import Debug from './conf/Debug'; import BrowserDetect from './conf/BrowserDetect'; import ExtensionMode from '../common/enums/extension-mode.enum' import Settings from './lib/Settings'; import ActionHandler from './lib/ActionHandler'; import CommsClient from './lib/comms/CommsClient'; import PageInfo from './lib/video-data/PageInfo'; import Logger from './lib/Logger'; // vue dependency imports import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import VuexWebExtensions from 'vuex-webextensions'; global.browser = require('webextension-polyfill'); import LoggerUi from '../csui/LoggerUi'; if(Debug.debug){ console.log("\n\n\n\n\n\n ——— Sᴛλʀᴛɪɴɢ Uʟᴛʀᴀᴡɪᴅɪꜰʏ ———\n << ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴀɪɴ ꜰɪʟᴇ >>\n\n\n\n"); try { if(window.self !=={ console.log("%cWe aren't in an iframe.", "color: #afc, background: #174"); } else{ console.log("%cWe are in an iframe!", "color: #fea, background: #d31", window.self,; } } catch (e) { console.log("%cWe are in an iframe!", "color: #fea, background: #d31"); } } if (BrowserDetect.edge) { HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; } class UW { constructor(){ this.pageInfo = undefined; this.comms = undefined; this.settings = undefined; this.actionHandler = undefined; this.logger = undefined; this.vuexStore = {}; } reloadSettings() { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', 'Things happened in the popup. Will reload extension settings.'); this.init(); } async init(){ if (Debug.debug) { console.log("[uw::main] loading configuration ..."); } // logger init is the first thing that needs to run try { if (!this.logger) { const loggingOptions = { isContentScript: true, allowLogging: true, useConfFromStorage: true, fileOptions: { enabled: false }, consoleOptions: { "enabled": true, "debug": true, "init": true, "settings": true, "keyboard": true, "mousemove": false, "actionHandler": true, "comms": true, "playerDetect": true, "resizer": true, "scaler": true, "stretcher": true, // "videoRescan": true, // "playerRescan": true, "arDetect": true, "arDetect_verbose": true }, allowBlacklistedOrigins: { 'periodicPlayerCheck': false, 'periodicVideoStyleChangeCheck': false, 'handleMouseMove': false } }; this.logger = new Logger({vuexStore: this.vuexStore}); await this.logger.init(loggingOptions); // show popup if logging to file is enabled if (this.logger.isLoggingToFile()) {'[uw::init] Logging to file is enabled. Will show popup!'); try { this.vuexStore.dispatch('uw-show-logger'); } catch (e) { console.error('[uw::init] Failed to open popup!', e) } } } } catch (e) { console.error("logger init failed!", e) } // init() is re-run any time settings change if (this.pageInfo) { // if this executes, logger must have been initiated at some point before this point this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw::init] Destroying existing pageInfo", this.pageInfo); this.pageInfo.destroy(); } if (this.comms) { this.comms.destroy(); } if (!this.settings) { var ths = this; this.settings = new Settings({ onSettingsChanged: () => this.reloadSettings(), logger: this.logger }); await this.settings.init(); } this.comms = new CommsClient('content-client-port', this.settings, this.logger); // add showPopup, hidePopup listener to comms this.comms.subscribe('show-logger', () => this.showLogger()); this.comms.subscribe('hide-logger', () => this.hideLogger()); // če smo razširitev onemogočili v nastavitvah, ne naredimo ničesar // If extension is soft-disabled, don't do shit var extensionMode = this.settings.getExtensionMode(); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw::init] Extension mode:" + (extensionMode < 0 ? "disabled" : extensionMode == '1' ? 'basic' : 'full')); const isSiteDisabled = extensionMode === ExtensionMode.Disabled if (isSiteDisabled) { if (this.settings.getExtensionMode('@global') === ExtensionMode.Disabled) { this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw::init] EXTENSION DISABLED, THEREFORE WONT BE STARTED") return; } } try { this.pageInfo = new PageInfo(this.comms, this.settings, this.logger, extensionMode, isSiteDisabled); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] pageInfo initialized."); this.comms.setPageInfo(this.pageInfo); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] will try to initate ActionHandler."); // start action handler only if extension is enabled for this site if (!isSiteDisabled) { this.actionHandler = new ActionHandler(this.pageInfo); this.actionHandler.init(); this.logger.log('info', 'debug', "[uw.js::setup] ActionHandler initiated."); } } catch (e) { this.logger.log('error', 'debug', "[uw::init] FAILED TO START EXTENSION. Error:", e); } } initVue() { Vue.prototype.$browser = global.browser; Vue.use(Vuex); this.vuexStore = new Vuex.Store({ plugins: [VuexWebExtensions({ persistentStates: [ 'uwLog', 'showLogger', ], })], state: { uwLog: '', showLogger: false, }, mutations: { 'uw-set-log'(state, payload) { state['uwLog'] = payload; }, 'uw-show-logger'(state) { state['showLogger'] = true; }, 'uw-hide-logger'(state) { state['showLogger'] = false; } }, actions: { 'uw-set-log' ({commit}, payload) { commit('uw-set-log', payload); }, 'uw-show-logger'({commit}) { commit('uw-show-logger'); }, 'uw-hide-logger'({commit}) { commit('uw-hide-logger'); } } }) } initUi() { console.log("CREATING UI"); const random = Math.round(Math.random() * 69420); const uwid = `uw-ui-root-${random}`; const rootDiv = document.createElement('div'); rootDiv.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; z-index: 999999; background-color: #ff0000;"); rootDiv.setAttribute("id", uwid); document.body.appendChild(rootDiv); new Vue({ el: `#${uwid}`, components: { LoggerUi }, store: this.vuexStore, render(h) { return h('logger-ui'); } }) } showLogger() { this.vuexStore.dispatch('uw-show-logger'); } hideLogger() { this.vuexStore.dispatch('uw-hide-logger'); } } var main = new UW(); main.initVue(); main.initUi(); main.init();