What's new
Full changelog for older versions is available here.
- Russian users (and users of other non-latin keyboard layouts) can now use keyboard shortcuts by default,
without having to rebind them manually. NOTE: this change will only be applied to users who have NOT
modified their keyboard shortcuts.
- NOTE: when using non-latin layouts, 'zoom' shortcut (`z` by default) uses the position of 'Y' on QWERTY layout.
- Ability to preserve aspect ratio between different videos (applies to current page and doesn't survive proper
page reloads)
- Changing aspect ratio now resets zooming and panning.
- Fixed bug where keyboard shortcuts would work while typing in certain text fields
- Fixed a minor bug with autodetection
- [] — fixed mailto: and reddit compose links. When reporting bugs, email/reddit template now
automatically gathers browser, extension version and OS.