435 lines
14 KiB
435 lines
14 KiB
var extraClassAdded = false;
var inFullScreen = false;
var cssmod = "";
var zoomStep = 0.05;
var originalcss;
$(document).ready(function() {
// console.log("uw::document.ready | document is ready");
var serviceArray = [".video-stream" ]; //Youtube
// To bo naš dinamičen css
// this will be our dynamic css sheet
$(document).keypress(function (event) { // Tukaj ugotovimo, katero tipko smo pritisnili
switch (event.key){
case 'w':
case 'e':
case 'r':
case 'z':
case 'u':
// console.log("uw::document.ready | loaded shortcuts");
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function( event ) {
inFullScreen = ( window.innerHeight == window.screen.height && window.innerWidth == window.screen.width);
inFullScreen ? onFullscreenOn() : onFullscreenOff();
// $("<style>")
// .prop("type", "text/css")
// .html(".neueVideo{ display: block !important; margin: 0px auto !important; position: relative !important; transform: none !important; left: 0px !important; }").appendTo("head");
// console.log("uw::document.ready | created new CSS class");
function onFullscreenOn(){
// TODO: show buttons
// var button_row = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls")[0];
// console.log("uw:: Full screen is now on");
// var t = document.createTextNode("but");
// var b_fitw = document.createElement('button');
// b_fitw.appendChild(t);
// // b_fitw.id = "uw_b_fitw";
// b_fitw.className = "ytp_button";
// b_fitw.onclick = function() { changeCSS("fitw"); };
// // b_fitw.appendChild("<img src='img/fitw.png' height='100%' />");
// button_row.appendChild(b_fitw);
// // var b_fith = document.createElement('button');
// console.log("uw:: added buttons");
function onFullscreenOff(){
//TODO: hide buttons
function changeCSS(what_do){
// Če nismo na Youtube, bodo youtube videi v <iframe> elementu — zato najprej pogledamo, če
// je element s fokusom iframe
var player = document.getElementById("player");
changeCSS_nofs(what_do, player);
// to verjetno pomeni, da nismo na Youtube, zato zaključimo kar tukaj.
// if we're controlling video in an iframe, that probably means we aren't on youtube
// so we finish here.
// Velikost videa spreminjamo samo, če smo v celozaslonskem načinu ALI če NE pišemo komentarja
// Videa ne spreminjamo tudi, če uporabljamo vrstico za iskanje.
// We only change video size when we're in full screen OR if we are NOT writing a comment.
// We also leave video alone if we're using the search bar
var player = document.getElementById("movie_player");
if(inFullScreen || (
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("role") != "textbox") &&
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("type") != "text")
changeCSS_nofs(what_do, player);
function changeCSS_nofs(what_do, player){
var w;
var h;
var top;
var left;
// var player = $('[id*="player"]');
// var player = document.getElementById("movie_player");
if (player = null){
console.log("uw::Player is null. retrying...");
player = $('[id*="player"]');
var vs = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0];
var vidwid = vs.scrollWidth;
var vidhei = vs.scrollHeight;
var ar = vidwid/vidhei;
if(what_do == "reset"){
// $(".video-stream").removeClass("neueVideo");
extraClassAdded = false;
// popraviti je treba še širino, višino in top
// we need to fix width, height and top
var vidwid = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollWidth;
var vidhei = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollHeight;
var vidaspect = vidwid / vidhei;
var scraspect = player.clientWidth / player.clientHeight;
if( vidaspect > scraspect ){ // Video je širši od okna | video is wider than window
w = player.clientWidth;
h = player.clientWidth / vidwid * vidhei;
top = (player.clientHeight - h) / 2;
left = 0;
h = player.clientHeight;
w = player.clientHeight / vidhei * vidwid;
top = 0; //itak zasedemo 100% višine
left = (player.clientWidth - w) / 2;
top = top + "px";
left = left + "px";
w = w + "px";
h = h + "px";
$("video").css({"width": w,"height": h,"top": top, "left":left});
if(what_do == "fitw"){
// Ker bi bilo lepo, da atribut 'top' spremenimo hkrati z width in height, moramo najprej naračunati,
// za kakšen faktor se poviša višina. To potrebujemo, da se pravilno izračuna offset.
// 100vw = window.innerWidth
// [1] window.innerWidth / videoWidth = x
// Če pomnožimo videoHeight z x, dobimo novo višino videa. Nova višina videa je lahko večja ali manjša
// kot višina ekrana. Če je višina videa manjša kot višina ekrana, bo top pozitiven, drugače negativen:
// [2] nvideoh = x * videoWidth
// [3] top = (window.innerHeight - nvideoh) / 2
// Z 2 delimo, ker hočemo video vertikalno poravnati.
w = player.clientWidth;
h = player.clientWidth / vidwid * vidhei;
top = (player.clientHeight - h) / 2;
left = 0; // Ker zavzamemo vso širino | cos we take up all the width
if(what_do == "fith"){
h = player.clientHeight;
w = player.clientHeight / vidhei * vidwid;
top = 0; //itak zasedemo 100% višine
left = (player.clientWidth - w) / 2;
if(what_do == "zoom"){
// Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
h = vidhei + (player.clientHeight * zoomStep);
w = vidwid + (player.clientHeight * zoomStep * ar);
/* Zakaj računamo širino na tak način?
// Predstavljajte si, da imamo 2100:900 video v 1600:900 škatli, zoomStep = 0.1. Če bi širino računali po formuli:
// širina = širina_videa + (širina zaslona * zoomStep)
// Potem bi bila nova velikost videa 2260 x 990. Razmerje stranic: 2.28 (moglo bi biti 2.33 — video je popačen).
// Zaradi tega novo širino rajši povečamo za razliko_v_višini * razmerje_stranic
// 2100 + (900 * 0.1 * (2100/900)) =
// 2100 + (90 * 2.333) = 2310
// Razmerje stranic (2310x990) je tako 2.333 — tako, kot bi moglo biti.
// ============================================================================================================
// Why did we calculate width this way?
// Imagine we have a 2100x900 video in a 1600:900 container, zoomStep = 0.1. If we calculated width using this:
// width = video_width + (container_width * zoomStep)
// then the new size would be 2260 x 990. This gives us an aspect ratio of 2.28 instead of 2.33 (which is what it
// should be). Because of that we rather increase the width by delta_height * aspect_ratio:
// 2100 + (900 * 0.1 * (2100/900)) =
// 2100 + (90 * 2.333) = 2310
// This gives us the correct aspect ratio and prevents video deformations.
top = (player.clientHeight - h)/2
left = (player.clientWidth - w) / 2;
if (h > player.clientHeight * 4){
console.log("okay mate you took this shit way too far now. I'm not doing shit");
if(what_do == "unzoom"){
// Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
h = vidhei - (player.clientHeight * zoomStep);
w = vidwid - (player.clientHeight * zoomStep * ar);
top = (player.clientHeight - h)/2
left = (player.clientWidth - w) / 2;
if (h < player.clientHeight * 0.25){
console.log("don't you think this is small enough already? You don't need to resize the video all the way down to the size smaller than your penis.");
console.log("(if you're a woman, substitute 'penis' with whatever the female equivalent is.)");
top = top + "px";
left = left + "px";
w = w + "px";
h = h + "px";
$("video").css({"width": w,"height": h,"top": top, "left": left});
function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// // Ta funkcija spreminja CSS v 'full screen' načinu. Is youtube-specific.
// // Včasih smo v fullscreen uporabljali to, zdaj uporabljamo changeCSS_nofs
// // ker je ta napisana za bolj splošen primer (in dela tudi na fullscreen).
// //
// // This function modifies CSS in full screen. So far works on youtube.
// // We don't use it anymore because changeCSS_nofs also works on fullscreen.
// function changeCSS_fs(what_do){
// var w;
// var h;
// var top;
// // Če hočemo povrniti nastavitve na privzeto, samo pobrišemo naš css
// // if we want to restore the default player we just clear our css
// if(what_do == "reset"){
// $(".video-stream").removeClass("neueVideo");
// extraClassAdded = false;
// // popraviti je treba še širino, višino in top
// // we need to fix width, height and top
// var vidwid = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollWidth;
// var vidhei = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollHeight;
// var vidaspect = vidwid / vidhei;
// var scraspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
// if( vidaspect > scraspect ){ // Video je širši od okna | video is wider than window
// w = "100vw";
// h = "auto";
// // Razlaga tegale je spodaj | this line of code is explained below
// top = (window.innerHeight - ((window.innerWidth / vidwid) * vidhei)) / 2;
// top = top + "px";
// $("video").css({"width": w,"height": h,"top": top});
// }
// else{
// w = "auto";
// h = "100vh";
// top = "0px";
// $("video").css({"width": w,"height": h,"top": top});
// }
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | reseting to default view");
// return;
// }
// if (!extraClassAdded){
// $(".video-stream").addClass("neueVideo");
// extraClassAdded = true;
// }
// if(what_do == "fitw"){
// // Ker bi bilo lepo, da atribut 'top' spremenimo hkrati z width in height, moramo najprej naračunati,
// // za kakšen faktor se poviša višina. To potrebujemo, da se pravilno izračuna offset.
// //
// // 100vw = window.innerWidth
// // [1] window.innerWidth / videoWidth = x
// //
// // Če pomnožimo videoHeight z x, dobimo novo višino videa. Nova višina videa je lahko večja ali manjša
// // kot višina ekrana. Če je višina videa manjša kot višina ekrana, bo top pozitiven, drugače negativen:
// //
// // [2] nvideoh = x * videoWidth
// // [3] top = (window.innerHeight - nvideoh) / 2
// //
// // Z 2 delimo, ker hočemo video vertikalno poravnati.
// w = "100vw";
// h = "auto";
// var vidwid = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollWidth;
// var vidhei = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollHeight;
// // Glej zgornji komentar za pomen [1][2][3] | see above comment for meaning of [1][2][3]
// //
// // ___________________________[3]____________________________________
// // | __________________[2]__________________ |
// // | |____________[1]_____________ | |
// top = (window.innerHeight - ((window.innerWidth / vidwid) * vidhei)) / 2;
// top = top + "px";
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | will try fit to width and center");
// }
// if(what_do == "fith"){
// top = "0"; //itak zasedemo 100% višine
// w = "auto";
// h = "100vh";
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | will try fit to height");
// }
// if(what_do == "zoom"){
// var vidhei = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollHeight;
// w = "auto";
// // Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// // We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
// h = vidhei + (window.innerHeight * zoomStep);
// top = (window.innerHeight - h)/2
// if (h > window.innerHeight * 4){
// console.log("okay mate you took this shit way too far now. I'm not doing shit");
// return;
// }
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | zooming in");
// h = h + "px";
// top = top + "px";
// }
// if(what_do == "unzoom"){
// var vidhei = document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream")[0].scrollHeight;
// w = "auto";
// // Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// // We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
// h = vidhei - (window.innerHeight * zoomStep);
// top = (window.innerHeight - h)/2
// if (h < window.innerHeight * 0.25){
// console.log("don't you think this is small enough already? You don't need to resize the video to the size smaller than your penis.");
// console.log("(if you're a woman, just substitute 'penis' with whatever the female equivalent is)");
// return;
// }
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | unzooming");
// h = h + "px";
// top = top + "px";
// }
// $("video").css({"width": w,"height": h,"top": top});
// console.log("uw::changeCSS | applying css");
// }
// console.log("uw | finished loading");
// var fitwbutton = document.createElement('button');
// fitwbutton.appendChild(t);
// fitwbutton.onclick = function(){ changeCSS("fitw"); };
// console.log("testing!3");
// document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls")[0].appendChild(fitwbutton);
console.log("testing 4.1");*/