import Debug from '../conf/Debug'; class ActionHandler { constructor(pageInfo) { this.pageInfo = pageInfo; this.settings = pageInfo.settings; this.inputs = ['input', 'select', 'button', 'textarea']; } init() { if (Debug.debug) { console.log("[ActionHandler::init] starting init"); } this.keyUpActions = []; this.keyDownActions = []; this.mouseMoveActions = []; this.mouseScrollUpActions = []; this.mouseScrollDownActions = []; this.mouseEnterActions = []; this.mouseLeaveActions = []; var ths = this; var actions; try { if ([].actions) { actions =[].actions; } else { actions =; } } catch (e) { actions =; } for (var action of actions) { if(! action.shortcut) { continue; } var shortcut = action.shortcut[0]; if (shortcut.onKeyDown) { this.keyDownActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onKeyUp) { this.keyUpActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onScrollUp) { this.mouseScrollUpActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onScrollDown) { this.mouseScrollDownActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onMouseEnter) { this.mouseEnterActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onMouseLeave) { this.mouseLeaveActions.push(action); } if (shortcut.onMouseMove) { this.mouseMoveActions.push(action); } } document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => ths.handleKeydown(event) ); document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => ths.handleKeyup(event) ); this.pageInfo.setActionHandler(this); if (Debug.debug) { console.log("[ActionHandler::init] initialization complete"); } } registerHandleMouse(videoData) { if (Debug.debug) { console.log("[ActionHandler::registerHandleMouse] registering handle mouse for videodata:", videoData) } var ths = this; if (videoData.player && videoData.player.element) { videoData.player.element.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => ths.handleMouseMove(event, videoData)); } } preventAction() { var activeElement = document.activeElement; if(Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard) { Debug.debug = false; // temp disable to avoid recursing; console.log("[ActionHandler::preventAction] Testing whether we're in a textbox or something. Detailed rundown of conditions:\n" + "is full screen? (yes->allow):", PlayerData.isFullScreen(), "\nis tag one of defined inputs? (yes->prevent):", this.inputs.indexOf(activeElement.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) !== -1, "\nis role = textbox? (yes -> prevent):", activeElement.getAttribute("role") === "textbox", "\nis type === 'text'? (yes -> prevent):", activeElement.getAttribute("type") === "text", "\nwill the action be prevented? (yes -> prevent)", this.preventAction(), "\n-----------------{ extra debug info }-------------------", "\ntag name? (lowercase):", activeElement.tagName, activeElement.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(), "\nrole:", activeElement.getAttribute('role'), "\ntype:", activeElement.getAttribute('type'), "insta-fail inputs:", this.inputs ); Debug.debug = true; // undisable } // lately youtube has allowed you to read and write comments while watching video in // fullscreen mode. We can no longer do this. // if (PlayerData.isFullScreen()) { // return false; // } if (this.inputs.indexOf(activeElement.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) !== -1) { return true; } if (activeElement.getAttribute("role") === "textbox") { return true; } if (activeElement.getAttribute("type") === "text") { return true; } return false; } isActionMatch(shortcut, event) { return shortcut.key === event.key && shortcut.ctrlKey === event.ctrlKey && shortcut.metaKey === event.metaKey && shortcut.altKey === event.altKey && shortcut.shiftKey === event.shiftKey } execAction(actions, event, shortcutIndex, videoData) { if(Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard ){ console.log("%c[ActionHandler::execAction] Trying to find and execute action for event. Actions/event: ", "color: #ff0", actions, event); } if (!shortcutIndex) { shortcutIndex = 0; } for (var action of actions) { if (this.isActionMatch(action.shortcut[shortcutIndex], event)) { if(Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard ){ console.log("%c[ActionHandler::execAction] found an action associated with keypress/event: ", "color: #ff0", action); } for (var cmd of action.cmd) { if (cmd.action === "set-ar") { this.pageInfo.setAr(cmd.arg); } else if (cmd.action === "set-zoom") { this.pageInfo.zoomStep(cmd.arg); } else if (cmd.action === "set-stretch") { this.pageInfo.setStretchMode(cmd.arg); } else if (cmd.action === "toggle-pan") { this.pageInfo.setPanMode(cmd.arg) } else if (cmd.action === "pan") { if (videoData) { videoData.panHandler(event, true); } } } return; } } } handleKeyup(event) { if(Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard ){ console.log("%c[ActionHandler::handleKeyup] we pressed a key: ", "color: #ff0", event.key , " | keydown: ", event.keyup, "event:", event); } if (this.preventAction()) { if (Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard) { console.log("[ActionHandler::handleKeyup] we are in a text box or something. Doing nothing."); } return; } this.execAction(this.keyUpActions, event, 0); } handleKeydown(event) { if(Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard ){ console.log("%c[ActionHandler::handleKeydown] we pressed a key: ", "color: #ff0", event.key , " | keydown: ", event.keydown, "event:", event); } if (this.preventAction()) { if (Debug.debug && Debug.keyboard) { console.log("[ActionHandler::handleKeydown] we are in a text box or something. Doing nothing."); } return; } this.execAction(this.keyDownActions, event, 0); } handleMouseMove(event, videoData) { if (Debug.debug && Debug.mousemove) { console.log("[ActionHandler::handleMouseMove] mouse move is being handled.\nevent:", event, "\nvideo data:", videoData); } videoData.panHandler(event); this.execAction(this.mouseMoveActions, event, undefined, videoData) } } export default ActionHandler;