
181 lines
6.6 KiB

import Stretch from '../../../common/enums/stretch.enum';
// računa vrednosti za transform-scale (x, y)
// transform: scale(x,y) se uporablja za raztegovanje videa, ne pa za približevanje
// calculates values for transform scale(x, y)
// transform: scale(x,y) is used for stretching, not zooming.
class Stretcher {
// internal variables
// functions
constructor(videoData) {
this.conf = videoData;
this.logger = videoData.logger;
this.settings = videoData.settings;
this.mode = this.settings.getDefaultStretchMode(window.location.hostname);
setStretchMode(stretchMode) {
if (stretchMode === Stretch.Default) {
this.mode = this.settings.getDefaultStretchMode(window.location.hostname);
} else {
this.mode = stretchMode;
applyConditionalStretch(stretchFactors, actualAr){
var playerAr = this.conf.player.dimensions.width / this.conf.player.dimensions.height;
var videoAr = this.conf.video.videoWidth / this.conf.video.videoHeight;
if (! actualAr){
actualAr = playerAr;
var newWidth = this.conf.video.offsetWidth * stretchFactors.xFactor;
var newHeight = this.conf.video.offsetHeight * stretchFactors.yFactor;
var actualWidth, actualHeight;
// determine the dimensions of the video (sans black bars) after scaling
if(actualAr < videoAr){
actualHeight = newHeight;
actualWidth = newHeight * actualAr;
} else {
actualHeight = newWidth / actualAr;
actualWidth = newWidth;
var minW = this.conf.player.dimensions.width * (1 - this.settings.active.stretch.conditionalDifferencePercent);
var maxW = this.conf.player.dimensions.width * (1 + this.settings.active.stretch.conditionalDifferencePercent);
var minH = this.conf.player.dimensions.height * (1 - this.settings.active.stretch.conditionalDifferencePercent);
var maxH = this.conf.player.dimensions.height * (1 + this.settings.active.stretch.conditionalDifferencePercent);
if (actualWidth >= minW && actualWidth <= maxW) {
stretchFactors.xFactor *= this.conf.player.dimensions.width / actualWidth;
if (actualHeight >= minH && actualHeight <= maxH) {
stretchFactors.yFactor *= this.conf.player.dimensions.height / actualHeight;
calculateBasicStretch() {
// video.videoWidth in video.videoHeight predstavljata velikost datoteke.
// velikost video datoteke je lahko drugačna kot velikost <video> elementa.
// Zaradi tega lahko pride do te situacije:
// * Ločljivost videa je 850x480 (videoWidth & videoHeight)
// * Velikost <video> značke je 1920x720.
// Znotraj te video značke bo video prikazan v 1280x720 pravokotniku. Raztegovanje
// torej hočemo računati z uporabo vrednosti 1280 in 720. Teh vrednosti pa ne
// poznamo. Torej jih moramo računati.
// video.videoWidht and video.videoHeight describe the size of the video file.
// Size of the video file can be different than the size of the <video> tag.
// This can leave us with the following situation:
// * Video resolution is 850x480-ish (as reported by videoWidth and videoHeight)
// * Size of the <video> tag is 1920x720
// The video will be displayed in a 1280x720 rectangle inside that <video> tag.
// This means we want to calculate stretching using those values, but we don't know
// them. This means we have to calculate them.
const videoAr = this.conf.video.videoWidth / this.conf.video.videoHeight;
if (this.conf.player.dimensions.width > this.conf.player.dimensions.height * videoAr) {
return {
xFactor: this.conf.player.dimensions.width / (this.conf.player.dimensions.height * videoAr),
yFactor: 1
return {
xFactor: 1,
yFactor: this.conf.player.dimensions.height / (this.conf.player.dimensions.width / videoAr)
calculateStretch(actualAr) {
var playerAr = this.conf.player.dimensions.width / this.conf.player.dimensions.height;
var videoAr = this.conf.video.videoWidth / this.conf.video.videoHeight;
if (! actualAr){
actualAr = playerAr;
var stretchFactors = {
xFactor: 1,
yFactor: 1
if(playerAr >= videoAr){
// player adds PILLARBOX
if(actualAr >= playerAr){
// actual > player > video — video is letterboxed
// solution: horizontal stretch according to difference between video and player AR
// vertical stretch according to difference between actual AR and player AR
stretchFactors.xFactor = playerAr / videoAr;
stretchFactors.yFactor = actualAr / videoAr;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 1")
} else if ( actualAr >= videoAr) {
// player > actual > video — video is still letterboxed
// we need vertical stretch to remove black bars in video
// we need horizontal stretch to make video fit width
stretchFactors.xFactor = playerAr / videoAr;
stretchFactors.yFactor = actualAr / videoAr;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 2")
} else {
// player > video > actual — double pillarbox
stretchFactors.xFactor = actualAr / playerAr;
stretchFactors.yFactor = 1;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 3")
} else {
// player adds LETTERBOX
if (actualAr < playerAr) {
// video > player > actual
// video is PILLARBOXED
stretchFactors.xFactor = actualAr / playerAr;
stretchFactors.yFactor = videoAr / playerAr;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 4")
} else if ( actualAr < videoAr ) {
// video > actual > player
// video is letterboxed by player
// actual is pillarboxed by video
stretchFactors.xFactor = actualAr / playerAr;
stretchFActors.yFactor = actualAr / playerAr;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 5")
} else {
// actual > video > player
// actual fits width. Letterboxed by both.
stretchFactors.xFactor = 1;
stretchFactors.yFactor = actualAr / playerAr;
this.logger.log('info', 'stretcher', "[Stretcher.js::calculateStretch] stretching strategy 6")
return stretchFactors;
export default Stretcher;