class VideoData { constructor(video){ this.arSetupComplete = false; = video; this.destroyed = false; // POZOR: VRSTNI RED JE POMEMBEN (arDetect mora bit zadnji) // NOTE: ORDERING OF OBJ INITIALIZATIONS IS IMPORTANT (arDetect needs to go last) this.player = new PlayerData(this); this.resizer = new Resizer(this); this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); // this starts Ar detection. needs optional parameter that prevets ardetdctor from starting // player dimensions need to be in: // this.player.dimensions } firstTimeArdInit(){ if(! this.arSetupComplete){ this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); } } initArDetection() { if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.init(); } else{ this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); this.arDetector.init(); } } startArDetection() { this.arDetector.start(); } destroy() { this.destroyed = true; if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.stop(); this.arDetector.destroy(); } this.arDetector = null; if(this.resizer){ this.resizer.destroy(); } if(this.player){ player.destroy(); } = null; } pause(){ this.paused = true; if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.stop(); } if(this.resizer){ this.resizer.stop(); } if(this.player){ this.player.stop(); } } resume(){ this.paused = false; try { this.resizer.start(); this.player.start(); } catch (e) { if(Debug.debug){ console.log("[VideoData.js::resume] cannot resume for reasons. Will destroy videoData. Error here:", e); } this.destroy(); } } resumeAutoAr(){ if(this.arDetector){ this.startArDetection(); } } setLastAr(lastAr){ this.resizer.setLastAr(lastAr); } setAr(ar, lastAr){ this.resizer.setAr(ar, lastAr); } setStretchMode(stretchMode){ this.resizer.setStretchMode(stretchMode); } }