// Set prod to true when releasing // const _prod = true; const _prod = false; var Debug = { // performanceMetrics: true, // should not be affected by debug.debug in order to allow benchmarking of the impact logging in console has init: true, debug: true, // keyboard: true, resizer: true, // debugArDetect: true, // scaler: true, // debugStorage: true, comms: true, // showArDetectCanvas: true, // flushStoredSettings: true, // flushStoredSettings: false, // playerDetect: true, // periodic: true, // // videoRescan: true, // mousemove: true, // arDetect: { // edgeDetect: true // }, // canvas: { // debugDetection: true // }, debugCanvas: { // enabled: true, // guardLine: true // enabled: false, // guardLine: false } } if(_prod){ __disableAllDebug(Debug); } function __disableAllDebug(obj) { for(let key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ){ if(obj[key] instanceof Object) { __disableAllDebug(obj[key]); } else { obj[key] = false; } } } } if(Debug.debug) console.log("Guess we're debugging ultrawidify then. Debug.js must always load first, and others must follow.\nLoading: Debug.js"); export default Debug;