import Debug from './conf/Debug'; import ExtensionMode from '../common/enums/ExtensionMode.enum'; import Settings from './lib/Settings'; import Comms from './lib/comms/Comms'; import CommsClient from './lib/comms/CommsClient'; import PageInfo from './lib/video-data/PageInfo'; import Logger, { baseLoggingOptions } from './lib/Logger'; import UWGlobals from './lib/UWGlobals'; import EventBus from './lib/EventBus'; import KeyboardHandler from './lib/kbm/KeyboardHandler'; import { SiteSettings } from './lib/settings/SiteSettings'; import UI from './lib/uwui/UI'; export default class UWContent { pageInfo: PageInfo; comms: CommsClient; settings: Settings; siteSettings: SiteSettings; keyboardHandler: KeyboardHandler; logger: Logger; eventBus: EventBus; isIframe: boolean = false; globalUi: any; commsHandlers: { [x: string]: ((a: any, b?: any) => void | Promise)[] } = { } constructor(){ this.isIframe = window.self !== } reloadSettings() { try { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', 'Things happened in the popup. Will reload extension settings.'); this.init(); } catch (e) { console.warn('Ultrawidify: settings reload failed. This probably shouldn\'t outright kill the extension, but page reload is recommended.'); } } async init(){ try { if (Debug.debug) { console.log("[uw::main] loading configuration ..."); } // logger init is the first thing that needs to run try { if (!this.logger) { this.logger = new Logger(); await this.logger.init(baseLoggingOptions); } } catch (e) { console.error("logger init failed!", e) } // init() is re-run any time settings change if (this.comms) { this.comms.destroy(); } if (this.eventBus) { this.eventBus.destroy(); } if (!this.settings) { this.settings = new Settings({ onSettingsChanged: () => this.reloadSettings(), logger: this.logger }); await this.settings.init(); this.siteSettings = this.settings.getSiteSettings(); } this.eventBus = new EventBus(); this.eventBus.subscribe( 'uw-restart', { function: () => this.initPhase2() } ); this.comms = new CommsClient('content-main-port', this.logger, this.eventBus); this.eventBus.setComms(this.comms); this.initPhase2(); } catch (e) { console.error('Ultrawidify initalization failed for some reason:', e); } } // we always initialize extension, even if it's disabled. initPhase2() { try { if (this.pageInfo) { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', '[uw.js::setup] An instance of pageInfo already exists and will be destroyed.'); this.pageInfo.destroy(); } this.pageInfo = new PageInfo(this.eventBus, this.siteSettings, this.settings, this.logger); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] pageInfo initialized."); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] will try to initate KeyboardHandler."); if (this.keyboardHandler) { this.keyboardHandler.destroy(); } this.keyboardHandler = new KeyboardHandler(this.eventBus, this.siteSettings, this.settings, this.logger); this.keyboardHandler.init(); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] KeyboardHandler initiated."); this.globalUi = new UI('ultrawidify-global-ui', {eventBus: this.eventBus, isGlobal: true}); this.globalUi.enable(); this.globalUi.setUiVisibility(false); } catch (e) { console.error('Ultrawidify: failed to start extension. Error:', e) this.logger.log('error', 'debug', "[uw::init] FAILED TO START EXTENSION. Error:", e); } } destroy() { if (this.pageInfo) { this.pageInfo.destroy(); } if (this.keyboardHandler) { this.keyboardHandler.destroy(); } } }