Tamius Han
Fixed the issue where zooming in would go forever.
2017-01-14 15:17:26 +01:00
Tamius Han
Fixed the zooming issue on netflix.
2017-01-14 11:03:53 +01:00
Tamius Han
Keyboard shortcuts of this extension now override everything else.
2017-01-09 20:31:07 +01:00
Tamius Han
onUpdated doesn't work the way we want (at least not for netflix), so instead of relying on that we just check for changes periodically.
2017-01-04 23:23:41 +01:00
Tamius Han
Netflix is nearly prod-ready
2017-01-04 00:07:34 +01:00
Tamius Han
Netflix support, 3/4 of the way there.
2017-01-03 20:56:01 +01:00
Tamius Han
Keypresses are fixed again. Probably.
2017-01-02 17:45:51 +01:00
Tamius Han
Netflix is now supported (kinda, there's some issues with extension loading). Keyboard shortcuts are broken across the board.
2017-01-02 12:29:43 +01:00
Tamius Han
Updated README.md to include changelog. uw-bg.js and uw.js should only contain minor cosmetic changes.
2016-12-29 20:41:23 +01:00
Tamius Han
Fixed the 'sometimes extension doesnt load' bug some more: background script sends updates about page updates at most once every two seconds. If the UI is found when the content script is notified of the change, the UI doesn't get reloaded anymore (unless debugmsg
is set to 'true').
2016-12-29 19:41:54 +01:00
Tamius Han
Roughly fixed the issue when extension wouldn't work in certain cases. Roughly fixed because the event that triggers UI redrawing fires all the time.
2016-12-21 23:25:05 +01:00
Tamius Han
Changed background image a bit, disabled 'settings' option in player popup, disabled debugging messages.
2016-12-08 22:34:32 +01:00
Tamius Han
Settings page is more or less finished and works. Might need minor fixes before v1.0rc1 becomes v1.0.
2016-12-07 23:58:43 +01:00
Tamius Han
Settings page is now nearly operational, missing only saving and loading of the keyboard shortcuts.
2016-12-06 23:33:29 +01:00
Tamius Han
Removed fonts, using webfonts instead. Kinda-finished css, uw.js now also loads CSS.
2016-12-04 23:02:15 +01:00
Tamius Han
Taking CSS out of the uw.js and placing it into its own file, laid out the foundations for this change in manifest.json. NOTE: this commit just laid the groundwork,
uw_common.css is unfinished (font-face block isn't even properly closed) and uw.js wasn't updated to include CSS files yet.
2016-12-04 12:01:38 +01:00
Tamius Han
When extension is reloaded, it now cleans youtube's UI after itself. If buttons can't fit on the player's control bar, all buttons except the 'settings' one get hidden. (So
at the moment, they DO NOT get re-enabled when switching to fullscreen and back again. TODO!). If the settings popup is taller than player, it gets scaled down. (Aspect
ratio submenu doesn't. FIXME!)
2016-12-04 00:43:05 +01:00
Tamius Han
Fixed bug where advanced options popup (wrench) wouldn't hide when an item on the popup was clicked. Gave README.MD a long-due update regarding which version of the
extension is on AMO
2016-12-02 23:30:21 +01:00
Tamius Han
Added all buttons to settings menu. TODO: detect if buttons take too much space on the control bar.
2016-11-29 19:54:05 +01:00
Tamius Han
Keybinds are now stored to localstorage. The code is a mess tho
2016-11-16 19:52:09 +01:00
Tamius Han
(Probably) fixed key shortcuts not working issue, started preparations for settings screen and rebindable keys
2016-11-15 22:28:39 +01:00
Tamius Han
Added 'settings menu' — at the moment, the only option in there is to force aspect ratio. (More thorough README.MD changes are coming soon)
2016-10-23 20:47:14 +02:00
Tamius Han
Fixed minor incorrect belief in README.MD
2016-10-22 21:25:19 +02:00
Tamius Han
Added buttons to youtube player. Added changelogs and quick GUI tutorial to README.MD. Made manifest.json a bit less agressive with matching (<all_urls> -> youtube).
2016-10-22 20:49:15 +02:00
Tamius Han
manifest.json now contains update URL. uw.js contains half-finished code for adding buttons
2016-10-20 23:34:45 +02:00
Tamius Han
General code cleanup, slight refactoring, forcing specific aspect ratio is now an experimental feature, updated README.MD to reflect changes.
2016-10-18 23:07:28 +02:00
Tamius Han
initial commit
2016-10-16 16:44:55 +02:00