if(Debug.debug) console.log("Loading: Resizer.js"); var _res_manual_autoar = function(siteProps){ if(! siteProps.autoar_imdb.enabled) return; if(siteProps.autoar_imdb.isClass) var ntitle = document.querySelector("."+ siteProps.autoar_imdb.title); // NOTE: needs to be tested else var ntitle = document.querySelector("#"+ siteProps.autoar_imdb.title); // NOTE: needs to be tested //querySelector lahko vrne null, zato moramo preveriti, kaj smo dobili — drugače se .textContent pritožuje. //querySelector can return null, in which case .textContent will complain. if(!ntitle) return; var title = ntitle.textContent; char_got_ar = false; last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do:"autoar"}; var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({ type: "gibAspectRatio", title: title }); // sending.then( function(){}, function(err1, err2){console.log("uw::periodic: there was an error while sending a message", err1, err2)} ); } var _res_changeCSS = function(type, action, lastAction, conf, debugmsg){ if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | starting function. type:", type, "; what_do:",what_do,"\nPlayer element is this:",PLAYER); // hideMenu("uw-armenu"); // hideMenu("uw-smenu"); var evideo = $("video")[0]; if(!evideo){ if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | no video element found. Doing nothing."); return; } var video = { width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight }; var nplayer = { width: PLAYER.clientWidth, height: PLAYER.clientHeight }; if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | video dimensions:",video.width,"x",video.height,"; player:",nplayer.width,"x",nplayer.height); // Youtube predvajalnik privzeto resetira CSS ob prehodu v/iz fullscreen. Tukaj shranimo zadnje dejanje, // da ga lahko onFullscreenOff/onFullscreenOn uveljavita. // // Youtube player resets CSS on fullscreen state change. Here we save the last action taken, so // onFullscreenOff/onFullscreenOn are able to preserve it (if we want). lastAction = {type:type, what_do:what_do}; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlanje dejanj se zgodi pod to črto // // Handling actions happens below this line // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (type == "autoar"){ this.autochar(); return; } if (type == "char"){ if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | trying to change aspect ratio."); // char = CHange Aspect Ratio char(what_do, video, nplayer); return; } if (what_do == "reset"){ if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | issuing reset."); resetCSS(video, nplayer); return; } // Velikost videa spreminjamo samo, če smo v celozaslonskem načinu ALI če NE pišemo komentarja // Videa ne spreminjamo tudi, če uporabljamo vrstico za iskanje. // // We only change video size when we're in full screen OR if we are NOT writing a comment. // We also leave video alone if we're using the search bar if(FullScreenDetect.isFullScreen() || ( (document.activeElement.getAttribute("role") != "textbox") && (document.activeElement.getAttribute("type") != "text") )){ if(debugmsg) console.log("uw::changeCSS | trying to fit width or height"); changeCSS_nofs(what_do, video, nplayer); } } var _res_char = function(newAr, video, player){ // Kot vhodni argument dobimo razmerje stranic. Problem je, ker pri nekaterih ločljivostih lahko razmerje stranic // videa/našega zaslona minimalno odstopa od idealnega razmerja — npr 2560x1080 ni natanko 21:9, 1920x1080 ni // natanko 16:9. Zato ob podanem razmerju stranic izračunamo dejansko razmerje stranic. // // The aspect ratio we get as an argument is an ideal aspect ratio. Some (most) resolutions' aspect ratios differ // from that ideal aspect ratio (by a minimal amount) — e.g. 2560x1080 isn't exactly 21:9, 1920x1080 isn't exactly // 16:9. What is more, both 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 are considered "21:9", but their aspect ratios are slightly // different. This has the potential to result in annoying black bars, so we correct the aspect ratio we're given // to something that's slightly more correct. var ar; var res_219 = [ [2560,1080], [3440,1440] ]; var res_169 = [ [1920,1080], [1280,720], [1366,768] ]; if(newAr == (21/9)){ for (var i = 0; i < res_219.length; i++){ if( player.height == res_219[i][1]){ ar = res_219[i][0]/res_219[i][1]; set_video_ar( ar, video, player); return; } } } else if(new_ar == (16/9)){ for (var i = 0; i < res_169.length; i++){ if( player.height == res_169[i][1]){ ar = res_169[i][0]/res_169[i][1]; setVideoAr( ar, video, player); return; } } } _res_setVideoAr(new_ar, video, player); } // autochar: function(){ // // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::autochar | starting. Did we get ar?",char_got_ar,"What about arx and ary?",char_arx,char_ary); // // if(!char_got_ar) // return; // // if(!char_arx || !char_ary) // return; // // var ar = char_arx / char_ary; // if(ar){ // setBestFit(ar); // last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do: "autoar"}; // } // } /* Tukaj povemo, kakšno razmerje stranic ima video. / Kaj to pomeni: // Mi rečemo, da ima video razmerje stranic 16:9. Dejanski video // ima razmerje 4:3. To pomeni, da ima video zgoraj in spodaj črno // obrobo, ki je nočemo, zato video povečamo toliko, da se ta obroba odreže. // // OBROB TUKAJ NE DODAJAMO. // // With this function, we specify the aspect ratio of the video. // What does this mean? // If we specify that the aspect ratio of a video is 16:9 when video is // actually 4:3, that means the video has black bars above and below. // We zoom the video just enough for the black lines to disappear. // // WE DO NOT ADD ANY BLACK BORDERS. If we get to a scenario when we'd have to add // black borders, we do nothing instead. */ var setVideoAr = function(aspect_ratio, video, player){ var video_ar = video.width / video.height; var display_ar = player.width / player.height; if(debugmsg){ console.log("uw::set_video_ar | aspect ratio: " + aspect_ratio + "; video_ar: " + video_ar + "; display_ar: " + display_ar); console.log("uw::set_video_ar | player dimensions: " + player.width + "x" + player.height + "; video dimensions: " + video.width + "x" + video.height); } if( aspect_ratio*1.1 > video_ar && video_ar > aspect_ratio*0.9 ){ // Ta hack nas reši problema, ki ga predstavlja spodnji if stavek — če se legit 21:9 videu na 16:9 monitorju // obreže na 16:9, potem ga s klicem te funkcije ne moremo spremeniti nazaj na 21:9. Vendar pa bi za tak primer // radi imeli izjemo. // // This hack solves the problem that the bottom if statement presents. If we crop a 21:9 video on a 16:9 monitor, // we can't change it back to 21:9 in this function, even though we kinda want that to happen — so we add an // exception. if( debugmsg) console.log("uw::set_video_ar | ar matches our display ar. resetting"); resetCSS(video, player); return; } // Širina, višina, top, left za nov video // Width, height, top and left for the new video var nv = { "w":0, "h":0, "top":0, "left":0 }; /* * // Video hočemo pretvoriti v video z drugačnim razmerjem stranic. * // To storimo tako, da širino videa nastavimo relativno na višino prikazovalnika, torej: * // * // širina = višina_prikazovalnika * razmerje_stranic * // višina = širina / video_ar * // * // * // * // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * // * // In this case, the video is narrower than we want (think 4:3, which we want to make into 16:9) * // We achieve this by setting video width relative to the display width, so: * // * // width = display_height * aspect_ratio * // height = width / video_ar * // */ if( video_ar <= aspect_ratio ){ if(debugmsg){ console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is taller than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio ); } nv.w = player.height * aspect_ratio; nv.h = nv.w / video_ar; nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2; nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2; } else{ if(debugmsg){ console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is wider than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio ); } nv.h = player.width / aspect_ratio; nv.w = nv.h * video_ar; nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2; nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2; } if(nv.w > (player.width * 1.1) && nv.h > (player.height * 1.1)) return; this._res_applyCss(nv); } // // Ta funkcija ugotovi, kako se kvadrat s podanim razmerjem stranic najbolj prilega ekranu // // Predpostavimo, da so ćrne obrobe vselej zgoraj in spodaj, nikoli levo in desno. // // // // This function determines how a rectangle with a given aspect ratio best fits the monitor // // We assume letterbox is always letterbox, never pillarbox. // var _res_setBestFit = function(ar){ // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | got ar:",ar); // // var player = {width: PLAYER.clientWidth, height: PLAYER.clientHeight}; // var player_ar = player.width / player.height; // // var evideo = $("video")[0]; // var video = {width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight}; // var video_ar = video.width / video.height; // // // Ob predpostavki, da je argument 'ar' pravilen, naračunamo dimenzije videa glede na širino in višino predvajalnika // // Kot rezultat laho dobimo dve možnosti: // // A: naračunana širina je širša, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo širino (letterbox zgoraj/spodaj, // // levo/desno pa ne) // // B: naračunana širina je ožja, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo višino (letterbox levo/desno, // // zgoraj/spodaj pa ne) // // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | here's all we got. ar:",ar,"player:",player,"video:",video); // // var tru_width = player.height * ar; // var tru_height = player.width / ar; // // var nv = {w: "", h: "", top: "", left: ""}; // // if(ar >= video_ar){ // if(ar >= player_ar){ // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | aspect ratio is wider than player ar.") // nv.h = player.width / video_ar; // nv.w = nv.h * ar; // } // else{ // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | aspect ratio is narrower than player ar.", (player.height * ar), nv) // nv.w = player.height * ar; // nv.h = nv.w / video_ar; // } // } // else{ // if(ar >= player_ar){ // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | aspect ratio is wider than player ar.") // nv.h = player.width / ar; // nv.w = nv.h * video_ar; // } // else{ // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | aspect ratio is narrower than player ar.", (player.height * ar), nv) // nv.w = player.height * video_ar; // nv.h = nv.w / ar; // } // } // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | new video width and height processed. nv so far:", nv) // // nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2; // nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2; // // if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar) // console.log("uw::setBestFit | tru width:",tru_width,"(player width:",player.width,"); new video size:",nv); // // _res_applyCss(nv); // console.log("uw::setBestFit | css applied"); // } // Skrbi za "stare" možnosti, kot na primer "na širino zaslona", "na višino zaslona" in "ponastavi". Približevanje opuščeno. // handles "legacy" options, such as 'fit to widht', 'fit to height' and 'reset'. No zoom tho var _res_legacyAr = function(action){ var vid = $("video")[0]; var ar = screen.width / screen.height; var fileAr = vid.videoWidth / vid.videoHeight; if(action == "fitw"){ _res_setAr_kbd( ar > fileAr ? ar : fileAr); return; } if(action == "fith"){ _res_setAr_kbd( ar < fileAr ? ar : fileAr); return; } if(action == "reset"){ _res_setAr_kbd(fileAr); return; } } var _res_reset = function(){ dimensions = {top: "", left: "", width: "100%", height: "100%"}; $("video").css({"position": "relative", "width": dimensions.width,"height": dimensions.height,"top": dimensions.top, "left": dimensions.left}); if(Debug.debug) console.log("[Resizer::_res_applyCss] css applied. Dimensions/pos: w:",dimensions.width,"; h:",dimensions.height,"; top:",dimensions.top,"; left:",dimensions.left); } var _res_setAr_kbd = function(ar){ if(FullScreenDetect.isFullScreen()) _res_setAr(ar, {width: screen.width, height: screen.height} ); // else // _res_setAr_nonfs(ar); // TODO: check if site supports non-fs ar } var _res_setAr = function(ar, playerDimensions){ var vid = $("video")[0]; // Dejansko razmerje stranic datoteke/