var EdgeDetectPrimaryDirection = { VERTICAL: 0, HORIZONTAL: 1 } var EdgeDetectQuality = { FAST: 0, IMPROVED: 1 } class EdgeDetect{ constructor(ardConf){ this.conf = ardConf; this.settings = ardConf.settings; this.sampleWidthBase = << 2; // corrected so we can work on imageData this.halfSample = this.sampleWidthBase >> 1; this.detectionTreshold =; this.init(); // initiate things that can change } // initiates things that we may have to change later down the line init() { } findBars(image, sampleCols, direction = EdgeDetectPrimaryDirection.VERTICAL, quality = EdgeDetectQuality.IMPROVED, guardLineOut){ var fastCandidates, edgeCandidates, bars; if (direction == EdgeDetectPrimaryDirection.VERTICAL) { fastCandidates = this.findCandidates(image, sampleCols, guardLineOut); // if(quality == EdgeDetectQuality.FAST){ // edges = fastCandidates; // todo: processing // } else { edgeCandidates = this.edgeDetect(image, fastCandidates); bars = this.edgePostprocess(edgeCandidates, this.conf.canvas.height); // } } else { bars = this.pillarTest(image) ? {status: 'ar_known'} : {status: 'ar_unknown'}; } return bars; } findCandidates(image, sampleCols, guardLineOut){ var upper_top, upper_bottom, lower_top, lower_bottom; var blackbarTreshold; var cols_a = sampleCols.slice(0); var cols_b = cols_a.slice(0); // todo: cloning can be done better. check array.splice or whatever for(var i in sampleCols){ cols_b[i] = cols_a[i] + 0; } var res_top = []; var res_bottom = []; this.colsTreshold = sampleCols.length *; if(this.colsTreshold == 0) this.colsTreshold = 1; this.blackbarTreshold = this.conf.blackLevel +; // if guardline didn't fail and imageDetect did, we don't have to check the upper few pixels // but only if upper and lower edge are defined. If they're not, we need to check full height if(guardLineOut){ if(guardLineOut.imageFail && !guardLineOut.blackbarFail && { upper_top =; upper_bottom = this.conf.canvas.height >> 1; lower_top = upper_bottom; lower_bottom = this.conf.guardLine.blackbar.bottom; } else if (! guardLineOut.imageFail && !guardLineOut.blackbarFail && { // ta primer se lahko zgodi tudi zaradi kakšnega logotipa. Ker nočemo, da nam en jeben // logotip vsili reset razmerja stranic, se naredimo hrvata in vzamemo nekaj varnostnega // pasu preko točke, ki jo označuje guardLine.blackbar. Recimo 1/8 višine platna na vsaki strani. // a logo could falsely trigger this case, so we need to add some extra margins past // the point marked by guardLine.blackbar. Let's say 1/8 of canvas height on either side. upper_top = 0; upper_bottom = + (this.conf.canvas.height >> 3); lower_top = this.conf.guardLine.blackbar.bottom - (this.conf.canvas.height >> 3); lower_bottom = this.conf.canvas.height - 1; } else { upper_top = 0; upper_bottom = (this.conf.canvas.height >> 1) /*- parseInt(this.conf.canvas.height *;*/ lower_top = (this.conf.canvas.height >> 1) /*+ parseInt(this.conf.canvas.height *;*/ lower_bottom = this.conf.canvas.height - 1; } } else{ upper_top = 0; upper_bottom = (this.conf.canvas.height >> 1) /*- parseInt(this.conf.canvas.height *;*/ lower_top = (this.conf.canvas.height >> 1) /*+ parseInt(this.conf.canvas.height *;*/ lower_bottom = this.conf.canvas.height - 1; } if(Debug.debug){ console.log("[EdgeDetect::findCandidates] searching for candidates on ranges", upper_top, "<->", upper_bottom, ";", lower_top, "<->", lower_bottom) } var upper_top_corrected = upper_top * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; var upper_bottom_corrected = upper_bottom * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; var lower_top_corrected = lower_top * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; var lower_bottom_corrected = lower_bottom * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; if(Debug.debugCanvas.enabled){ this._columnTest_dbgc(image, upper_top_corrected, upper_bottom_corrected, cols_a, res_top, false); this._columnTest_dbgc(image, lower_top_corrected, lower_bottom_corrected, cols_b, res_bottom, true); } else { this._columnTest(image, upper_top_corrected, upper_bottom_corrected, cols_a, res_top, false); this._columnTest(image, lower_top_corrected, lower_bottom_corrected, cols_b, res_bottom, true); } return {res_top: res_top, res_bottom: res_bottom}; } // dont call the following outside of this class edgeDetect(image, samples){ var edgeCandidatesTop = {count: 0}; var edgeCandidatesBottom = {count: 0}; var detections; var canvasWidth = this.conf.canvas.width; var canvasHeight = this.conf.canvas.height; var sampleStart, sampleEnd, loopEnd; var sampleRow_black, sampleRow_color; var blackEdgeViolation = false; var topEdgeCount = 0; var bottomEdgeCount = 0; var sample; for(sample of samples.res_top){ blackEdgeViolation = false; // reset this // determine our bounds. Note that sample.col is _not_ corrected for imageData, but halfSample is sampleStart = (sample.col << 2) - this.halfSample; if(sampleStart < 0) sampleStart = 0; sampleEnd = sampleStart + this.sampleWidthBase; if(sampleEnd > this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) sampleEnd = this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; // calculate row offsets for imageData array sampleRow_black = ( - * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; sampleRow_color = ( + 1 + * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; // že ena kršitev črnega roba pomeni, da kandidat ni primeren // even a single black edge violation means the candidate is not an edge loopEnd = sampleRow_black + sampleEnd; if(Debug.debugCanvas.enabled){ blackEdgeViolation = this._blackbarTest_dbg(image, sampleRow_black + sampleStart, loopEnd); } else { blackEdgeViolation = this._blackbarTest(image, sampleRow_black + sampleStart, loopEnd); } // če je bila črna črta skrunjena, preverimo naslednjega kandidata // if we failed, we continue our search with the next candidate if(blackEdgeViolation) continue; detections = 0; loopEnd = sampleRow_color + sampleEnd; if(Debug.debugCanvas.enabled) { this._imageTest_dbg(image, sampleRow_color + sampleStart, loopEnd,, edgeCandidatesTop) } else { this._imageTest(image, sampleRow_color + sampleStart, loopEnd,, edgeCandidatesTop) } } for(sample of samples.res_bottom){ blackEdgeViolation = false; // reset this // determine our bounds. Note that sample.col is _not_ corrected for imageData, but this.halfSample is sampleStart = (sample.col << 2) - this.halfSample; if(sampleStart < 0) sampleStart = 0; sampleEnd = sampleStart + this.sampleWidthBase; if(sampleEnd > this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) sampleEnd = this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; // calculate row offsets for imageData array sampleRow_black = (sample.bottom + * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; sampleRow_color = (sample.bottom - 1 - * this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; // že ena kršitev črnega roba pomeni, da kandidat ni primeren // even a single black edge violation means the candidate is not an edge loopEnd = sampleRow_black + sampleEnd; if(Debug.debugCanvas.enabled){ blackEdgeViolation = this._blackbarTest_dbg(image, sampleRow_black + sampleStart, loopEnd); } else { blackEdgeViolation = this._blackbarTest(image, sampleRow_black + sampleStart, loopEnd); } // če je bila črna črta skrunjena, preverimo naslednjega kandidata // if we failed, we continue our search with the next candidate if(blackEdgeViolation) continue; detections = 0; loopEnd = sampleRow_color + sampleEnd; if(Debug.debugCanvas.enabled) { this._imageTest_dbg(image, sampleRow_color + sampleStart, loopEnd, sample.bottom, edgeCandidatesBottom); } else { this._imageTest(image, sampleRow_color + sampleStart, loopEnd, sample.bottom, edgeCandidatesBottom); } } return { edgeCandidatesTop: edgeCandidatesTop, edgeCandidatesTopCount: edgeCandidatesTop.count, edgeCandidatesBottom: edgeCandidatesBottom, edgeCandidatesBottomCount: edgeCandidatesBottom.count }; } edgePostprocess(edges){ var edgesTop = []; var edgesBottom = []; var alignMargin = this.conf.canvas.height *; var missingEdge = edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount == 0 || edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount == 0; // pretvorimo objekt v tabelo // convert objects to array delete(edges.edgeCandidatesTop.count); delete(edges.edgeCandidatesBottom.count); if( edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount > 0){ for(var e in edges.edgeCandidatesTop){ var edge = edges.edgeCandidatesTop[e]; edgesTop.push({ distance: edge.offset, absolute: edge.offset, count: edge.count }); } } if( edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount > 0){ for(var e in edges.edgeCandidatesBottom){ var edge = edges.edgeCandidatesBottom[e]; edgesBottom.push({ distance: this.conf.canvas.height - edge.offset, absolute: edge.offset, count: edge.count }); } } // sort by distance edgesTop = edgesTop.sort((a,b) => {return a.distance - b.distance}); edgesBottom = edgesBottom.sort((a,b) => {return a.distance - b.distance}); // če za vsako stran (zgoraj in spodaj) poznamo vsaj enega kandidata, potem lahko preverimo nekaj // stvari if(! missingEdge ){ // predvidevamo, da je logo zgoraj ali spodaj, nikakor pa ne na obeh straneh hkrati. // če kanal logotipa/watermarka ni vključil v video, potem si bosta razdaliji (edge.distance) prvih ključev // zgornjega in spodnjega roba približno enaki // // we'll assume that no youtube channel is rude enough to put channel logo/watermark both on top and the bottom // of the video. If logo's not included in the video, distances (edge.distance) of the first two keys should be // roughly equal. Let's check for that. if( edgesTop[0].distance >= edgesBottom[0].distance - alignMargin && edgesTop[0].distance <= edgesBottom[0].distance + alignMargin ){ var blackbarWidth = edgesTop[0].distance > edgesBottom[0].distance ? edgesTop[0].distance : edgesBottom[0].distance; return { status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[0].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute, top: edgesTop[0].distance, bottom: edgesBottom[0].distance }; } // torej, lahko da je na sliki watermark. Lahko, da je slika samo ornh črna. Najprej preverimo za watermark // it could be watermark. It could be a dark frame. Let's check for watermark first. if( edgesTop[0].distance < edgesBottom[0].distance && edgesTop[0].count < edgesBottom[0].count && edgesTop[0].count < GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols *{ // možno, da je watermark zgoraj. Preverimo, če se kateri od drugih potencialnih robov na zgornjem robu // ujema s prvim spodnjim (+/- variance). Če je temu tako, potem bo verjetno watermark. Logo mora imeti // manj vzorcev kot navaden rob. if(edgesTop[0].length > 1){ var lowMargin = edgesBottom[0].distance - alignMargin; var highMargin = edgesBottom[0].distance + alignMargin; for(var i = 1; i < edgesTop.length; i++){ if(edgesTop[i].distance >= lowMargin && edgesTop[i].distance <= highMargin){ // dobili smo dejanski rob. vrnimo ga // we found the actual edge. let's return that. var blackbarWidth = edgesTop[i].distance > edgesBottom[0].distance ? edgesTop[i].distance : edgesBottom[0].distance; return { status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[i].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute, top: edgesTop[i].distance, bottom: edgesBottom[0].distance }; } } } } if( edgesBottom[0].distance < edgesTop[0].distance && edgesBottom[0].count < edgesTop[0].count && edgesBottom[0].count < GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols *{ if(edgesBottom[0].length > 1){ var lowMargin = edgesTop[0].distance - alignMargin; var highMargin = edgesTop[0].distance + alignMargin; for(var i = 1; i < edgesBottom.length; i++){ if(edgesBottom[i].distance >= lowMargin && edgesTop[i].distance <= highMargin){ // dobili smo dejanski rob. vrnimo ga // we found the actual edge. let's return that. var blackbarWidth = edgesBottom[i].distance > edgesTop[0].distance ? edgesBottom[i].distance : edgesTop[0].distance; return { status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: blackbarWidth, guardLineTop: edgesTop[0].distance, guardLineBottom: edgesBottom[0].absolute, top: edgesTop[0].distance, bottom: edgesBottom[i].distance }; } } } } } else{ // zgornjega ali spodnjega roba nismo zaznali. Imamo še en trik, s katerim lahko poskusimo // določiti razmerje stranic // either the top or the bottom edge remains undetected, but we have one more trick that we // can try. It also tries to work around logos. var edgeDetectionTreshold = GlobalVars.arDetect.sampleCols *; if(edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount == 0 && edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount != 0){ for(var edge of edgesBottom){ if(edge.count >= edgeDetectionTreshold) return { status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: edge.distance, guardLineTop: null, guardLineBottom: edge.bottom, top: edge.distance, bottom: edge.distance } } } if(edges.edgeCandidatesTopCount != 0 && edges.edgeCandidatesBottomCount == 0){ for(var edge of edgesTop){ if(edge.count >= edgeDetectionTreshold) return { status: "ar_known", blackbarWidth: edge.distance, guardLineTop:, guardLineBottom: null, top: edge.distance, bottom: edge.distance } } } } // če pridemo do sem, nam ni uspelo nič. Razmerje stranic ni znano // if we reach this bit, we have failed in determining aspect ratio. It remains unknown. return {status: "ar_unknown"} } pillarTest(image){ // preverimo, če na sliki obstajajo navpične črne obrobe. Vrne 'true' če so zaznane (in če so približno enako debele), 'false' sicer. // true vrne tudi, če zaznamo preveč črnine. // <==XX(::::}----{::::)XX==> // checks the image for presence of vertical pillars. Less accurate than 'find blackbar limits'. If we find a non-black object that's // roughly centered, we return true. Otherwise we return false. // we also return true if we detect too much black var blackbarTreshold, upper, lower; blackbarTreshold = this.conf.blackLevel +; var middleRowStart = (this.conf.canvas.height >> 1) * this.conf.canvas.width; var middleRowEnd = middleRowStart + this.conf.canvas.width - 1; var rowStart = middleRowStart << 2; var midpoint = (middleRowStart + (this.conf.canvas.width >> 1)) << 2 var rowEnd = middleRowEnd << 2; var edge_left = -1, edge_right = -1; // preverimo na levi strani // let's check for edge on the left side for(var i = rowStart; i < midpoint; i+=4){ if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){ edge_left = (i - rowStart) >> 2; break; } } // preverimo na desni strani // check on the right for(var i = rowEnd; i > midpoint; i-= 4){ if(image[i] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > blackbarTreshold){ edge_right = this.conf.canvas.width - ((i - rowStart) >> 2); break; } } // če je katerikoli -1, potem imamo preveč črnine // we probably have too much black if either of those two is -1 if(edge_left == -1 || edge_right == -1){ return true; } // če sta oba robova v mejah merske napake, potem vrnemo 'false' // if both edges resemble rounding error, we retunr 'false' if(edge_left < && edge_right <{ return false; } var edgeError =; var error_low = 1 - edgeError; var error_hi = 1 + edgeError; // če sta 'edge_left' in 'edge_right' podobna/v mejah merske napake, potem vrnemo true — lahko da smo našli logo na sredini zaslona // if 'edge_left' and 'edge_right' are similar enough to each other, we return true. If we found a logo in a black frame, we could // crop too eagerly if( (edge_left * error_low) < edge_right && (edge_left * error_hi) > edge_right ){ return true; } // če se ne zgodi nič od neštetega, potem nismo našli problemov // if none of the above, we haven't found a problem return false; } // pomožne funkcije // helper functions _columnTest(image, top, bottom, colsIn, colsOut, reverseSearchDirection){ var tmpI; if(reverseSearchDirection){ for(var i = bottom - this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; i >= top; i-= this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength){ for(var col of colsIn){ tmpI = i + (col << 2); if( image[tmpI] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ var bottom = (i / this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) + 1; colsOut.push({ col: col, bottom: bottom }); colsIn.splice(colsIn.indexOf(col), 1); } } if(colsIn.length < this.colsTreshold) break; } } else { for(var i = top; i < bottom; i+= this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength){ for(var col of colsIn){ tmpI = i + (col << 2); if( image[tmpI] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ colsOut.push({ col: col, top: (i / this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) - 1 }); colsIn.splice(colsIn.indexOf(col), 1); } } if(colsIn.length < this.colsTreshold) break; } } } _columnTest_dbgc(image, top, bottom, colsIn, colsOut, reverseSearchDirection){ var tmpI; if(reverseSearchDirection){ for(var i = bottom - this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength; i >= top; i-= this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength){ for(var col of colsIn){ tmpI = i + (col << 2); if( image[tmpI] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ var bottom = (i / this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) + 1; colsOut.push({ col: col, bottom: bottom }); colsIn.splice(colsIn.indexOf(col), 1); this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI,DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_CANDIDATE); } else{ this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_ONBLACK); } } if(colsIn.length < this.colsTreshold) break; } } else { for(var i = top; i < bottom; i+= this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength){ for(var col of colsIn){ tmpI = i + (col << 2); if( image[tmpI] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[tmpI + 2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ colsOut.push({ col: col, top: (i / this.conf.canvasImageDataRowLength) - 1 }); colsIn.splice(colsIn.indexOf(col), 1); this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_CANDIDATE); if(tmpI-1 > 0){ this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI - 1, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_CANDIDATE_SECONDARY); } if(tmpI+1 < image.length){ this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI + 1, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_CANDIDATE_SECONDARY); } } else { this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(tmpI, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_ONBLACK); } } if(colsIn.length < this.colsTreshold) break; } } } _blackbarTest(image, start, end){ for(var i = start; i < end; i += 4){ if( image[i ] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ return true; } } return false; // no violation } _blackbarTest_dbg(image, start, end){ for(var i = start; i < end; i += 4){ if( image[i ] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(i, DebugCanvasClasses.VIOLATION) return true; } else { this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(i, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_BLACKBAR) } } return false; // no violation } _imageTest(image, start, end, sampleOffset, edgeCandidates){ var detections = 0; for(var i = start; i < end; i += 4){ if( image[i ] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ ++detections; } } if(detections >= this.detectionTreshold){ if(edgeCandidates[sampleOffset] != undefined) edgeCandidates[sampleOffset].count++; else{ edgeCandidates[sampleOffset] = {offset: sampleOffset, count: 1}; edgeCandidates.count++; } } } _imageTest_dbg(image, start, end, sampleOffset, edgeCandidates){ var detections = 0; for(var i = start; i < end; i += 4){ if( image[i ] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+1] > this.blackbarTreshold || image[i+2] > this.blackbarTreshold ){ ++detections; this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(i, DebugCanvasClasses.EDGEDETECT_IMAGE); } else { this.conf.debugCanvas.trace(i, DebugCanvasClasses.WARN); } } if(detections >= this.detectionTreshold){ if(edgeCandidates[sampleOffset] != undefined) edgeCandidates[sampleOffset].count++; else{ edgeCandidates[sampleOffset] = {offset: sampleOffset, count: 1}; edgeCandidates.count++; } } } }