
483 lines
17 KiB

import Debug from '../conf/Debug';
import currentBrowser from '../conf/BrowserDetect';
import ExtensionConf from '../conf/ExtensionConf';
import ExtensionMode from '../../common/enums/extension-mode.enum';
import ObjectCopy from '../lib/ObjectCopy';
import Stretch from '../../common/enums/stretch.enum';
import VideoAlignment from '../../common/enums/video-alignment.enum';
import ExtensionConfPatch from '../conf/ExtConfPatches';
class Settings {
constructor(options) {
// Options: activeSettings, updateCallback, logger
this.logger = options.logger;
const activeSettings = options.activeSettings;
const updateCallback = options.updateCallback;
this.active = activeSettings ? activeSettings : undefined;
this.default = ExtensionConf;
this.default['version'] = this.getExtensionVersion();
this.useSync = false;
this.version = undefined;
this.updateCallback = updateCallback;
const ths = this;
if(currentBrowser.firefox) {
browser.storage.onChanged.addListener( (changes, area) => {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
if(changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
if(this.updateCallback) {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener( (changes, area) => {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::<storage/on change>] Settings have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
if (changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings::<storage/on change>] new settings object:", JSON.parse(changes.uwSettings.newValue));
if(changes['uwSettings'] && changes['uwSettings'].newValue) {
if(this.updateCallback) {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings',"[Settings] CALLING UPDATE CALLBACK FAILED.")
getExtensionVersion() {
if (currentBrowser.firefox) {
return browser.runtime.getManifest().version;
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
return chrome.runtime.getManifest().version;
} else if (currentBrowser.edge) {
return browser.runtime.getManifest().version;
compareExtensionVersions(a, b) {
aa = a.forVersion.split['.'];
bb = b.forVersion.split['.'];
if (+aa[0] !== +bb[0]) {
// difference on first digit
return ++aa[0] - ++bb[0];
} if (+aa[1] !== +bb[1]) {
// first digit same, difference on second digit
return ++aa[1] - ++bb[1];
} if (+aa[2] !== +bb[2]) {
return ++aa[2] - ++bb[2];
// first two digits the same, let's check the third digit
} else {
// fourth digit is optional. When not specified, 0 is implied
// btw, ++(aa[3] || 0) - ++(bb[3] || 0) doesn't work
return (aa[3] ? ++aa[3] : 0) - (bb[3] ? ++bb[3] : 0);
sortConfPatches(patchesIn) {
return patchesIn.sort( (a, b) => this.compareExtensionVersions(a, b));
findFirstNecessaryPatch(version, extconfPatches) {
const sorted = this.sortConfPatches(extconfPatches);
return sorted.findIndexOf(x => this.compareExtensionVersions(x.forVersion, version) > 0);
applySettingsPatches(oldVersion, patches) {
let index = this.findFirstNecessaryPatch(oldVersion, patches);
if (index === -1) {
// this.logger.log('info','settings','[Settings::applySettingsPatches] There are no pending conf patches.');
// apply all remaining patches
// this.logger.log('info', 'settings', `[Settings::applySettingsPatches] There are ${patches.length - index} settings patches to apply`);
while (index --< patches.length) {
delete patches[index].forVersion;
ObjectCopy.overwrite(this.active, patches[index]);
async init() {
const settings = await this.get();
// |—> on first setup, settings is undefined & settings.version is haram
// | since new installs ship with updates by default, no patching is
// | needed. In this case, we assume we're on the current version
const oldVersion = (settings && settings.version) || this.getExtensionVersion();
const currentVersion = this.getExtensionVersion();
if(Debug.debug) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::init] Configuration fetched from storage:", settings,
"\nlast saved with:", settings.version,
"\ncurrent version:", currentVersion
if (Debug.flushStoredSettings) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "%c[Settings::init] Debug.flushStoredSettings is true. Using default settings", "background: #d00; color: #ffd");
Debug.flushStoredSettings = false; // don't do it again this session
this.active = this.getDefaultSettings();
this.active.version = currentVersion;
return this.active;
// if there's no settings saved, return default settings.
if(! settings || (Object.keys(settings).length === 0 && settings.constructor === Object)) {
this.active = this.getDefaultSettings();
this.active.version = currentVersion;
return this.active;
// if last saved settings was for version prior to 4.x, we reset settings to default
// it's not like people will notice cos that version didn't preserve settings at all
if (settings.version && !settings.version.startsWith('4')) {
this.active = this.getDefaultSettings();
this.active.version = currentVersion;
return this.active;
// in every case, we'll update the version number:
settings.version = currentVersion;
// if there's settings, set saved object as active settings
this.active = settings;
// check if extension has been updated. If not, return settings as they were retreived
if (oldVersion == currentVersion) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::init] extension was saved with current version of ultrawidify. Returning object as-is.");
return this.active;
// if extension has been updated, update existing settings with any options added in the
// new version. In addition to that, we remove old keys that are no longer used.
const patched = ObjectCopy.addNew(settings, this.default);
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings.init] Results from ObjectCopy.addNew()?", patched, "\n\nSettings from storage", settings, "\ndefault?", this.default);
this.active = patched;
} else {
this.active = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.default));
// in case settings in previous version contained a fucky wucky, we overwrite existing settings with a patch
this.applySettingsPatches(oldVersion, ExtensionConfPatch);
// set 'whatsNewChecked' flag to false when updating, always
this.active.whatsNewChecked = false;
// update settings version to current
this.active.version = currentVersion;
return this.active;
async get() {
let ret;
if (currentBrowser.firefox) {
ret = await browser.storage.local.get('uwSettings');
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
ret = await new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
chrome.storage.local.get('uwSettings', (res) => resolve(res));
} else if (currentBrowser.edge) {
ret = await new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
browser.storage.local.get('uwSettings', (res) => resolve(res));
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', 'Got settings:', ret && ret.uwSettings && JSON.parse(ret.uwSettings));
try {
return JSON.parse(ret.uwSettings);
} catch(e) {
return undefined;
async set(extensionConf) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::set] setting new settings:", extensionConf)
if (currentBrowser.firefox || currentBrowser.edge) {
extensionConf.version = this.version;
return this.useSync ? browser.storage.local.set( {'uwSettings': JSON.stringify(extensionConf)}): browser.storage.local.set( {'uwSettings': JSON.stringify(extensionConf)});
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
return chrome.storage.local.set( {'uwSettings': JSON.stringify(extensionConf)});
async setActive(activeSettings) {
this.active = activeSettings;
async setProp(prop, value) {
this.active[prop] = value;
async save() {
if (Debug.debug && Debug.storage) {
console.log("[Settings::save] Saving active settings:", this.active);
async rollback() {
this.active = await this.get();
getDefaultSettings() {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.default));
setDefaultSettings() {
this.default.version = this.getExtensionVersion();
// -----------------------------------------
// Nastavitve za posamezno stran
// Config for a given page:
// <hostname> : {
// status: <option> // should extension work on this site?
// arStatus: <option> // should we do autodetection on this site?
// statusEmbedded: <option> // reserved for future... maybe
// }
// Veljavne vrednosti za možnosti
// Valid values for options:
// status, arStatus, statusEmbedded:
// * enabled — always allow
// * basic — only allow fullscreen
// * default — allow if default is to allow, block if default is to block
// * disabled — never allow
getActionsForSite(site) {
if (!site) {
return this.active.actions;
if (this.active.sites[site] && this.active.sites[site].actions && this.active.sites[site].actions.length > 0) {
return this.active.sites[site].actions;
return this.active.actions;
getExtensionMode(site) {
if (!site) {
site = window.location.hostname;
if (!site) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', `[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined: ${window.location.hostname} \nactive settings:`, this.active);
return ExtensionMode.Disabled;
try {
// if site-specific settings don't exist for the site, we use default mode:
if (! this.active.sites[site]) {
return this.getExtensionMode('@global');
if (this.active.sites[site].mode === ExtensionMode.Enabled) {
return ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} else if (this.active.sites[site].mode === ExtensionMode.Basic) {
return ExtensionMode.Basic;
} else if (this.active.sites[site].mode === ExtensionMode.Default && site !== '@global') {
return this.getExtensionMode('@global');
} else {
return ExtensionMode.Disabled;
} catch(e){
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\n\nerror:", e, "\n\nSettings object:", this)
return ExtensionMode.Disabled;
canStartExtension(site) {
// returns 'true' if extension can be started on a given site. Returns false if we shouldn't run.
if (!site) {
site = window.location.hostname;
if (!site) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', `[Settings::canStartExtension] window.location.hostname is null or undefined: ${window.location.hostname} \nactive settings:`, this.active);
return false;
// if (Debug.debug) {
// // let's just temporarily disable debugging while recursively calling
// // this function to get extension status on current site without duplo
// // console logs (and without endless recursion)
// Debug.debug = false;
// const cse = this.canStartExtension(site);
// Debug.debug = true;
// }
// if site is not defined, we use default mode:
if (! this.active.sites[site] || this.active.sites[site].mode === ExtensionMode.Default) {
return this.active.sites['@global'].mode === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
if (this.active.sites['@global'].mode === ExtensionMode.Enabled) {
return this.active.sites[site].mode !== ExtensionMode.Disabled;
} else if (this.active.sites['@global'].mode === ExtensionMode.Whitelist) {
return this.active.sites[site].mode === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} else {
return false;
} catch(e) {
this.logger.log('error', 'Settings', "[Settings.js::canStartExtension] Something went wrong — are settings defined/has init() been called?\nSettings object:", this);
return false;
keyboardShortcutsEnabled(site) {
if (!site) {
site = window.location.hostname;
if (!site) {
return false;
try {
if (!this.active.sites[site]
|| this.active.sites[site].keyboardShortcutsEnabled === undefined
|| this.active.sites[site].keyboardShortcutsEnabled === ExtensionMode.Default) {
return this.keyboardShortcutsEnabled('@global');
} else {
return this.active.sites[site].keyboardShortcutsEnabled === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} catch (e) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings',"[Settings.js::keyboardDisabled] something went wrong:", e);
return false;
return this.active.sites['@global'] !== ExtensionMode.Disabled
extensionEnabledForSite(site) {
return this.canStartExtension(site);
canStartAutoAr(site) {
// 'site' argument is only ever used when calling this function recursively for debugging
if (!site) {
site = window.location.host;
if (!site) {
return false;
if (Debug.debug) {
// let's just temporarily disable debugging while recursively calling
// this function to get extension status on current site without duplo
// console logs (and without endless recursion)
Debug.debug = false;
const csar = this.canStartAutoAr(site);
Debug.debug = true;
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "[Settings::canStartAutoAr] ----------------\nCAN WE START AUTOAR ON SITE", site,
"?\n\nsettings.active.sites[site]=", this.active.sites[site], "settings.active.sites[@global]=", this.active.sites['@global'],
"\nAutoar mode (global)?", this.active.sites['@global'].autoar,
`\nAutoar mode (${site})`, this.active.sites[site] ? this.active.sites[site].autoar : '<not defined>',
"\nCan autoar be started?", csar
// if site is not defined, we use default mode:
if (! this.active.sites[site]) {
return this.active.sites['@global'].autoar === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
if (this.active.sites['@global'].autoar === ExtensionMode.Enabled) {
return this.active.sites[site].autoar !== ExtensionMode.Disabled;
} else if (this.active.sites['@global'].autoar === ExtensionMode.Whitelist) {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "canStartAutoAr — can(not) start csar because extension is in whitelist mode, and this site is (not) equal to", ExtensionMode.Enabled)
return this.active.sites[site].autoar === ExtensionMode.Enabled;
} else {
this.logger.log('info', 'Settings', "canStartAutoAr — cannot start csar because extension is globally disabled")
return false;
getDefaultOption(option) {
const allDefault = {
mode: ExtensionMode.Default,
autoar: ExtensionMode.Default,
autoarFallback: ExtensionMode.Default,
stretch: Stretch.Default,
videoAlignment: VideoAlignment.Default,
if (!option || allDefault[option] === undefined) {
return allDefault;
return allDefault[option];
getDefaultAr(site) {
// site = this.getSiteSettings(site);
// if (site.defaultAr) {
// return site.defaultAr;
// }
return this.active.miscSettings.defaultAr;
getDefaultStretchMode(site) {
if (site && this.active.sites[site] && this.active.sites[site].stretch !== Stretch.Default) {
return this.active.sites[site].stretch;
return this.active.sites['@global'].stretch;
getDefaultVideoAlignment(site) {
if (site && this.active.sites[site] && this.active.sites[site].videoAlignment !== VideoAlignment.Default) {
return this.active.sites[site].videoAlignment;
return this.active.sites['@global'].videoAlignment;
export default Settings;