551 lines
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551 lines
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import currentBrowser from '../conf/BrowserDetect';
import { decycle } from 'json-cyclic';
import Comms from './comms/Comms';
if (process.env.CHANNEL !== 'stable'){
console.log('Loading Logger');
class Logger {
constructor(options) {
this.onLogEndCallbacks = [];
this.history = [];
this.globalHistory = {};
this.isContentScript = false;
this.isBackgroundScript = true;
this.vuexStore = options?.vuexStore;
this.uwInstance = options?.uwInstance;
static saveConfig(conf) {
if (process.env.CHANNEL === 'dev') {
console.info('Saving logger conf:', conf)
if (currentBrowser.firefox || currentBrowser.edge) {
return browser.storage.local.set( {'uwLogger': JSON.stringify(conf)});
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
return chrome.storage.local.set( {'uwLogger': JSON.stringify(conf)});
static syncConfig(callback) {
const br = currentBrowser.firefox ? browser : chrome;
br.storage.onChanged.addListener( (changes, area) => {
if (changes.uwLogger) {
const newLoggerConf = JSON.parse(changes.uwLogger.newValue)
if (process.env.CHANNEL === 'dev') {
console.info('Logger settings reloaded. New conf:', conf);
static async getConfig() {
let ret;
if (currentBrowser.firefox) {
ret = await browser.storage.local.get('uwLogger');
} else if (currentBrowser.chrome) {
ret = await new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
chrome.storage.local.get('uwLogger', (res) => resolve(res));
} else if (currentBrowser.edge) {
ret = await new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
browser.storage.local.get('uwLogger', (res) => resolve(res));
if (process.env.CHANNEL === 'dev') {
try {
console.info("[Logger::getSaved] Got settings:", JSON.parse(ret.uwLogger));
} catch (e) {
console.info("[Logger::getSaved] No settings.")
try {
return JSON.parse(ret.uwLogger);
} catch(e) {
return {consoleOptions: {}, fileOptions: {}};
async init(conf) {
// this is the only property that always gets passed via conf
// and doesn't get ignored even if the rest of the conf gets
// loaded from browser storage
if (conf.isContentScript) {
this.isContentScript = true;
this.isBackgroundScript = false;
} else if (conf.isBackgroundScript) {
this.isContentScript = false;
this.isBackgroundScript = true;
if (conf && process.env.CHANNEL === 'dev' && !conf.useConfFromStorage) {
this.conf = conf;
} else {
this.conf = await Logger.getConfig();
if (this.conf.consoleOptions === undefined) {
this.conf.consoleOptions = {};
if (this.conf.fileOptions === undefined) {
this.conf.fileOptions = {};
this.startTime = performance.now();
this.temp_disable = false;
this.stopTime = this.conf.timeout ? performance.now() + (this.conf.timeout * 1000) : undefined;
const br = currentBrowser.firefox ? browser : chrome;
br.storage.onChanged.addListener( (changes, area) => {
if (process.env.CHANNEL === 'dev') {
if (!changes.uwLogger) {
// console.info('[Logger::<storage/on change> No new logger settings!');
if (changes['uwLogger'] && changes['uwLogger'].newValue) {
// console.log("[Logger::<storage/on change>] Logger have been changed outside of here. Updating active settings. Changes:", changes, "storage area:", area);
// console.info("[Logger::<storage/on change>] new logger settings object (parsed):", JSON.parse(changes.uwLogger.newValue));
if (!changes['uwLogger']) {
if (changes['uwLogger']?.newValue) {
const newConf = JSON.parse(changes.uwLogger.newValue);
if (this.isContentScript && this.conf.allowLogging && !newConf.allowLogging) {
this.conf = newConf;
setVuexStore(store) {
this.vuexStore = store;
clear() {
this.log = [];
this.startTime = performance.now();
this.stopTime = this.conf.timeout ? performance.now() + (this.conf.timeout * 1000) : undefined;
setConf(conf) {
this.conf = conf; // effective immediately
// also persist settings:
async getSaved() {
return Logger.getSaved();
// allow syncing of start times between bg and page scripts.
// may result in negative times in the log file, but that doesn't
// really matter
getStartTime() {
return this.startTime;
setStartTime(startTime) {
if (startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
} else {
this.startTime = performance.now();
// getLogFileString() {
// let logfileStr = '';
// let logTs = ''; // number of seconds since extension started on a given page¸
// for (let i = 0; i < this.history.length; i++) {
// logTs = ((this.history[i].ts - Math.floor(this.performance.now)) / 3).toFixed(3);
// logfileStr = `${logfileStr}[@${logTs}] -- ${this.history[i].message}\n`
// }
// return logfileStr;
// }
getFileLogJSONString() {
return {
site: window && window.location,
log: JSON.toString(this.history),
pause() {
this.temp_disable = true;
resume() {
this.temp_disable = false;
onLogEnd(callback) {
// this should be used mostly in background page instance of logger, btw
addToGlobalHistory(key, log) {
this.globalHistory[key] = log;
this.log('info', 'debug', 'Added log for', key, 'to global history. Current history:', this.globalHistory);
finish() {
if (!this.isBackgroundScript) {
this.conf.allowLogging = false;
// const logJson = JSON.stringify(decycle(this.history));
// this.log('force', 'debugr', 'Calling all log end callbacks. There\'s this many of them:', 1);
// for(const f of this.onLogEndCallbacks) {
// f(logJson);
// }
// } else {
// this.exportLogToFile();
parseStack() {
const trace = (new Error()).stack;
const stackInfo = {};
// we turn our stack into array and remove the "file::line" part of the trace,
// since that is useless because minification/webpack
stackInfo['stack'] = {trace: trace.split('\n').map(a => a.split('@')[0])};
// here's possible sources that led to this log entry
stackInfo['periodicPlayerCheck'] = false;
stackInfo['periodicVideoStyleChangeCheck'] = false;
stackInfo['aard'] = false;
stackInfo['keyboard'] = false;
stackInfo['popup'] = false;
stackInfo['mousemove'] = false;
stackInfo['exitLogs'] = false;
// here we check which source triggered the action. There can be more
// than one source, too, so we don't break when we find the first one
for (const line of stackInfo.stack.trace) {
if (line === 'doPeriodicPlayerElementChangeCheck') {
stackInfo['periodicPlayerCheck'] = true;
} else if (line === 'doPeriodicFallbackChangeDetectionCheck') {
stackInfo['periodicVideoStyleChangeCheck'] = true;
} else if (line === 'frameCheck') {
stackInfo['aard'] = true;
} else if (line === 'execAction') {
stackInfo['keyboard'] = true;
} else if (line === 'processReceivedMessage') {
stackInfo['popup'] = true;
} else if (line === 'handleMouseMove') {
stackInfo['mousemove'] = true;
// exitLog overrides any other exclusions, so we look for it separately.
// we also remove some of the unnecessary messages to reduce log file size
for(let i = 0; i < stackInfo.stack.trace.length; i++) {
if (stackInfo.stack.trace[i] === 'finish') {
stackInfo['exitLogs'] = true;
// if we hit one of these, we remove the rest of the array and call it a
// day. Chances are there's nothing of value past this point.
if (stackInfo.stack.trace[i].indexOf('promise callback') !== -1
|| stackInfo.stack.trace[i].indexOf('asyncGeneratorStep') !== -1
|| stackInfo.stack.trace[i].indexOf('_asyncToGenerator') !== -1
|| stackInfo.stack.trace[i].startsWith('_next')) {
return stackInfo;
// test for blacklisted origin
isBlacklistedOrigin(stackInfo) {
if (stackInfo.periodicPlayerCheck) {
return !this.conf.allowBlacklistedOrigins?.periodicPlayerCheck;
if (stackInfo.periodicVideoStyleChangeCheck) {
return !this.conf.allowBlacklistedOrigins?.periodicVideoStyleChangeCheck;
if (stackInfo.mousemove) {
return !this.conf.allowBlacklistedOrigins?.handleMouseMove;
return false;
isTimeUp() {
// we don't do timeouts on background script
if (this.isBackgroundScript) {
return false;
if (this.stopTime && performance.now() > this.stopTime) {
if (this.conf.allowLogging) {
this.log('force', 'debug', '-----[ alloted time has run out. logging will stop ]-----');
return true;
return false;
isLoggingAllowed() {
return this.conf.allowLogging;
isLoggingToFile() {
return this.conf.allowLogging && this.conf.fileOptions?.enabled;
canLog(component) {
const stackInfo = this.parseStack();
if (!this.conf.allowLogging && !stackInfo.exitLogs) {
return false;
if (this.isBlacklistedOrigin(stackInfo)) {
return false;
// if either of these two is true, we allow logging to happen (forbidden origins were checked above)
return (this.canLogFile(component) || this.canLogConsole(component) || stackInfo.exitLogs);
canLogFile(component) {
if (!this.conf.fileOptions.enabled || this.temp_disable) {
return false;
if (Array.isArray(component) && component.length ) {
for (const c of component) {
if (this.conf.fileOptions[c]) {
return this.conf.fileOptions[c];
} else {
return this.conf.fileOptions[component];
canLogConsole(component, stackInfo) {
if (!this.conf.consoleOptions?.enabled || this.temp_disable) {
return false;
if (Array.isArray(component) && component.length) {
for (const c of component) {
if (this.conf.consoleOptions[c]) {
return this.conf.consoleOptions[c];
} else {
return this.conf.consoleOptions[component] !== undefined ? this.conf.consoleOptions[component] : this.conf.logAll;
return this.conf.logAll;
logToFile(message, stackInfo) {
let ts = performance.now();
if (ts <= this.history[this.history.length - 1]) {
ts = this.history[this.history.length - 1] + 0.00001;
ts: ts,
message: message,
stack: stackInfo,
logToConsole(message, stackInfo) {
try {
console.log(...message, {stack: stackInfo});
} catch (e) {
console.error("Message too big to log. Error:", e, "stackinfo:", stackInfo);
// level is unused as of now, but this may change in the future
// levels: 'info', 'warn', 'error'.
// if level is `true` (bool), logging happens regardless of any other
// settings
log(level, component, ...message) {
const stackInfo = this.parseStack();
if (!this.conf || (!this.conf.allowLogging && !stackInfo.exitLogs)) {
// skip all checks if we force log
if (level === 'force') {
if (this.conf.fileOptions?.enabled) {
this.logToFile(message, stackInfo);
if (this.conf.consoleOptions?.enabled) {
this.logToConsole(message, stackInfo);
return; // don't check further — recursion-land ahead!
if (this.isTimeUp() && !stackInfo.exitLogs) {
// don't log stuff from blacklisted origin (unless logger conf says otherwise)
if (this.isBlacklistedOrigin(stackInfo)) {
if (this.conf.fileOptions?.enabled) {
if (this.canLogFile(component) || stackInfo.exitLogs) {
this.logToFile(message, stackInfo);
if (this.conf.consoleOptions?.enabled) {
if (this.canLogConsole(component) || stackInfo.exitLogs) {
this.logToConsole(message, stackInfo);
// leaves a noticeable mark in the file log at the time it got triggered, as well as
// at the intervals of 1s and .5s before the trigger moment
cahen() {
if (this.conf.logToFile) {
let ts = performance.now();
let secondMark = ts - 1000;
let halfSecondMark = ts - 500;
let i = this.history.length();
// correct ts _after_ secondMark and halfSecondMark were determined
if (ts <= this.history[this.history.length - 1]) {
ts = this.history[this.history.length - 1] + 0.00001;
ts: ts,
message: "-------------------------------------- CAHEN --------------------------------------"
// find the spot for the half second mark. In this case, we don't really particularly care whether timestamps
// are duped due to cahen warnings
while (this.history[i--].ts > halfSecondMark) {}
ts: halfSecondMark,
message: "-------------------------------------- 0.5s to CAHEN --------------------------------------"
// repeat for one second warning
while (this.history[i--].ts > secondMark) {}
ts: secondMark,
message: "-------------------------------------- 1s to CAHEN --------------------------------------"
appendLog(logs) {
this.history = this.history.concat(logs);
addLogFromPage(host, tabId, frameId, pageHistory) {
if (! this.globalHistory[host]) {
this.globalHistory[host] = {};
if (! this.globalHistory[tabId || 'tab']) {
this.globalHistory[host][tabId || 'tab'] = {};
if (!this.globalHistory[frameId || 'top']) {
this.globalHistory[host][tabId || 'tab'][frameId || 'top'] = pageHistory;
} else {
this.globalHistory[host][tabId || 'tab'][frameId || 'top'].push(...pageHistory);
saveViaBgScript() {
console.info('[info] will attempt to save. Issuing "show-logger"');
if (!this.conf?.fileOptions?.enabled || this.isBackgroundScript) {
console.info('[info] Logging to file is either disabled or we\'re not on the content script. Not saving.');
Comms.sendMessage({cmd: 'show-logger', forwardToSameFramePort: true, port: 'content-ui-port'});
let exportObject;
try {
exportObject = {
pageLogs: decycle(this.history),
backgroundLogs: decycle(this.globalHistory),
loggerFileOptions: this.conf.fileOptions,
} catch (e) {
console.error("[fail] error parsing logs!", e)
try {
Comms.sendMessage({cmd: 'emit-logs', payload: JSON.stringify(exportObject), forwardToSameFramePort: true, port: 'content-ui-port'})
} catch (e) {
console.log("failed to send message")
saveToVuex() {
console.info('[info] will attempt to save to vuex store.');
if (!this.conf?.fileOptions?.enabled || this.isBackgroundScript) {
console.info('[info] Logging to file is either disabled or we\'re not on the content script. Not saving.');
if (!this.vuexStore) {
console.error("[info] No vue store.");
if (!this.uwInstance) {
console.error('[info] no vue instance either. Not logging.');
console.info("[info] Initializing vue and vuex instance ...");
console.info('[info] vuex store present. Parsing logs.');
let exportObject;
try {
exportObject = {
pageLogs: decycle(this.history),
backgroundLogs: decycle(this.globalHistory),
loggerFileOptions: this.conf.fileOptions,
} catch (e) {
console.error("[fail] error parsing logs!", e)
console.info('[info] Logs were parsed successfuly. Putting stuff to vuex ...');
try {
this.vuexStore.dispatch('uw-set-log', exportObject);
} catch (e) {
console.log("[fail] error saving to vuex", e);
console.info('[info] Export object saved to vuex store.')
if (process.env.CHANNEL !== 'stable'){
console.log('Logger loaded');
export default Logger;