
1593 lines
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var usebrowser = "chrome";
var browser_autodetect = true;
var debugmsg = true;
var debugmsg_click = false;
var debugmsg_message = false;
var debugmsg_autoar = true;
var debugmsg_periodic = false;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click || debugmsg_message || debugmsg_autoar){
console.log(". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ");
console.log("\nLoading ultrawidify (uw)\nIf you can see this, extension at least tried to load\n\nRandom number: ",Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1,"\n");
console.log("Logging all");
console.log("Logging debugmsg_click");
console.log("Logging debugmsg_message");
console.log("Logging autoar");
console.log(". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ");
if(!browser){ // This means we're probably not on Firefox.
browser = chrome;
usebrowser = "chrome";
usebrowser = "firefox";
const playercheck_recursion_depth_limit = 3;
var uw_autoar_default = true; // true - autoar enabled. False - autoar disabled
var extraClassAdded = false;
var inFullScreen = false;
var cssmod = "";
var zoomStep = 0.05;
var whatdo_persistence = true;
var last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do:"reset"};
var page_url = window.location.toString();
var ctlbar_classnames = ["ytp-chrome-controls"];
var serviceArray = [".video-stream"]; //Youtube
var buttons = [];
//BEGIN determining which site we're on and the associated names
var control_bar;
var ui_anchor;
var player;
var vid_el;
var sample_button_class; // Class of a sample button
var sample_button_index = 0; // index of a sample button
var button_size_base = "x"; // Determines if size of extension buttons is defined by width or height of sample button
var char_strat = "contain";
var char_got_ar = false;
var char_arx;
var char_ary;
var video_wrap;
// Here we store the window size, so we know when to trigger css change.
var winsize = {w: window.innerWidth, h: window.innerHeight};
// Video title for third party
var title = "";
// provider-specific variables
var netflix_cltbar_visibility = -1; // -1 for invisible, anything non-negative for visible
var netflix_periodic_timer;
// Stuff for other browsers
if(usebrowser == "chrome"){
browser = chrome;
function init(force_reload){
console.log("uw::init | starting init");
if(page_url.indexOf("youtu") != -1){
console.log("uw::init | we're on youtube. Page url:", page_url);
control_bar = "ytp-chrome-controls";
sample_button_class = "ytp-button ytp-settings-button";
player = document.getElementById("player")
player = document.getElementById("movie_player");
video_wrap = "video-stream";
return true;
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1){
console.log("uw::init | we're on netflix. Page url:", page_url);
player = document.getElementById("playerContainer");
var tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("player-status")[0];
return false;
// tmp.id = "uw_buttons_go_after_this";
ui_anchor = document.getElementsByClassName("uw-button-row")[0];
// var container = document.getElementsByClassName("player-control-bar")[0];
// if(! container || ! container.childNodes)
// return false;
// for(var i = 1; i < container.childNodes.length; i++){
// if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click){
// console.log("child node",i,"has next sibling",container.childNodes[i].nextSibling);
// }
// if(container.childNodes[i].className == "player-status"){
// console.log("a");
// var nnode = container.childNodes[i].parentNode.insertBefore(ui_anchor, container.childNodes[i].nextSibling);
// console.log("b", nnode, container.childNodes[i].nextSibling.nodeValue);
// break;
// }
// }
ui_anchor = document.createElement("div");
ui_anchor.className = "uw-button-row";
ui_anchor.id = "uw_anchor";
console.log("uw::init | we're on netflix. ui anchor: ",ui_anchor, "; ui anchor parent:", tmp);
// document.querySelector(".player-control-bar").appendChild(ui_anchor);
// console.log(document.querySelector(".player-control-bar"))
// console.log("trying insert-after trick", $("#uw_anchor"), $("uw_buttons_go_after_this"), tmp);
// $("#ui_anchor").insertAfter(".player-control-bar");
// console.log(
vid_el = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
sample_button_class = "player-control-button player-fill-screen";
video_wrap = "player-video-wrapper";
button_size_base = "y";
return true;
return false;
// Če ponovno naložimo dodatek, potem odstranimo star CSS. Lahko se zgodi, da je Tam spremenil CSS in hoče
// preveriti, če stvari zgledajo tako kot morajo. Če ima en razred/id več nasprotujoćih si definicij, potem
// nam to lahko povzroča težave. Za uporabnike je načeloma odstranjevanje obstoječega CSS brezpredmetno, ker
// uporabnik ponavadi ne bo reloadal razširitve.
// If we reload the extension, then we also remove our old CSS. It can easily happen that Tam changed CSS a bit
// and wants to see if things look roughly the way they should. We do this because if a class/id has multiple
// mutually exclusive definitions, we can get some problems with CSS not working the way it should. People who
// aren't Tam generally don't see the benefit as they won't reload the extension — let alone reload the extension
// after messing with CSS.
var uwcss = document.getElementsByClassName("uw_css");
while(uwcss && uwcss.length > 0)
// funkcija pomagač za ustvarjanje css linkov
// helper function for creating css links
function addLink(css_url){
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.className = "uw_css";
link.setAttribute("href", resourceToUrl(css_url));
// Vsaka stran dobi uw_common.css
// We add uw_common.css on every page
// Če smo na Youtube/youtube popupu, dodamo css za youtube elemente
// If we're on youtube/youtube popup, we add css for youtube elements
if(page_url.indexOf("youtu") != -1){
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1){
//BEGIN keybind-related stuff
// Yeah hi /r/badcode.
// Anyway, because nazi localstorage flat out refuses to store arrays:
0:{ action: "fitw",
key: 'w',
modifiers: []
action: "fith",
key: 'e',
modifiers: []
2: {
action: "reset",
key: 'r',
modifiers: []
3: {
action: "zoom",
key: "z",
modifiers: []
4: {
action: "unzoom",
key: "u",
modifiers: []
5: {
action: "char",
targetAR: (21/9),
key: "d",
modifiers: []
6: {
action: "char",
targetAR: (16/9),
key: "s",
modifiers: []
7: {
action: "char",
targetAR: (16/10),
key: "x",
modifiers: []
8: {
action: "char",
targetAR: (4/3),
key: "c",
modifiers: []
9: {
action: "autoar",
key: "a",
modifiers: []
var last_location = "";
var KEYBINDS = {};
browser.storage.onChanged.addListener(function(){console.log("storage has been updated!"); extSetup() } );
//END keybind-related stuff
//BEGIN comms with uw-bg
console.log("uw | Setting up comms with background scripts");
var num_of_msg = 0;
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message, sender, stuff ) {
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message)
console.log("uw::onMessage | message number: ", num_of_msg++ , "; message:", message );
if(message.message && message.message == "page-change"){
if(document.getElementsByClassName("uw_element").length === 0){
console.log("uw::onMessage | page was updated but control buttons aren't there. Trying to readd.")
// We don't do that if we zoomed or unzoomed
if(last_whatdo.what_do != "zoom" && last_whatdo.what_do != "unzoom")
changeCSS(last_whatdo.type, last_whatdo.what_do);
// Velikost gumbov posodobimo v vsakem primeru
// We update the button size in any case
console.log("uw::onMessage | message number:",num_of_msg," »» everything is done. Buttons: ", document.getElementsByClassName("uw-button"));
if(message.type && message.type == "arInfo"){
char_got_ar = true;
char_arx = message.arx;
char_ary = message.ary;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::onMessage | got aspect ratio (",char_arx,"/",char_ary,"), launching autochar");
// browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(request => {
// console.log("Message from the background script:");
// console.log(request.greeting);
// return Promise.resolve({response: "Hi from content script"});
// });
console.log("uw | Comms with background scripts: done");
//END comms with uw-bg
//BEGIN periodic functions
//Because onUpdated event isn't reliable enough for what we're doing on netflix.
function periodic() {
console.log("uw::periodic started!");
if(document.getElementsByClassName("uw_element").length === 0){
console.log("uw::periodic | no buttons detected. Readding.");
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
if(winsize.w != w && winsize.h != h){
console.log("uw::periodic | detected change in window size. Triggering css change");
winsize.w = w;
winsize.h = h;
// We don't do that if we zoomed or unzoomed
if(last_whatdo.what_do != "zoom" && last_whatdo.what_do != "unzoom"/* && last_whatdo.type != "autoar"*/){
changeCSS(last_whatdo.type, last_whatdo.what_do);
var controls = document.getElementsByClassName("player-controls-wrapper")[0];
console.log("uw::periodic | we found controls!");
var ind = controls.className.indexOf("display-none");
console.log("uw::periodic | ind:",ind,"last ind:",netflix_cltbar_visibility);
// controls must be visible. We must have not called updateCtlButtonSize before.
if( ind != netflix_cltbar_visibility ){
console.log("uw::periodic | toggled visibility");
netflix_cltbar_visibility = ind;
if(ind == -1)
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1 && autoar_enabled){
//Netflix-specific stuff
var qntitle = document.querySelector(".player-status-main-title");
var ntitle = "";
//querySelector lahko vrne null, zato moramo preveriti, kaj smo dobili — drugače se .textContent pritožuje.
//querySelector can return null, in which case .textContent will complain.
ntitle = qntitle.textContent;
char_got_ar = false;
if(qntitle && ntitle && ntitle != title){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::periodic | title changed. New title:",ntitle,"Old title:",title);
char_got_ar = false;
title = ntitle;
var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
type: "gibAspectRatio",
title: title
// sending.then( function(){}, function(err1, err2){console.log("uw::periodic: there was an error while sending a message", err1, err2)} );
//END periodic functions
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("uw::document.ready | document is ready. Starting extension setup ...");
function extSetup(){
last_location = window.location;
console.log("uw::extSetup | our current location is:", last_location);
console.log("uw::extSetup | initiating extension");
var ini = init();
console.log("uw::extSetup | init exited with", ini);
console.log("uw::extSetup | removing existing keydown event from document (useful if extension was previously loaded and we navigated to a different video)");
console.log("uw::extSetup | setting up keyboard shortcuts");
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1){
console.log("uw::extSetup | starting netflix-specific setup steps");
netflix_periodic_timer = setInterval(function(){ periodic(); }, 100);
console.log("======================================[ setup finished ]======================================");
function loadFromStorage(){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::loadFromStorage | loading stuff from storage.");
if(usebrowser == "chrome"){
browser.storage.local.get("ultrawidify_autoar", function(data){extsetup_autoar(data)});
browser.storage.local.get("ultrawidify_keybinds", extsetup_keybinds);
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::loadFromStorage | setting up autoar. opt:",opt)
var ask4keybinds = browser.storage.local.get("ultrawidify_keybinds").then(extsetup_keybinds);
function keydownSetup(){
console.log("uw::keydownSetup | starting keybord shortcut setup");
$(document).keydown(function (event) { // Tukaj ugotovimo, katero tipko smo pritisnili
// Tipke upoštevamo samo, če smo v celozaslonskem načinu oz. če ne pišemo komentarja
// v nasprotnem primeru ne naredimo nič.
// We only take actions if we're in full screen or not writing a comment
if( !(inFullScreen || (
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("role") != "textbox") &&
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("type") != "text")
console.log("We're writing a comment or something. Doing nothing");
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_message){
// console.log(KEYBINDS);
console.log("we pressed a key: ", event.key , " | keydown: ", event.keydown);
if(event.key == 'p'){
console.log("uw/keydown: attempting to send message")
var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
type: "debug",
message: "Test message, please ignore"
sending.then( function(){}, function(){console.log("uw/keydown: there was an error while sending a message")} );
console.log("uw/keydown: test message sent! (probably)");
for(i in KEYBINDS){
console.log("i: ", i, "keybinds[i]:", KEYBINDS[i]);
if(event.key == KEYBINDS[i].key){
console.log("Key matches!");
//Tipka se ujema. Preverimo še modifierje:
//Key matches. Let's check if modifiers match, too:
var mods = true;
for(var j = 0; j < KEYBINDS[i].modifiers.length; j++){
if(KEYBINDS[i].modifiers[j] == "ctrl")
mods &= event.ctrlKey ;
else if(KEYBINDS[i].modifiers[j] == "alt")
mods &= event.altKey ;
else if(KEYBINDS[i].modifiers[j] == "shift")
mods &= event.shiftKey ;
console.log("we pressed a key: ", event.key , " | mods match?", mods, "keybinding: ", KEYBINDS[i]);
console.log("uw::keydown | keys match. Taking action.");
if(KEYBINDS[i].action == "char"){
changeCSS("char", KEYBINDS[i].targetAR);
if(KEYBINDS[i].action == "autoar"){
changeCSS("anything goes", KEYBINDS[i].action);
document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function( event ) {
inFullScreen = ( window.innerHeight == window.screen.height && window.innerWidth == window.screen.width);
inFullScreen ? onFullscreenOn() : onFullscreenOff();
function extsetup_autoar(opt){
//Naslov resetiramo v vsakem primeru
//We always reset the title
title = "";
if(opt[0].ultrawidify_autoar === undefined){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::extsetup_autoar | autoar setting unavailavle in storage. Setting defaults.");
browser.storage.local.set({ultrawidify_autoar: uw_autoar_default});
autoar_enabled = uw_autoar_default;
autoar_enabled = opt[0].ultrawidify_autoar;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::extsetup_autoar | autoar",(autoar_enabled ? "enabled":"disabled"),"opt: ",opt);
last_whatdo = {type: "reset", what_do:"reset"};
function extsetup_keybinds(res){
if(!uw_keybinds_storage_set && (jQuery.isEmptyObject(res[0]) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds)) ){
console.log("uw::<init keybinds> | No keybindings found. Loading default keybinds as keybinds");
uw_keybinds_storage_set = true;
if(Object.keys(res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds).length == Object.keys(DEFAULT_KEYBINDINGS).length)
KEYBINDS = res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds;
KEYBINDS = res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds;
// remap 4:3 keybind from 'a' to 'c', but only if the keybind wasn't changed
var old_keybinds = Object.keys(res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds);
if(KEYBINDS[old_keybinds-1].key == "a" && KEYBINDS[old_keybinds-1].modifiers == []){
KEYBINDS[old_keybinds-1].key == "c";
KEYBINDS[old_keybinds] = {action: "autoar", key: "a", modifiers: []};
// console.log("res. ", res[0].ultrawidify_keybinds);
function check4player(recursion_depth){
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollWidth;
return true;
// Zato, ker predvajalnik ni vselej prisoten. Če predvajalnik ni prisoten,
// potem tudi knofov ni. Kar pomeni problem.
// Because the player isn't always there, and when the player isn't there the buttons aren't, either.
// In that case, the above statement craps out, throws an exception and trashes the extension.
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | seems there was a fuckup and no buttons were found on this page. No player (and therefore no buttons) found.");
recursion_depth = 0;
// If buttons weren't found, we relaunch init() just
return recursion_depth < playercheck_recursion_depth_limit ? check4player(++recursion_depth) : false;
return false;
function addCtlButtons(recursion_depth){
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | function started");
// Gumb za nastavitve je bolj kot ne vselej prisoten, zato širino tega gumba uporabimo kot širino naših gumbov
// Settings button is more or less always there, so we use its width as width of our buttons
// Na različnih straneh širino gumba poberemo na različne načine.
if(button_size_base == "y")
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollHeight;
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollWidth;
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | width of the element is ", button_width , "and is based on the height of this element:", document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index], " <extra tags: onMessage>")
// Zato, ker predvajalnik ni vselej prisoten. Če predvajalnik ni prisoten,
// potem tudi knofov ni. Kar pomeni problem.
// Because the player isn't always there, and when the player isn't there the buttons aren't, either.
// In that case, the above statement craps out, throws an exception and trashes the extension.
if(recursion_depth === undefined)
recursion_depth = 0;
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | seems there was a fuckup and no buttons were found on this page. No player (and therefore no buttons) found. Recursion depth:",recursion_depth);
// If buttons weren't found, we relaunch init() just in case
return recursion_depth < playercheck_recursion_depth_limit ? addCtlButtons(++recursion_depth) : false;
return false;
var button_def = [];
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1)
button_def = [ "fitw", "fith", "reset", "zoom", "uzoom"/*, "settings" */]; // No settings button on netflix until further notice
button_def = [ "fitw", "fith", "reset", "zoom", "uzoom", "settings" ];
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | trying to add buttons");
// Če je ta dodatek že nameščen, potem odstranimo vse elemente. Vsi top-level elementi imajo definiran prazen razred
// uw_element, prek katerega jih naberemo na kup. Ta del kode je tu bolj ali manj zaradi debugiranja.
// If this addon is already installed, we have to remove all prevously added elements (to avoid duplicating).
// The easiest way to gather all of them is to tack an empty class, 'uw_element,' to each top-level element we add.
// This is here mostly because debugging, but could also be useful in case of unforseen happenings.
var previousElements = document.getElementsByClassName("uw_element");
// Uporabimo while loop in vselej odstranimo prvi element. Tabela previousElements se z odstranjevanjem elementov
// krajša.
// Da, to je bil bug.
// --------------------------------
// As previousElements.length decreases as we remove elements, we use a while loop and remove the first element
// for as long as the array contains elements.
// Yes, that used to be a bug.
if(!debugmsg && !debugmsg_click){
// Če je debugmsg false, potem verjetno ne dodajamo nobenih novih funkcionalnosti, zaradi katerih bi bilo potrebno
// ponovno naložiti vmesnik. Zato tega ne storimo, temveč ohranimo stare gumbe. Ker so ok.
// If debugging is false, then we aren't adding any new features that would require us to reload UI. So we leave
// the old UI in place, because it should be good enough.
if(previousElements && previousElements.length > 0){
while (previousElements && previousElements.length > 0){
var check_width = false;
// If we're on youtube:
if(page_url.indexOf("youtu") != -1){
check_width = true;
var rctl;
var rctl_width;
var lctl_width;
var ctlbar_width;
player = document.getElementById("player");
player = document.getElementById("movie_player");
rctl = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls")[0];
rctl_width = rctl.offsetWidth;
lctl_width = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-left-controls")[0].offsetWidth;
ctlbar_width = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-chrome-controls")[0].offsetWidth;
// Ker na različne strani knofe dodajamo na različne načine, določanje lastnosti in dodajanje gumbov na
// vmesnik izvedemo posebej
// Because different pages require adding buttons to the UI in a different order, we handle defining button
// properties and adding buttons to the UI in different loops.
var btns = button_def.length;
var settings_menu_mid = document.createElement("div");
for(var i = 0; i < btns; i++){
buttons[i] = document.createElement('div');
buttons[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + resourceToUrl("/res/img/ytplayer-icons/" + button_def[i] + ".png") + ')';
buttons[i].style.width = (button_width * 0.75) + "px";
buttons[i].style.height = (button_width) + "px";
buttons[i].style.width = 0;
// buttons[i].style.marginLeft = (button_width * 0.3) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingLeft = (button_width *0.15 ) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingRight = (button_width * 0.15) + "px";
buttons[i].className += " uw-button uw_element";
// Tukaj dodamo gumbe na stran
// Here we add the buttons
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1){
for( var i = 0; i < btns; i++){
for( var i = (btns - 1); i >= 0; i--){
// Če na ctlbar ni prostora za vse knofe, potem skrijemo vse knofe razen tistega, ki ima popup z vsemi možnostmi
// If ctlbar doesn't have the space for all the buttons, we hide all except the one that contains the popup
// with all the options
if(check_width && (rctl_width + lctl_width) * 1.1 > ctlbar_width){ //TODO: don't hardcode that 4
for( var i = 4; i >= 0; i--){
buttons[0].onclick = function() { changeCSS("fit", "fitw") };
buttons[1].onclick = function() { changeCSS("fit", "fith") };
buttons[2].onclick = function() { changeCSS("reset", "reset") };
buttons[3].onclick = function() { changeCSS("fit", "zoom") };
buttons[4].onclick = function() { changeCSS("fit", "unzoom") };
// Knof za nastavitve ima še vgnezden meni, ki ga dodamo tu (privzeto je ta meni skrit)
// Settings button contains a menu that's nested in the element. By default, that menu is
// hidden.
if(btns > 5){
buttons[5].onclick = function() {
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click)
console.log("uw::kbm <button[5] onclick> | we clicked the button 5 with id uw-smenu. Button:",document.getElementById("uw-smenu"));
buttons[5].id = "uw-settings-button";
var settings_menu = document.createElement("div");
var smenu_ar_menu = document.createElement("div");
var smenu_el = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){
smenu_el[i] = document.createElement("div");
var smenu_ar_options = [];
//Če rabimo skriti gumb za nastavitve, potem mora biti i=1
//If we need to hide settings button, then we should make i=1
//FIXME: knof za nastavitve ne radi (nastavitve se ne odprejo)
//FIXME: 'settings' button on the player doesn't work
for(var i = 1; i < smenu_el.length; i++){
smenu_el[i].className += "uw-setmenu-item uw_element";
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
smenu_ar_options[i] = document.createElement("div");
smenu_ar_options[i].className = "uw-setmenu-item uw_element";
settings_menu.id = "uw-smenu";
settings_menu_mid.className = "uw-setmenu uw_element";
// settings_menu.className = "uw-setmenu uw_element";
settings_menu.className = "uw_element";
smenu_el[0].id = "uw-smenu_settings";
smenu_el[6].id = "uw-smenu_ar";
smenu_ar_menu.id = "uw-armenu";
smenu_ar_menu.className = "uw-setmenu uw_element";
// Stvari, ki se spreminjajo, se določijo tukaj
// Things that can change are defined here.
var smenu_item_width = (button_width * 7.5);
var smenu_item_fontSize = (button_width * 0.5);
var smenu_ar_item_width = (smenu_item_width / 3);
var smenu_item_height = button_width;
// Popup meni je lahko visok največ 75% višine predvajalnika
// Popup menu can be at most 75% of the video player tall
var smenu_max_h = player.clientHeight * 0.75;
// Če je popup večji, kot 80% predvajalnika, potem ga pomanjšamo. Višina elementa na popupu je približno enaka
// višini knofa. Gumbi so načeloma kvadratni, zato je višina enaka širini.
// If the popup menu is taller than 80% of the player, we resize it. height of an element in the popup is roughly
// equal to the height of a button. Buttons are generally squares, so width is equal to heigth. (And if it's not,
// that's still close enough for us!)
var smenu_default_h = button_width * smenu_el.length;
if(smenu_max_h < smenu_default_h){
var scale_factor = smenu_max_h / smenu_default_h;
smenu_item_width *= scale_factor;
smenu_item_fontSize *= scale_factor;
smenu_item_height = button_width * scale_factor;
smenu_ar_item_width *= scale_factor;
settings_menu.style.bottom = (button_width * 1.5) + "px";
settings_menu.style.width = smenu_item_width + "px";
settings_menu.style.fontSize = smenu_item_fontSize + "px";
smenu_ar_menu.style.right = smenu_item_width + "px";
smenu_ar_menu.style.width = smenu_ar_item_width + "px";
smenu_ar_menu.style.bottom = "0px";
for(var i = 0; i < smenu_el.length; i++){
smenu_el[i].style.width = smenu_item_width + "px";
smenu_el[i].style.height = smenu_item_height + "px";
smenu_el[i].style.fontSize = smenu_item_fontSize + "px";
for(var i = 0; i < smenu_ar_options.length; i++){
smenu_ar_options[0].height = smenu_item_height + "px";
// Tukaj se določa notranji HTML knofov
// Inner HTML of elements is defined here
smenu_el[6].textContent = "Force aspect ratio";
smenu_el[0].textContent = "Settings";
smenu_ar_options[0].textContent = "4:3";
smenu_ar_options[1].textContent = "16:10";
smenu_ar_options[2].textContent = "16:9";
smenu_ar_options[3].textContent = "21:9";
smenu_el[5].textContent = "Fit width";
smenu_el[4].textContent = "Fit height";
smenu_el[3].textContent = "Reset";
smenu_el[1].textContent = "Zoom in";
smenu_el[2].textContent = "Zoom out";
// Pritisneš gumb, nekej zakon se more narest.
// — Bioware
// ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMcVZQI6ybw | [NVZD] )
// Press the button, something awesome has to happen.
// — Bioware
// ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMcVZQI6ybw | [NSFW] )
$(smenu_el[6]).on("mouseenter", function(){showMenu("uw-armenu")});
$(smenu_el[6]).on("mouseleave", function(){hideMenu("uw-armenu")});
// event.stopPropagation, ker nočemo togglati še funkcij od knofa za popup z nastavitvami
// event.stopPropagation, because we don't want to trigger onclick functions of the settings popup button in
// the player bar
smenu_ar_options[0].onclick = function(event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("char", ( 4/3 )); };
smenu_ar_options[1].onclick = function(event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("char", (16/10)); };
smenu_ar_options[2].onclick = function(event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("char", (16/9 )); };
smenu_ar_options[3].onclick = function(event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("char", (21/9 )); };
// smenu_el[0].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); showSettings() };
smenu_el[5].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("fit" ,"fitw" ) };
smenu_el[4].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("fit" ,"fith" ) };
smenu_el[3].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("reset","reset" ) };
smenu_el[1].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("fit" ,"zoom" ) };
smenu_el[2].onclick = function (event) {event.stopPropagation(); changeCSS("fit" ,"unzoom") };
console.log("uw::addCtlButtons | buttons added");
return true;
function updateCtlButtonSize(){
// Gumb za nastavitve je bolj kot ne vselej prisoten, zato širino tega gumba uporabimo kot širino naših gumbov
// Settings button is more or less always there, so we use its width as width of our buttons
// Na različnih straneh širino gumba poberemo na različne načine.
if(button_size_base == "y")
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollHeight;
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollWidth;
// Zato, ker predvajalnik ni vselej prisoten. Če predvajalnik ni prisoten,
// potem tudi knofov ni. Kar pomeni problem.
// Because the player isn't always there, and when the player isn't there the buttons aren't, either.
// In that case, the above statement craps out, throws an exception and trashes the extension.
console.log("uw::updateCtlButtonSize | seems there was a fuckup and no buttons were found on this page. No player (and therefore no buttons) found.");
var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("uw-button");
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++){
buttons[i].style.width = (button_width * 0.75) + "px";
buttons[i].style.height = (button_width) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingLeft = (button_width *0.15 ) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingRight = (button_width * 0.15) + "px";
var smenu_item_width = (button_width * 7.5);
var smenu_item_fontSize = (button_width * 0.5);
// var smenu_ar_item_width = (smenu_item_width / 3);
var smenu_item_height = button_width;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click)
console.log("uw::updateCtlButtonSize | changing css of menu items");
var settings_menu = document.getElementById("uw-smenu");
settings_menu.style.bottom = (button_width * 1.5) + "px";
settings_menu.style.width = smenu_item_width + "px";
settings_menu.style.fontSize = smenu_item_fontSize + "px";
// smenu_ar_menu.style.right = smenu_item_width + "px";
// smenu_ar_menu.style.width = smenu_ar_item_width + "px";
// smenu_ar_menu.style.bottom = "0px";
// smenu_ar_men
buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("uw-setmenu-item");
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++){
buttons[i].style.width = smenu_item_width + "px";
buttons[i].style.height = smenu_item_height + "px";
buttons[i].style.fontSize = smenu_item_fontSize + "px";
function onOpen(){
console.log("uw | Options page opened");
function onError(err){
console.log(`Error: ${error}`);
console.log("uw | Error opening the page", err);
function showSettings(){
// Ta funkcija se proži, ko vstopimo ali izstopimo iz celozaslonskega načina
// This function gets triggered by full screen state change
function onFullScreenChange(){
// Popravimo velikost gumbov
// Let's fix the button size:
var button_width = document.getElementsByClassName(sample_button_class)[sample_button_index].scrollWidth;
for( var i = 5; i >= 0; i--){
buttons[i].style.width = (button_width * 0.75) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingLeft = (button_width *0.15 ) + "px";
buttons[i].style.paddingRight = (button_width * 0.15) + "px";
document.getElementById("uw-smenu").style.bottom = (button_width * 1.5) + "px";
//Sedaj poglejmo še, če lahko v nadzorno vrstico spravimo vse gumbe
//Let's see if we can get all the buttons in the control bar
// var rctl = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls")[0];
// Ta funkcija se proži, ko gremo v celozaslonski način
// This function triggers when we enter fullscreen mode
function onFullscreenOn(){
// Ta funkcija se proži, ko gremo ven iz celozaslonskega načina
// This function triggers when we leave fullscreen mode
function onFullscreenOff(){
function manual_autoar(){
if(page_url.indexOf("netflix.com") != -1){
var ntitle = document.querySelector(".player-status-main-title");
//querySelector lahko vrne null, zato moramo preveriti, kaj smo dobili — drugače se .textContent pritožuje.
//querySelector can return null, in which case .textContent will complain.
var title = ntitle.textContent;
char_got_ar = false;
last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do:"autoar"};
var sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage({
type: "gibAspectRatio",
title: title
// sending.then( function(){}, function(err1, err2){console.log("uw::periodic: there was an error while sending a message", err1, err2)} );
function changeCSS(type, what_do){
console.log("uw::changeCSS | starting function. type:", type, "; what_do:",what_do);
var evideo = $("video")[0];
console.log("uw::changeCSS | no video element found. Doing nothing.");
var video = { width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight };
var nplayer = { width: player.clientWidth, height: player.clientHeight };
console.log("uw::changeCSS | video dimensions:",video.width,"x",video.height,"; player:",nplayer.width,"x",nplayer.height);
// Youtube predvajalnik privzeto resetira CSS ob prehodu v/iz fullscreen. Tukaj shranimo zadnje dejanje,
// da ga lahko onFullscreenOff/onFullscreenOn uveljavita.
// Youtube player resets CSS on fullscreen state change. Here we save the last action taken, so
// onFullscreenOff/onFullscreenOn are able to preserve it (if we want).
last_whatdo = {type:type, what_do:what_do};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handlanje dejanj se zgodi pod to črto
// Handling actions happens below this line
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (type == "autoar"){
if (type == "char"){
console.log("uw::changeCSS | trying to change aspect ratio.");
// char = CHange Aspect Ratio
char(what_do, video, nplayer);
if (what_do == "reset"){
console.log("uw::changeCSS | issuing reset.");
resetCSS(video, nplayer);
// Velikost videa spreminjamo samo, če smo v celozaslonskem načinu ALI če NE pišemo komentarja
// Videa ne spreminjamo tudi, če uporabljamo vrstico za iskanje.
// We only change video size when we're in full screen OR if we are NOT writing a comment.
// We also leave video alone if we're using the search bar
if(inFullScreen || (
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("role") != "textbox") &&
(document.activeElement.getAttribute("type") != "text")
console.log("uw::changeCSS | trying to fit width or height");
changeCSS_nofs(what_do, video, nplayer);
function char(new_ar, video, player){
// Kot vhodni argument dobimo razmerje stranic. Problem je, ker pri nekaterih ločljivostih lahko razmerje stranic
// videa/našega zaslona minimalno odstopa od idealnega razmerja — npr 2560x1080 ni natanko 21:9, 1920x1080 ni
// natanko 16:9. Zato ob podanem razmerju stranic izračunamo dejansko razmerje stranic.
// The aspect ratio we get as an argument is an ideal aspect ratio. Some (most) resolutions' aspect ratios differ
// from that ideal aspect ratio (by a minimal amount) — e.g. 2560x1080 isn't exactly 21:9, 1920x1080 isn't exactly
// 16:9. What is more, both 3440x1440 and 2560x1080 are considered "21:9", but their aspect ratios are slightly
// different. This has the potential to result in annoying black bars, so we correct the aspect ratio we're given
// to something that's slightly more correct.
var ar;
var res_219 = [ [2560,1080], [3440,1440] ];
var res_169 = [ [1920,1080], [1280,720], [1366,768] ];
if(new_ar == (21/9)){
for (var i = 0; i < res_219.length; i++){
if( player.height == res_219[i][1]){
ar = res_219[i][0]/res_219[i][1];
set_video_ar( ar, video, player);
else if(new_ar == (16/9)){
for (var i = 0; i < res_169.length; i++){
if( player.height == res_169[i][1]){
ar = res_169[i][0]/res_169[i][1];
set_video_ar( ar, video, player);
set_video_ar(new_ar, video, player);
function autochar(){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::autochar | starting. Did we get ar?",char_got_ar,"What about arx and ary?",char_arx,char_ary);
if(!char_arx || !char_ary)
var ar = char_arx / char_ary;
last_whatdo = {type: "autoar", what_do: "autoar"};
/* Tukaj povemo, kakšno razmerje stranic ima video.
// Kaj to pomeni:
// Mi rečemo, da ima video razmerje stranic 16:9. Dejanski video
// ima razmerje 4:3. To pomeni, da ima video zgoraj in spodaj črno
// obrobo, ki je nočemo, zato video povečamo toliko, da se ta obroba odreže.
// With this function, we specify the aspect ratio of the video.
// What does this mean?
// If we specify that the aspect ratio of a video is 16:9 when video is
// actually 4:3, that means the video has black bars above and below.
// We zoom the video just enough for the black lines to disappear.
// WE DO NOT ADD ANY BLACK BORDERS. If we get to a scenario when we'd have to add
// black borders, we do nothing instead.
function set_video_ar(aspect_ratio, video, player){
var video_ar = video.width / video.height;
var display_ar = player.width / player.height;
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | aspect ratio: " + aspect_ratio + "; video_ar: " + video_ar + "; display_ar: " + display_ar);
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | player dimensions: " + player.width + "x" + player.height + "; video dimensions: " + video.width + "x" + video.height);
if( aspect_ratio*1.1 > video_ar && video_ar > aspect_ratio*0.9 ){
// Ta hack nas reši problema, ki ga predstavlja spodnji if stavek — če se legit 21:9 videu na 16:9 monitorju
// obreže na 16:9, potem ga s klicem te funkcije ne moremo spremeniti nazaj na 21:9. Vendar pa bi za tak primer
// radi imeli izjemo.
// This hack solves the problem that the bottom if statement presents. If we crop a 21:9 video on a 16:9 monitor,
// we can't change it back to 21:9 in this function, even though we kinda want that to happen — so we add an
// exception.
if( debugmsg)
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | ar matches our display ar. resetting");
resetCSS(video, player);
// Širina, višina, top, left za nov video
// Width, height, top and left for the new video
var nv = { "w":0, "h":0, "top":0, "left":0 };
// Video hočemo pretvoriti v video z drugačnim razmerjem stranic.
// To storimo tako, da širino videa nastavimo relativno na višino prikazovalnika, torej:
// širina = višina_prikazovalnika * razmerje_stranic
// višina = širina / video_ar
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In this case, the video is narrower than we want (think 4:3, which we want to make into 16:9)
// We achieve this by setting video width relative to the display width, so:
// width = display_height * aspect_ratio
// height = width / video_ar
if( video_ar <= aspect_ratio ){
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is taller than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio );
nv.w = player.height * aspect_ratio;
nv.h = nv.w / video_ar;
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
console.log("uw::set_video_ar | reached pre-calc. Video is wider than ar. target ar: " + aspect_ratio );
nv.h = player.width / aspect_ratio;
nv.w = nv.h * video_ar;
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
if(nv.w > (player.width * 1.1) && nv.h > (player.height * 1.1))
// Ta funkcija ugotovi, kako se kvadrat s podanim razmerjem stranic najbolj prilega ekranu
// Predpostavimo, da so ćrne obrobe vselej zgoraj in spodaj, nikoli levo in desno.
// This function determines how a rectangle with a given aspect ratio best fits the monitor
// We assume letterbox is always letterbox, never pillarbox.
function set_best_fit(ar){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | got ar:",ar);
var player = {width: this.player.clientWidth, height: this.player.clientHeight};
var player_ar = player.width / player.height;
var evideo = $("video")[0];
var video = {width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight};
var video_ar = video.width / video.height;
// Ob predpostavki, da je argument 'ar' pravilen, naračunamo dimenzije videa glede na širino in višino predvajalnika
// Kot rezultat laho dobimo dve možnosti:
// A: naračunana širina je širša, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo širino (letterbox zgoraj/spodaj,
// levo/desno pa ne)
// B: naračunana širina je ožja, kot naš zaslon —> za računanje uporabimo višino (letterbox levo/desno,
// zgoraj/spodaj pa ne)
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | here's all we got. ar:",ar,"player:",player,"video:",video);
var tru_width = player.height * ar;
var tru_height = player.width / ar;
var nv = {w: "", h: "", top: "", left: ""};
if(ar >= video_ar){
if(ar >= player_ar){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | aspect ratio is wider than player ar.")
nv.h = player.width / video_ar;
nv.w = nv.h * ar;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | aspect ratio is narrower than player ar.", (player.height * ar), nv)
nv.w = player.height * ar;
nv.h = nv.w / video_ar;
if(ar >= player_ar){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | aspect ratio is wider than player ar.")
nv.h = player.width / ar;
nv.w = nv.h * video_ar;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | aspect ratio is narrower than player ar.", (player.height * ar), nv)
nv.w = player.height * video_ar;
nv.h = nv.w / ar;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | new video width and height processed. nv so far:", nv)
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h)/2;
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w)/2;
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_autoar)
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | tru width:",tru_width,"(player width:",player.width,"); new video size:",nv);
console.log("uw::set_best_fit | css applied");
function resetCSS(video, player){
console.log("uw::resetCSS | resetting video size");
var nv = {"w": 0, "h": 0, "top": 0, "left": 0};
var vidaspect = video.width / video.height;
var scraspect = player.width / player.height;
if( vidaspect > scraspect ){ // Video je širši od okna | video is wider than window
nv.w = player.width;
nv.h = player.width / video.width * video.height;
// Lahko se zgodi, da je prišlo do zaokroževalne napake ter da je dejanska višina videa le nekaj pikslov drugačna,
// kot višina predvajalnika. V tem primeru zavržemo prej dobljeni rezultat in namesto tega privzamemo, da je višina
// videa enaka višini predvajalnika.
// It's possible to have a rounding error where calculated height of the video is only a few pixels different from
// the player height. In such cases, we discard the calculated video height and use player height instead.
if( player.height - 4 < nv.h && nv.h < player.height + 4 )
nv.h = player.height;
nv.top = (player.height - nv.h) / 2;
nv.left = 0;
nv.h = player.height;
nv.w = player.height / video.height * video.width;
if( player.width - 4 < nv.w && nv.w < player.width + 4)
nv.w = player.width;
nv.top = 0; //itak zasedemo 100% višine
nv.left = (player.width - nv.w) / 2;
function changeCSS_nofs(what_do, video, player){
console.log("uw::changeCSS_nofs | arguments: what_do:",what_do,"; video:", video,"; player:", player);
var w;
var h;
var top;
var left;
var evideo = $("video")[0];
var video = {width: evideo.videoWidth, height: evideo.videoHeight, scrollw: evideo.scrollWidth, scrollh: evideo.scrollWidth};
var ar = video.width / video.height;
console.log("uw::changeCSS_nofs | video dimensions:", video.width, "x", video.height, "; ar:",ar);
if(what_do == "fitw" || what_do == "fit-width"){
// Ker bi bilo lepo, da atribut 'top' spremenimo hkrati z width in height, moramo najprej naračunati,
// za kakšen faktor se poviša višina. To potrebujemo, da se pravilno izračuna offset.
// 100vw = window.innerWidth
// window.innerWidth / videoWidth = x
// Če pomnožimo videoHeight z x, dobimo novo višino videa. Nova višina videa je lahko večja ali manjša
// kot višina ekrana. Če je višina videa manjša kot višina ekrana, bo top pozitiven, drugače negativen:
// nvideoh = x * videoWidth
// top = (window.innerHeight - nvideoh) / 2
// Z 2 delimo, ker hočemo video vertikalno poravnati.
w = player.width;
h = player.width / video.width * video.height;
console.log("uw::changeCSS_nofs | w:",w,"; h:",h);
top = (player.height - h) / 2;
left = 0; // Ker zavzamemo vso širino | cos we take up all the width
if(what_do == "fith" || what_do == "fit-height"){
h = player.height;
w = player.height / video.height * video.width;
top = 0; //itak zasedemo 100% višine
left = (player.width - w) / 2;
if(what_do == "zoom"){
// Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
h = video.scrollh + (player.height * zoomStep);
w = video.scrollw + (player.height * zoomStep * ar);
/* Zakaj računamo širino na tak način?
// Predstavljajte si, da imamo 2100:900 video v 1600:900 škatli, zoomStep = 0.1. Če bi širino računali po formuli:
// širina = širina_videa + (širina zaslona * zoomStep)
// Potem bi bila nova velikost videa 2260 x 990. Razmerje stranic: 2.28 (moglo bi biti 2.33 — video je popačen).
// Zaradi tega novo širino rajši povečamo za razliko_v_višini * razmerje_stranic
// 2100 + (900 * 0.1 * (2100/900)) =
// 2100 + (90 * 2.333) = 2310
// Razmerje stranic (2310x990) je tako 2.333 — tako, kot bi moglo biti.
// ============================================================================================================
// Why did we calculate width this way?
// Imagine we have a 2100x900 video in a 1600:900 container, zoomStep = 0.1. If we calculated width using this:
// width = video_width + (container_width * zoomStep)
// then the new size would be 2260 x 990. This gives us an aspect ratio of 2.28 instead of 2.33 (which is what it
// should be). Because of that we rather increase the width by delta_height * aspect_ratio:
// 2100 + (900 * 0.1 * (2100/900)) =
// 2100 + (90 * 2.333) = 2310
// This gives us the correct aspect ratio and prevents video deformations.
top = (player.height - h)/2
left = (player.width - w) / 2;
if (h > player.height * 4){
console.log("But this video is ... I mean, it's fucking huge. This is bigger than some rooms, this is bigger than some people's flats!");
// Insert obligatory omnishambles & coffee machine quote here
console.log("(No really, mate, you took this way too far already. Can't let you do that, Dave.)");
if(what_do == "unzoom"){
// Video povečujemo na tak način, da sta zoom in unzoom povečata oz. zmanjšata video za enak korak
// We do this so zoom and unzoom steps change video sizes for the same amount
h = video.scrollh - (player.height * zoomStep);
w = video.scrollw - (player.height * zoomStep * ar);
top = (player.height - h)/2
left = (player.width - w) / 2;
if (h < player.height * 0.25){
console.log("don't you think this is small enough already? You don't need to resize the video all the way down to the size smaller than your penis.");
console.log("(if you're a woman, substitute 'penis' with whatever the female equivalent is.)");
var dimensions = { h: h, w: w, top: top, left: left };
function applyCSS(dimensions){
dimensions.top = Math.round(dimensions.top) + "px";
dimensions.left = Math.round(dimensions.left) + "px";
dimensions.w = Math.round(dimensions.w) + "px";
dimensions.h = Math.round(dimensions.h) + "px";
$("video").css({"width": dimensions.w,"height": dimensions.h,"top": dimensions.top, "left": dimensions.left});
console.log("uw::applycss | css applied. Dimensions/pos: w:",dimensions.w,"; h:",dimensions.h,"; top:",dimensions.top,"; left:",dimensions.left);
function inIframe(){
try {
return window.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
function resourceToUrl(img){
return chrome.extension.getURL(img);
function showMenu(id){
console.log("uw::showMenu | showing menu with id ", id, "\n\n", document.getElementById(id));
function toggleMenu(id){
if(debugmsg || debugmsg_click)
console.log("uw::toggleMenu | toggling menu with id", id, "\n\n", document.getElementById(id));
function hideMenu(id){
console.log("uw::hideMenu | hiding menu with id " + id);
if(document.getElementById(id)) //Safety check in case there's no element with such id