import Debug from '../../conf/Debug'; import PlayerData from './PlayerData'; import Resizer from '../video-transform/Resizer'; import ArDetector from '../ar-detect/ArDetector'; import AspectRatio from '../../../common/enums/aspect-ratio.enum'; class VideoData { constructor(video, settings, pageInfo){ this.vdid = (Math.random()*100).toFixed(); this.logger = pageInfo.logger; this.arSetupComplete = false; = video; this.destroyed = false; this.settings = settings; this.pageInfo = pageInfo; this.extensionMode = pageInfo.extensionMode; this.videoStatusOk = false; this.userCssClassName = `uw-fuck-you-and-do-what-i-tell-you_${this.vdid}`; this.videoLoaded = false; this.videoDimensionsLoaded = true; this.dimensions = { width:, height:, }; // this is in case extension loads before the video video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => { this.logger.log('info', 'init', '[VideoData::ctor->video.onloadeddata] Video fired event "loaded data!"'); this.onVideoLoaded(); }); // this one is in case extension loads after the video is loaded video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { this.onVideoLoaded(); }); } async onVideoLoaded() { if (!this.videoLoaded) { this.logger.log('info', 'init', '%c[VideoData::onVideoLoaded] ——————————— Initiating phase two of videoData setup ———————————', 'color: #0f9'); this.videoLoaded = true; this.videoDimensionsLoaded = true; try { await this.setupStageTwo(); this.logger.log('info', 'init', '%c[VideoData::onVideoLoaded] ——————————— videoData setup stage two complete ———————————', 'color: #0f9'); } catch (e) { this.logger.log('error', 'init', '%c[VideoData::onVideoLoaded] ——————————— Setup stage two failed. ———————————\n', 'color: #f00', e); } } else if (!this.videoDimensionsLoaded) { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "%c[VideoData::restoreCrop] Recovering from illegal video dimensions. Resetting aspect ratio.", "background: #afd, color: #132"); this.restoreCrop(); this.videoDimensionsLoaded = true; } } async setupStageTwo() { // POZOR: VRSTNI RED JE POMEMBEN (arDetect mora bit zadnji) // NOTE: ORDERING OF OBJ INITIALIZATIONS IS IMPORTANT (arDetect needs to go last) // NOTE: We only init observers once player is confirmed valid const observerConf = { attributes: true, // attributeFilter: ['style', 'class'], attributeOldValue: true, }; this.player = new PlayerData(this); if (this.player.invalid) { this.invalid = true; return; } this.resizer = new Resizer(this); // INIT OBSERVERS = new MutationObserver( (m, o) => { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', `[VideoData::setupStageTwo->mutationObserver] Mutation observer detected a mutation:`, {m, o}); this.onVideoDimensionsChanged(m, o, this) });, observerConf); // INIT AARD this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); // this starts Ar detection. needs optional parameter that prevets ardetdctor from starting // player dimensions need to be in: // this.player.dimensions // apply default align and stretch this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "%c[VideoData::ctor] Initial resizer reset!", "background: #afd, color: #132"); this.resizer.reset(); this.logger.log('info', ['debug', 'init'], '[VideoData::ctor] Created videoData with vdid', this.vdid, '\nextension mode:', this.extensionMode) this.pageInfo.initMouseActionHandler(this);; // this also needs to be applied BEFORE we initialize resizer! // start fallback video/player size detection this.fallbackChangeDetection(); // force reload last aspect ratio (if default crop ratio exists), but only after the video is if (this.pageInfo.defaultCrop) { this.resizer.setAr(this.pageInfo.defaultCrop); } try { if (!this.pageInfo.defaultCrop) { if (!this.invalid) { this.initArDetection(); } else { this.logger.log('error', 'debug', '[VideoData::secondStageSetup] Video is invalid. Aard not started.',; } } else { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', '[VideoData::secondStageSetup] Default crop is specified for this site. Not starting aard.'); } } catch (e) { this.logger.log('error', 'init', `[VideoData::secondStageSetup] Error with aard initialization (or error with default aspect ratio application)`, e) } } restoreCrop() { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', '[VideoData::restoreCrop] Attempting to reset aspect ratio.') // if we have default crop set for this page, apply this. // otherwise, reset crop if (this.pageInfo.defaultCrop) { this.resizer.setAr(this.pageInfo.defaultCrop); } else { this.resizer.reset(); try { this.stopArDetection(); this.startArDetection(); } catch (e) { this.logger.log('warn', 'debug', '[VideoData::restoreCrop] Autodetection not resumed. Reason:', e); } } } async fallbackChangeDetection() { while (!this.destroyed && !this.invalid) { await this.sleep(500); this.doPeriodicFallbackChangeDetectionCheck(); } } doPeriodicFallbackChangeDetectionCheck() { this.validateVideoOffsets(); } async sleep(timeout) { return new Promise( (resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout)); } onVideoDimensionsChanged(mutationList, observer, context) { if (!mutationList || === undefined) { // something's wrong if (observer && { observer.disconnect(); } return; } let confirmAspectRatioRestore = false; for (let mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes') { if (mutation.attributeName === 'class') { if(! ) { // force the page to include our class in classlist, if the classlist has been removed // while classList.add() doesn't duplicate classes (does nothing if class is already added), // we still only need to make sure we're only adding our class to classlist if it has been // removed. classList.add() will _still_ trigger mutation (even if classlist wouldn't change). // This is a problem because INFINITE RECURSION TIME, and we _really_ don't want that.; } // always trigger refresh on class changes, since change of classname might trigger change // of the player size as well. confirmAspectRatioRestore = true; } if (mutation.attributeName === 'style') { confirmAspectRatioRestore = true; } } } if (!confirmAspectRatioRestore) { return; } // adding player observer taught us that if element size gets triggered by a class, then // the 'style' attributes don't necessarily trigger. This means we also need to trigger // restoreAr here, in case video size was changed this way context.player.forceRefreshPlayerElement(); context.restoreAr(); // sometimes something fucky wucky happens and mutations aren't detected correctly, so we // try to get around that setTimeout( () => { context.validateVideoOffsets(); }, 100); } validateVideoOffsets() { // validate if current video still exists. If not, we destroy current object try { if (! document.body.contains( { this.destroy(); return; } } catch (e) { } // THIS BREAKS PANNING const cs = window.getComputedStyle(; const pcs = window.getComputedStyle(this.player.element); try { const transformMatrix = cs.transform.split(')')[0].split(','); const translateX = +transformMatrix[4]; const translateY = +transformMatrix[5]; const vh = +(cs.height.split('px')[0]); const vw = +(cs.width.split('px')[0]); const ph = +(pcs.height.split('px')[0]); const pw = +(pcs.width.split('px')[0]); // TODO: check & account for panning and alignment if (transformMatrix[0] !== 'none' && this.isWithin(vh, (ph - (translateY * 2)), 2) && this.isWithin(vw, (pw - (translateX * 2)), 2)) { } else { this.player.forceDetectPlayerElementChange(); } } catch(e) { // do nothing on fail } } isWithin(a, b, diff) { return a < b + diff && a > b - diff } firstTimeArdInit(){ if(this.destroyed || this.invalid) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } if(! this.arSetupComplete){ this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); } } initArDetection() { if(this.destroyed || this.invalid) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } if (this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.init(); } else{ this.arDetector = new ArDetector(this); this.arDetector.init(); } } startArDetection() { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[VideoData::startArDetection] starting AR detection") if(this.destroyed || this.invalid) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } if (!this.arDetector) { this.initArDetection(); } this.arDetector.start(); } rebootArDetection() { if(this.destroyed || this.invalid) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } this.arDetector.init(); } stopArDetection() { if (this.arDetector) { this.arDetector.stop(); } } destroy() { this.logger.log('info', ['debug', 'init'], `[VideoData::destroy] received destroy command`); if ( {; } this.pause(); this.destroyed = true; try { this.arDetector.stop(); this.arDetector.destroy(); } catch (e) {} this.arDetector = undefined; try { this.resizer.destroy(); } catch (e) {} this.resizer = undefined; try { this.player.destroy(); } catch (e) {} try {; } catch (e) {} this.player = undefined; = undefined; } pause(){ this.paused = true; if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.stop(); } if(this.player){ this.player.stop(); } } resume(){ if(this.destroyed || this.invalid) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } this.paused = false; try { this.resizer.start(); if (this.player) { this.player.start(); } } catch (e) { this.logger.log('error', 'debug', "[VideoData.js::resume] cannot resume for reasons. Will destroy videoData. Error here:", e); this.destroy(); } } resumeAutoAr(){ if(this.arDetector){ this.startArDetection(); } } setManualTick(manualTick) { if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.setManualTick(manualTick); } } tick() { if(this.arDetector){ this.arDetector.tick(); } } setLastAr(lastAr){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setLastAr(lastAr); } setAr(ar, lastAr){ if (this.invalid) { return; } if (ar.type === AspectRatio.Fixed || ar.type === AspectRatio.FitHeight || ar.type === AspectRatio.FitHeight) { this.player.forceRefreshPlayerElement(); } this.resizer.setAr(ar, lastAr); } resetAr() { if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.reset(); } resetLastAr() { if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setLastAr('original'); } panHandler(event, forcePan) { if (this.invalid) { return; } if(this.destroyed) { // throw {error: 'VIDEO_DATA_DESTROYED', data: {videoData: this}}; return; } if(!this.resizer) { this.destroy(); return; } this.resizer.panHandler(event, forcePan); } setPanMode(mode) { if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setPanMode(mode); } setVideoAlignment(videoAlignment) { if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setVideoAlignment(videoAlignment); } restoreAr(){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.restore(); } setStretchMode(stretchMode, fixedStretchRatio){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setStretchMode(stretchMode, fixedStretchRatio); } setZoom(zoomLevel, no_announce){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.setZoom(zoomLevel, no_announce); } zoomStep(step){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.resizer.zoomStep(step); } announceZoom(scale){ if (this.invalid) { return; } this.pageInfo.announceZoom(scale); } markPlayer(name, color) { if (this.invalid) { return; } if (this.player) { this.player.markPlayer(name, color) } } unmarkPlayer() { this.player.unmarkPlayer(); } isPlaying() { return && > 0 && ! && !; } checkVideoSizeChange(){ const videoWidth =; const videoHeight =; // this 'if' is just here for debugging — real code starts later. It's safe to collapse and // ignore the contents of this if (unless we need to change how logging works) if (this.logger.canLog('debug')){ if(! { this.logger.log('info', 'videoDetect', "[VideoDetect] player element isn't defined"); } if ( && ( this.dimensions?.width != videoWidth || this.dimensions?.height != videoHeight ) ) { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[VideoDetect] player size changed. reason: dimension change. Old dimensions?", this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height, "new dimensions:",,; } } // if size doesn't match, update & return true if (this.dimensions?.width != videoWidth || this.dimensions?.height != videoHeight ){ this.dimensions = { width: videoWidth, height: videoHeight, }; return true; } return false; } } export default VideoData;