode ? 'Trying canvas.drawWindow instead' : 'Doing nothing as browser doesn\'t support fallback mode.'}`, "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", e);
// nothing to see here, really, if fallback mode isn't supported by browser
if (! this.canDoFallbackMode) {
@ -598,23 +556,19 @@ class ArDetector {
try {
this.context.drawWindow(window, this.canvasDrawWindowHOffset, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, "rgba(0,0,128,1)");
} catch (e) {
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] can't draw image on canvas with fallback mode either. This error is prolly only temporary.`, "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", e);
this.logger.log('error', 'arDetect', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] can't draw image on canvas with fallback mode either. This error is prolly only temporary.`, "color:#000; backgroud:#f51;", e);
return; // it's prolly just a fluke, so we do nothing special here
// draw blackframe sample from our main sample:
this.blackframeContext.drawImage(this.canvas, this.blackframeCanvas.width, this.blackframeCanvas.height)
if (Debug.debug) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] canvas.drawImage seems to have worked", "color:#000; backgroud:#2f5;");
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] canvas.drawImage seems to have worked`, "color:#000; backgroud:#2f5;");
const bfanalysis = this.blackframeTest();
if (bfanalysis.isBlack) {
// we don't do any corrections on frames confirmed black
if (Debug.debug && Debug.arDetect) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Black frame analysis suggests this frame is black or too dark. Doing nothing,", "color: #fa3", bfanalysis);
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Black frame analysis suggests this frame is black or too dark. Doing nothing.`, "color: #fa3", bfanalysis);
} else {
// if (Debug.debug && Debug.arDetect) {
@ -640,10 +594,8 @@ class ArDetector {
this.noLetterboxCanvasReset = true;
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Letterbox not detected in fast test. Letterbox is either gone or we manually corrected aspect ratio. Nothing will be done.`, "color: #fa3");
if (Debug.debug && Debug.arDetect) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Letterbox not detected in fast test. Letterbox is either gone or we manually corrected aspect ratio. Nothing will be done.", "color: #fa3");
@ -660,10 +612,7 @@ class ArDetector {
// če ni padla nobena izmed funkcij, potem se razmerje stranic ni spremenilo
// if both succeed, then aspect ratio hasn't changed.
if (!guardLineOut.imageFail && !guardLineOut.blackbarFail) {
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] guardLine tests were successful. (no imagefail and no blackbarfail)\n`, "color: #afa", guardLineOut);
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] guardLine tests were successful. (no imagefail and no blackbarfail)\n`, "color: #afa", guardLineOut);
@ -700,25 +649,20 @@ class ArDetector {
if(guardLineOut.blackbarFail || guardLineOut.imageFail){
if(this.edgeDetector.findBars(imageData, null, EdgeDetectPrimaryDirection.HORIZONTAL).status === 'ar_known'){
if(Debug.debug && guardLineOut.blackbarFail){
console.log("[ArDetect::frameCheck] Detected blackbar violation and pillarbox. Resetting to default aspect ratio.");
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `[ArDetect::frameCheck] Detected blackbar violation and pillarbox. Resetting to default aspect ratio.`);
this.conf.resizer.setAr({type: AspectRatio.Automatic, ratio: this.getDefaultAr()});
triggerTimeout = this.getTimeout(baseTimeout, startTime);
} catch(e) {
if(Debug.debug) {
console.log("[ArDetect.js::frameCheck] something went wrong when checking for pillarbox. Error:\n", e)
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect', `[ArDetect::frameCheck] something went wrong while checking for pillarbox. Error:\n`, e);
// pa poglejmo, kje se končajo črne letvice na vrhu in na dnu videa.
@ -729,19 +673,12 @@ class ArDetector {
var edgePost = this.edgeDetector.findBars(imageData, sampleCols, EdgeDetectPrimaryDirection.VERTICAL, EdgeDetectQuality.IMPROVED, guardLineOut, bfanalysis);
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] edgeDetector returned this\n`, "color: #aaf", edgePost);
// console.log("SAMPLES:", blackbarSamples, "candidates:", edgeCandidates, "post:", edgePost,"\n\nblack level:", this.blackLevel, "tresh:", this.blackLevel +;
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] edgeDetector returned this\n`, "color: #aaf", edgePost);
if (edgePost.status !== EdgeStatus.AR_KNOWN){
// rob ni bil zaznan, zato ne naredimo ničesar.
// no edge was detected. Let's leave things as they were
if (Debug.debug && Debug.arDetect) {
console.log("%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Edge wasn't detected with findBars", "color: #fa3", edgePost, "EdgeStatus.AR_KNOWN:", EdgeStatus.AR_KNOWN);
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Edge wasn't detected with findBars`, "color: #fa3", edgePost, "EdgeStatus.AR_KNOWN:", EdgeStatus.AR_KNOWN);
@ -762,9 +699,8 @@ class ArDetector {
// return;
// }
if(Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect){
console.log(`%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Triggering aspect ration change! new ar: ${newAr}`, "color: #aaf");
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', `%c[ArDetect::frameCheck] Triggering aspect ration change! new ar: ${newAr}`, "color: #aaf");
// we also know edges for guardline, so set them.
@ -800,10 +736,7 @@ class ArDetector {
blackframeTest() {
if (this.blackLevel === undefined) {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.debugArDetect) {
console.log("[ArDetect::frameCheck] black level undefined, resetting");
this.logger.log('info', 'arDetect_verbose', "[ArDetect::blackframeTest] black level undefined, resetting");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user