156 lines
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156 lines
5.6 KiB
// računa velikost videa za približevanje/oddaljevanje
// does video size calculations for zooming/cropping
class Scaler {
// internal variables
// functions
constructor(videoData) {
this.conf = videoData;
modeToAr(mode, video, playerDimensions){
// Skrbi za "stare" možnosti, kot na primer "na širino zaslona", "na višino zaslona" in "ponastavi".
// Približevanje opuščeno.
// handles "legacy" options, such as 'fit to widht', 'fit to height' and 'reset'. No zoom tho
var ar;
if (!video) {
console.log("[Scaler.js::modeToAr] No video??",video, "killing videoData");
return null;
if(! playerDimensions ){
ar = screen.width / screen.height;
else {
ar = playerDimensions.width / playerDimensions.height;
// POMEMBNO: GlobalVars.lastAr je potrebno nastaviti šele po tem, ko kličemo _res_setAr(). _res_setAr() predvideva,
// da želimo nastaviti statično (type: 'static') razmerje stranic — tudi, če funkcijo kličemo tu oz. v ArDetect.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: GlobalVars.lastAr needs to be set after _res_setAr() is called, as _res_setAr() assumes we're
// setting a static aspect ratio (even if the function is called from here or ArDetect).
var fileAr = video.videoWidth / video.videoHeight;
if (mode == "fitw"){
return ar > fileAr ? ar : fileAr;
else if(mode == "fith"){
return ar < fileAr ? ar : fileAr;
else if(mode == "reset"){
console.log("[Scaler.js::modeToAr] Using original aspect ratio -", fileAr)
return fileAr;
return null;
calculateCrop(mode, video, playerDimensions) {
if(!video || video.videoWidth == 0 || video.videoHeight == 0){
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] ERROR — no video detected.");
return {error: "no_video"};
// if 'ar' is string, we'll handle that in legacy wrapper
var ar = 0;
ar = this.modeToAr(mode);
} else {
ar = mode;
// handle fuckie-wuckies
if (! ar){
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] no ar?", ar, " -- we were given this mode:", mode);
return {error: "no_ar", ar: ar};
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] trying to set ar. args are: ar->",ar,"; playerDimensions->",playerDimensions.width, "×", playerDimensions.height, "| obj:", playerDimensions);
if( (! playerDimensions) || playerDimensions.width === 0 || playerDimensions.height === 0 ){
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] ERROR — no (or invalid) playerDimensions:",playerDimensions);
return {error: "playerDimensions_error"};
// zdaj lahko končno začnemo računati novo velikost videa
// we can finally start computing required video dimensions now:
// Dejansko razmerje stranic datoteke/<video> značke
// Actual aspect ratio of the file/<video> tag
var fileAr = video.videoWidth / video.videoHeight;
var playerAr = playerDimensions.width / playerDimensions.height;
if(mode == "default" || !ar)
ar = fileAr;
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] ar is " ,ar, ", file ar is", fileAr, ", playerDimensions are ", playerDimensions.width, "×", playerDimensions.height, "| obj:", playerDimensions);
var videoDimensions = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
actualWidth: 0, // width of the video (excluding pillarbox) when <video> tag height is equal to width
actualHeight: 0, // height of the video (excluding letterbox) when <video> tag height is equal to height
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] Player dimensions?", playerDimensions.width, "×", playerDimensions.height, "| obj:", playerDimensions);
if( fileAr < ar ){
// imamo letterbox zgoraj in spodaj -> spremenimo velikost videa (a nikoli širše od ekrana)
// letterbox -> change video size (but never to wider than monitor width)
videoDimensions.width = Math.min(playerDimensions.height * ar, playerDimensions.width);
videoDimensions.height = videoDimensions.width * (1/fileAr);
videoDimensions.height = Math.min(playerDimensions.width / ar, playerDimensions.height);
videoDimensions.width = videoDimensions.height * fileAr;
// izračunamo, kako visok/širok je video (brez črnih obrob). Če se željeno razmerje stranic
// ne ujema z razmerjem stranic predvajalnika, potem bomo še vedno videli črno obrobo bodisi
// zgoraj in spodaj, bodisi levo in desno. Zato v videoDimensions vključimo tudi dejansko
// velikost videa, da lahko Stretcher.js izračuna faktorje raztegovanja.
// Če je razmerje stranic predvajalnika širše kot želeno razmerje stranic, potem bosta `height`
// in `actualHeight` enaka, `actualWidth` pa bo izračunan na podlagi višine (in obratno).
if (ar > playerAr){
videoDimensions.actualHeight = videoDimensions.height;
videoDimensions.actualWidth = videoDimensions.height * ar;
} else {
videoDimensions.actualWidth = videoDimensions.width;
videoDimensions.actualHeight = videoDimensions.width / ar;
console.log("[Scaler::calculateCrop] Video dimensions: ", videoDimensions.width, "×", videoDimensions.height, "(obj:", videoDimensions, "); playerDimensions:",playerDimensions.width, "×", playerDimensions.height, "(obj:", playerDimensions, ")");
return videoDimensions;
} |