// Chrome's tabs.sendMessage() and runtime.sendMessage() APIs are pure cancer // attempts to make those two work like their Firefox counterparts have failed // // because Chrome's implementation of tabs.sendMessage() and runtime.sendMessage() // make code less nice and more prone to turn into spaghetti _all_ chrome functions // dealing with these have been moved to this file. Don't forget to include in manifest. // // // welcome to callback hell var _cancer_popup_port; var _cancer_uwbg_popup_port; var _cancer_popup_handleCallbacks = function (message){ if(message.cmd == "has-video-response"){ if(message.response){ if(message.response.hasVideos){ hasVideos = true; openMenu(); } } } if(message.cmd == "get-config-response"){ if(message.response){ loadConfig(message.response); } } } var _cancer_init_popup = function() { var _cancer_popup_port = browser.runtime.connect({name: "_uw_bg_popup"}); _cancer_popup_port.onMessage.addListener(_cancer_handleCallbacks); } /* var ChromeCancer = { recvmsg: _cancer_recvmsg, receiveMessage_cs: _cancer_content_receiveMessage, check4conf: _cancer_check4conf, check4videos: _cancer_check4videos, check4videos2: _cancer_check4videos2, check4conf2: _cancer_check4conf2 }*/